

展讯·HdM 北京 |于洋个展《物极必反》

开幕时间:2018 年 12 月 8 日(周六) 16:00 - 18:00

展览时间:2018 年 12 月 8 日 - 2019 年 1 月 12 日

展览地点:HdM 北京 | 北京市朝阳区酒仙桥路 4 号 798 艺术区七星东街

HdM 画廊高兴地宣布我们即将于 12 月 8 日在北京空间举办艺术家于洋的个展《物极必反》,该展览为于洋和 HdM 画廊合作的第二次个展,也是在北京空间的第一次个展。届时将展出于洋最新创作的水墨装置作品。展览持续至 2019 年 1 月 12 日。



©HdM 画廊

于洋,《无序与有序 No.3》,纸本水墨、木,120x67x11cm,2018

此次展览的作品均为艺术家于洋 2018 年最新创作的作品,整个空间运用他最擅长的媒介创造了一种状态,可总结为“物极必反”。木材是实体物,应用广,可塑性强,与人的关系密切,是一种空间性材料。水墨承载文化和精神世界,而木材更多的存在于现实,两者的结合实际上是一场对话,是精神与现实之间的对话。


©HdM 画廊


于洋,1979 年出生于内蒙古乌兰浩特,2013 年毕业于中央美术学院,获硕士学位。“冷墨”艺术小组成员,工作生活于北京。他的作品曾在多家艺术机构展出,如中国美术馆(北京,中国)、龙美术馆(上海,中国)、民生美术馆(北京,中国)、后乐美术馆(东京,日本)、也受到了众多画廊的支持,包括东京画廊(北京,中国)、芳草地画廊(北京,中国)、3812 画廊(香港,中国)等。

Exhibition: Yu Yang | Opposites Attract

Opening: 2018.12.08 (Sat.), 16:00 - 18:00

Duration: 2018.12.08 - 2019.01.12

Location: HdM Beijing | 798 Art District, No.4 Jiuxianqiao Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing

HdM GALLERY Beijing Space is delighted to announce our forthcoming exhibition ‘Opposites Attract’, a solo show of artist Yu Yang. This is his second cooperation with HdM GALLERY and his first solo show in Beijing. The exhibition will showcase the artist's latest ink painting installations. The show will open on December 8th and last until January 12th 2019.

About the Exhibiton

Yu Yang is adept at using the characteristics of water, ink and paper to create a unique visual experience. For him, the combination of these three materials forms the main external representation of Chinese traditional painting and calligraphy, but nowadays, the goal of ink painting is not to write or paint, but to liberate people from the cultural burden of ink painting, to release the cultural attributes of a particular material, and to close up the distance between past and present to create more possibilities.

The works of the exhibition are Yu Yang’s latest, dating from 2018. The whole space showcases the medium in which he excels, to create a state that can be summarized as ‘Opposites Attract’. Wood is the substance, widely used, malleable, and close to men, it is a kind of spatial material. Ink painting embodies the cultural and spiritual world, while wood is more entrenched in reality: the combination of these two is in fact a dialogue between spirit and reality.


Yu Yang, One Thing and Another, ink on paper, wood, 120x118x15cm, 2018

As Yu Yang says ‘Actually, the spiritual and the real world have always been interrelated’. When spirituality and reality are artificially combined, it appears that the traditional world of the mind is no longer the content delivered by a traditional visual experience, but is controlled by the visual effect of real objects, namely wood, and extending to space. Wood is separated from its attributes after being attached to an intellectual value, and becomes an object with cultural connotations; water, ink and paper, which are traditional objects of culture, have become materialized physical beings, operating a transformation and forming a new visual experience. They are released. Hence the name ‘Opposites Attract.’

Yu Yang, born in Ulanbator, Inner Mongolia in 1979, graduated from the Central Academy of Fine Arts with a master degree in 2013. He is a member of the ‘Cold Ink’ art group, and now lives and works in Beijing. His work has already been largely exhibited including at National Art Museum of China (Beijing, China), The Long Museum (Shanghai, China), Minsheng Art Museum (Beijing, China), +BTAP TOKYO Gallery (Beijing, China), Parkview Green Art (Beijing, China), 3812 Gallery (Hong Kong, China), etc.


北京市朝阳区酒仙桥路 4 号 798 艺术区七星东街,100015,中国


+ 86 10-59789320

周二至周六 11:00 – 18:00


42 Conduit Street, Mayfair, London W1S 2YH


周一至周五 10:00 –18:00 

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