

飘出心灵的歌 ...质感的男低音 Leonard Cohen a thousand kis...
Leonard Cohen a thousand kisses deep
The ponies run, the girls are young, 小马疾奔,女孩们正青春
The odds are there to beat. 前途充满不定与变数
You win a while, and then it’s done . . .你才小赢,随即结束- ^, T! J5 G; s' Q. {. j0 ?$ |! Z
Your little winning streak. 你一点点的好运4 S2 i2 e4 B. C. V4 O
And summoned now to deal 你现在受召,必须面对' p/ E" t$ Q' b9 \6 G5 o
With your invincible defeat, 你如排山倒海的溃败
You live your life as if it’s real, 你汲汲营营,彷佛生活是真# @% B7 A0 @! ~9 \9 |1 e9 D
A thousand kisses deep. 在千吻之深
I’m turning tricks, I’m getting fixed, 我正舞动长袖,我越陷越深
back on boogie street. 我又回到滚滚红尘
You lose your grip, and then you slip 你失去重心,你大意失足) R' d" d& ]4 E$ b: @, }3 y; Q: g
Into the masterpiece. 跄踉跌进那部旷世巨著
And maybe I had miles to drive, 也许我还有迢迢长路, o1 Y* A, x' W  Y$ n8 v
And promises to keep: 还有应允过的承诺无数6 s  _' O) U. z$ H  q
You ditch it all to stay alive, 但为求保身,你得全部舍弃& }3 ]- X+ J& b* E  d( T4 a9 u
A thousand kisses deep. 在千吻之深
And sometimes when the night is slow, 有时,当长夜漫漫* x4 S- T$ E& s( n' u
The wretched and the meek, 贫苦与软弱的人们
gather up our hearts and go, 聚拢我们的心,走吧
A thousand kisses deep. 在千吻之深
m% P
Confined to sex, we pressed against 局限在性里,我们不断探求
0 c% f8 i1 K& b% aThe limits of the sea: 要跨越大海最远的疆界! b% \2 P, S1 o
I saw there were no oceans left 直到我发觉,再也没有海洋
For scavengers like me. 为我这样一个拾荒者存留5 S+ t* H0 A& `+ [% |  ^/ d! {9 t
I made it to the forward deck. 我费力走上前甲板
I blessed our remnant fleet ¨c 给我们残破的船队最后的祝福5 L  ~$ D8 a% w) x( V1 ~
And then consented to be wrecked, 同意被摧毁击沈
thousand kisses deep. 在千吻之深
I’m turning tricks, I’m getting fixed, 我正舞动长袖,我越陷越深
I’m back on boogie street. 我又回到滚滚红尘
I guess they won’t exchange the gifts 我猜他们不会换走3 K+ [6 M0 e0 L4 ?: b
That you were meant to keep. 原本属於你的礼物
And quiet is the thought of you, 静谥是我对你的思念6 a* [- B+ \4 t5 z! ?; {
The file on you complete, 为你建立的档案已经完全
Except what we forgot to do, 除了我们忘了去做的部份
A thousand kisses deep. 在千吻之深
And sometimes when the night is slow, 有时,当长夜漫漫4 }; o3 F8 t1 r' y7 _, s
The wretched and the meek, 贫苦与软弱的人们
We gather up our hearts and go, 聚拢我们的心,走吧
A thousand kisses deep. 在千吻之深& F* ?0 m/ V, j
. f4 Z- K, a7 f9 m0 Y# {! m* ^& H
The ponies run, the girls are young, 小马疾奔,女孩们正青春# x, z, v/ K, j# I1 G" ~
The odds are there to beat . . .前途充满不定与变数/ u+ k; M4 Q% [
0 E6 Y/ O& M
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千吻之深 A Thousand Kisses Deep
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千吻之深(A Thousand Kisses Deep)
A Thousand Kisses Deep 中英字幕 (Allah制) -- Leonard Cohen
A Thousand Kisses Deep
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