

Slush China 2020 | 'Reboot the Future' Online Pitc...

Hello Slushers :)

Slush China 2020

'Reboot the Future' online pitching 

Session 4 - Health Tech is Coming!

Pitch  Date & Time


15:00 - 17:00 (UTC+8)

On 22nd May, Slush China will hold the Health Tech International Online Pitching and invite investors, corporates, startups, incubators, media(up to 300 attendees) to join us. After pitching, we will hold an Online Panel, focusing on the integration of innovative technology and the health sector, international cooperation in Health Tech, not only providing a match-making platform for attendees but also giving them industry and customer insights. In addition, as the sponsor, AWS Activate Program will provide all the participating startups AWS Promotional Credits to help them grow better.

5月22日,Slush中国'重启未来' 线上路演系列活动第4季 -“健康科技”主题线上路演将邀请投资人,大企业,初创企业、孵化器及媒体代表等(300名参会者)参与。路演后,我们也将组织国际投资人与医疗专家组成圆桌,重点讨论创新技术与医疗行业的融合,国际医疗技术合作等前沿话题,希望不仅为参会者提供匹配对接平台,也能为大家提供一些行业干货。此外,AWS云将作为活动赞助商,为初创企业提供云服务抵扣券,助力他们的成长。

In the past few months, during the recession, the sectors of medical equipment, healthcare services, digital health, and other related fields have grown against the fall. In the first quarter in 2020, the global Health Tech field raised 25.956 billion US dollars, a growth of 42.46% comparing to the last year. COVID-19 has greatly impacted people's living and working style, posed great challenges to the national healthcare systems, and the global economy, it also created opportunities for startups in the health tech sector to go forward. 


What Will You Get ?

1. Matchmaking chance with top investors, corporates, leading-edge startups and other leaders in the health tech industry, including Zhenfund, MicroPort, GTJA Investment Group, Linear Capital, Hillhouse, ShuLan health,etc.

2. Free AWS credit - As a sponsor for Slush China online pitching series, AWS Activate Program will provide all the participating startups 5k USD (or 30k RMB) AWS Promotional Credits.

3. Opportunity to present on the pitching stage of Slush Shanghai on Oct. 15&16th, a 15k-people top annual global tech&startup event. 


1. 和顶级投资人、医疗集团、初创企业进行匹配对接的机会,包括真格基金、微创医疗、高特佳医疗投资集团、高瓴资本、树兰医疗、阿斯利康等。

2. 免费AWS云额度- AWS云创计划为报名路演的初创公司提供3万元人民币或者5,000美金的AWS云服务抵扣券。

3. 在10月15和16日Slush上海万人大会现场路演舞台上获得对媒体、投资人、潜在大企业合作伙伴的曝光。

How to Join the Pitch

Scan the QR Code in the poster or click here to sign up before 1 pm, May 15th (UTC+8).

Search [Hello_Slushers] and add on WeChat. You’ll be invited into our WeChat group for this online pitching for more information,  interaction, and communication with other participants.




Pitching Startups

Tailai Bioscience is a biotechnology company founded by medical experts and seasoned scientists, providing disruptive biopsy products and services based on proprietary multi-omics technology. We believe in Prevention Rather Than Cure.

TaiLai Biosciences team has been cooperating with world-renowned hospitals and thought-leaders for advanced cancer screening technology with multi-omics and machine learning based on a great number of clinical data. Our products and services make it possible to locate, identify, and intervene in the patients’ disease early enough, which could significantly increase the recovery rate.


我们信奉“防大于治”, 深耕于生物多组学及液体活检技术的科研及转化,通过研发的一系列疾病精准筛查技术服务,帮助大众客户更早发现健康隐患,实现有效防范;或让医生的诊疗在早期即可介入,大幅降低救治难度,提高生存率。


Hopstem BioengineeringLtd. Co was established in Hangzhou, 2017, by neuroscience and stem cell scientists from Johns Hopkins University. Hopstem has established a world-leading platform of differentiating human embryonic stem cells (ESC) or induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) into high-quality neural progenitor cells and functional subtypes of neural cells. 

Hopstem devoted to developing cell replacement therapies with GMP-grade neural cells for those who suffer from neurological disorders, including stroke, traumatic brain injury, AD, PD and ALS, etc. On the other hand, Hopstem also provides physiological relevant human neural cells, brain organoids and services to promote in vitro disease modeling for drug discovery, high throughput drug screening, and toxicology studies for CNS disorders. With developed patents in iPSC reprogramming, neural differentiation, and 3D brain organoids technology innovation, Hopstem was voted among “Top 50 Most Innovative Chinese Biomedical Companies in 2019”.


团队所研发的人源细胞或类器官组织和技术可被广泛应用于脑卒中,自闭症,老年痴呆,ALS,脊髓损伤,帕金森症,癫痫,精神分裂症神经疾病的机理研究,药物筛选、药理毒理评估及临床治疗产品的研发等。霍德生物的目标是研发和转化最前沿的干细胞技术从而推进神经系统疾病的治疗。霍德生物凭借在iPSC重编程,神经分化和3D脑类器官技术创新方面的已开发专利,被评选为“ 2019年中国生物医学创新公司50强”。

Quantilogic Healthcare is a high-tech company specializing in medical imaging and medical data analysis. Our company is committed to the clinical translational research and applications of quantitative image analysis, radionics, and machine-learning technologies, developing software platforms for evaluation of treatment response in oncology and clinical trials. Our company's long-term goal is to establish an integrated medical data analysis platform for early cancer screening, computer-aided diagnosis, evaluation and prediction of treatment response.


D&P Bioinnovations, LLC, D&P is a regenerative medicine company focused on repairing damaged organs with engineered biomaterials and stem cells. The company has developed a platform absorbable immunomodulatory medical device implant to regenerate damaged organs: gastro-intestine, blood vessels, nerves, tendons/ligaments, and muscle. This platform technology can address the global regenerative medicine market that is expected to accrue over $110 billion by the mid-2020s. D&P’s first therapeutic indication is developing an implantable, bioresorbable medical device to regenerate a damaged esophagus (organ providing food to the stomach).

D&P Bioinnovations,LLC 是一家再生医学公司,致力于利用工程生物材料和干细胞修复受损器官。该公司开发了一种可吸收平台的免疫调节医疗器械植入物,用于再生受损的器官:肠胃,血管,神经,腱/韧带和肌肉。该平台技术可以满足全球再生医学市场的需求,到2020年代中期,这一市场预计将超过1100亿美元。D&P产品的第一个治疗适应症是开发一种可植入的,可生物吸收的医疗设备,以再生受损的食道。

xixilab HK LLC provides a tooth straightening service using invisible braces without the need for monthly office visits. No longer is it necessary to wait in line at a hospital to see a doctor - technology is transforming how healthcare is delivered and lowering the cost. By leveraging technology to monitor treatments, customers can achieve more successful treatments while saving time and money - xixilab is one-third of the market price. A beautiful smile is becoming a status symbol in China like it is abroad. As a result, oral health is one of the fastest-growing segments of beauty in China. xixilab uses advanced imported materials and an international dental team to create a truly personalized invisible braces experience.


XFOLD is a nano surface that can be added to glass or plastic slides or sensors used for example in microscopy will 100 folds biomedical imaging without requirements to upgrade or modernize existing fleet of equipment nor change working processes. We are looking for 1M€ to transfer IP from University to be established company. Aside from IP, most of the investment requirements go to sales and marketing activities, running and expanding pilot customers, building mass production capabilities and expanding high volume application areas. 


Jury&Panel Speaker

GaoPeng Chen


Vice President 

Gaopeng Chen is a Vice President at ZhenFund and focuses on early-stage healthcare opportunities. 

Prior to joining ZhenFund, Gaopeng was an investment professional at Langsheng Investment. Gaopeng began his career at Eli Lilly China, where he participated in the development of multiple drugs.

Gaopeng received a B.S. from Sichuan University and obtained a Ph.D. from LKS Faculty of Medicine, the University of Hong Kong. He also conducted research at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. 




Dr. Lv Wener



Dr. Lv is the Business Development Director of MicroPort. Dr. Lv's primary responsibilities focus on the area of biomedical technology innovations, including the global investment and cooperation, incubation program for start-ups, and the leading of a Ph.D. team specializing in AI+ medical technologies. 

Prior to his current position, Wener has served in a few biomedical start-ups and venture capital firms in the US. Dr. Lv was awarded a Ph.D.. from MIT and received his BSc and MSc from Tsinghua.



战略投资及合作案例:Robocath、NDR Medical、Rapid Medical等。


Health Capital Helsinki 


Juha leads Health Capital Helsinki (HCH), a health tech & life science ecosystem developing program, supported and funded by the largest cities, leading universities, and the main hospital in Finland.  

Before joining HCH a year ago, Juha did a 30-year career in the pharmaceutical and biotech industry. Most recently he has been country manager for Sandoz (a Novartis company) and before that a Business Unit Director at GSK. 

Health Capital Helsinki is building the greatest health capital in Helsinki. Due to the leading position in Finland and the best Nordic position towards Asia, HCH is helping you get connected with ecosystems & startups in Finland and in Nordic countries. 



Inka Mero

Voima Ventures

Founder & Managing Partner

Inka Mero is the founder and managing partner of Voima Ventures, the first true deep tech VC fund in the Nordics. Voima Ventures invests in science-based startups and has a mission to solve global problems by combining science, entrepreneurship, and growth capital. 

Inka has close to 25 years of global growth business, entrepreneurship, CEO, and VC investor experience from various technology-related businesses, including mobile software, gaming, e-commerce, big data & analytics, and deep tech. She is an investor in 50+ companies and serves on the board of several public companies.

Inka Mero是Voima Ventures的创始人和管理合伙人。Voima Ventures是北欧的深科技风险投资基金,投资于以科技为基础的初创公司,其使命是通过结合科学,企业家精神和资本来解决全球性问题。


Chandler Chen


I·Campus Director

Chandler Chen is the I·Campus Director of AstraZeneca China. He is responsible for the overall development of the I·Campus, bringing in global innovative life-science companies into China market and provide value-add solutions from incubation, acceleration to commercialization. He will support the enhancement of AstraZeneca holistic solutions and platform strategy, by developing I·Campus towards an open innovation platform to global life science companies and AstraZeneca partners. 

Chandler used to be the partner of first chain ambulatory surgery centers in China. Prior to that, Chandler was the investment director at Puhua Capital, investing in and managing 10 more life-science portfolio companies across the device, digital, distribution, insurance, and service sectors. Chandler received his MBA degree from CEIBS and Bachelor's degree in International Economics&Trade from China Foreign Affairs University.




1:51:02 Highlights:Slush China 2020 'Reboot the Future' online pitching - AI+FinTech

About Slush “Reboot the Future“ 

Online Pitch Series 

These series are meant to provide value for entrepreneurs during the difficult times of Covid-19 and encourage entrepreneurs to be radically innovative to create a new future.

During the past 3 months, we have organized three online pitches including on AI, IoT, and Fintech, which were well received in the startup ecosystem.




Slush entered China in 2015 with its debut event in Beijing. Since 2016, Slush China brought this world-class tech event to Shanghai, Nanjing, Shenzhen, and welcomed more than 35,000 tech-heads, 3,000 volunteers, 4,000 startups, 500 speakers from all across the world. As one of Slush's global tech events, Slush China serves as a platform for global startups to meet top investors, corporate, and media. Forbes magazine listed Slush as a top international startup & technology event in China.

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