

  一般现在时主要有如下几点用法:1、经常性或习惯性的动作。例如:It seldom snows in Suqian now. 2、现在的特征或状态。例如:He loves sports. 3、普遍真理,一般规律。例如:Light travels faster than sound./ Fish soon goes bad in hot weather. 4、可以用来表示一个按规定,计划,安排或时刻表要发生的情况,一般都有一个表示未来时间的状语。通常用来表示学期什么时候要开学、结束;飞机、火车、汽车、船只等交通工具什么时候要到达,什么时候要离开等时刻表上已有安排的活动。动词一般限于少数几个,如:begin, start, stop, arrive, come, go, leave, return, open, close, be等。例如:My plane leaves at 11 a.m. tomorrow./ School begins the day after tomorrow. 5、在if, when, as soon as, until, after, before等连接词引导的时间或条件状语从句中,从句中谓语动词要用一般现在时,主句要用将来时。例如:Turn off the light before you leave./ We will start as soon as you are ready.
  关于一般现在时应注意以下几点:a. 在间接引语中,如果转述的是客观真理,一般规律,谚语俗语,一般现在时时态保持不变。例如:He said the earth is round.  b. if引导的条件状语从句中用一般现在时表示将来的情况;但if作为"是否"意思时,其引导的宾语从句如果表示将来的情况则用一般将来时。When作为"当、、时候",引导状语从句时,从句用一般现在时表示将来的情况,如:When he comes, I will let you know;如果引导的是宾语从句,表示"什么时候",则将来的情况仍然用一般将来时,如:I don't know when he will visit me. c. 一些时间副词如seldom, usually, sometimes, often, never, every day等既可以用于过去时,也可以用于一般现在时。要注意区分。例如:He often goes swimming. / He often went swimming in 1999.

  1.Mum, _______ shall we have lunch?
  We will have it when your dad_________.(2007年连云港)
  A. when; returns     B. where; returns   C. where; will return   D. when; will return
  2.Tomorrow will be Father's Day. What will you do for your father?
  I will say "I love you, Daddy" as soon as he _______ up. (2007年南通)
  A. will wake        B. is waking       C. wakes            D. woke
  简析:C。as soon as"一、、就、、",引导时间状语从句。从句中一般现在时表示将来的情况。
  3. Our teacher said light________ faster than sound. (2007年宿迁)
  A. travelled         B. has travelled     C. is travelling       D. travels
  4.Let's go fishing if it _______ this weekend.
  But nobody knows if it_______.(2006年扬州)
  A. is fine, will rain  B. will be fine, rains    C. is fine, rains D. will be fine, will rain
  5.Is your father a doctor? 
  Yes, he is.  He________ in Town Hospital. (2006年武汉)
  A. has worked        B. had worked        C. works         D. worked


  现在进行时主要有以下用法:1、表示现在或现在这一阶段正在进行的动作。常见的时间状语:right now, at present, at the moment, now.常见的标志性动词如:look, listen等。例如:Someone is asking for you on the phone. 2、表示一个在最近按计划或安排要进行的动作。多有一个表示未来时间的状语。这种情况仅限于少量动词,如:go, come, leave, start, arrive, work, have, stay, play, return等。例如:--Tom, supper is ready. Come quickly. -OK. I'm coming.
  注意:表示状态和感觉的动词如果指现在情况的话,一般不用于进行时,而要用一般现在时。这样的动词有:love, like, hate, want, hope, need, wish, know, understand, remember, belong, hear, see, seem, have(有), sound(听起来), taste(尝起来)等。

  1.Where's your mother, Helen?
  She________ the flowers in the garden. (2007年镇江)
  A. waters         B. watered      C. is watering      D. has watered
  2.Hurry up! It's time to leave.  --OK, ________.(2006年孝感)
  A. I'm coming   B. I'll come     C. I've come        D. I come
  简析:A。"I'm coming"意思是"我就来"。现在进行时表示最近按安排要进行的动作。
  3.Shall we invite Tom to play football now?
  Oh, no. He         his clothes.(2006年泸州)
  A. is washing     B. washes         C. has washed        D. washed


  一般过去时主要有以下用法:1、表示过去某时发生的动作或情况(包括习惯性动作)。常见的时间状语有:yesterday, last night/week, a month ago/ ten years ago和具体的过去时间in 1990, in 2006等。例如:She often came to help me when I was in trouble. 2、发生的时间不是很清楚,但实际上是过去发生的。例如:How nice to see you here! I thought you were out.
  要注意区分一般过去时和过去进行时。一般过去时表示过去发生的事情,侧重结果;而过去进行时只表示过去某段时间正在进行的动作,而不涉及结果。例如:He was writing a letter last night.(不知道是否写完了) / He wrote a letter last night. (结果写完了)

  1. Simon________ his fingers when he was cooking the dinner. (2007年盐城)
  A. burnt         B. was burning       C. has burnt         D. had burnt
  2.I'm sorry you have missed the bus. It_________ five minutes ago.
  What a pity! (2006年徐州)
  A. was leaving     B. has left       C. left            D. leaves
  简析:C。根据"five minutes ago"可知是指过去的事情,且表示的是结果,用一般过去时。
  3.Mr. Johnson, we have found your watch.
  My watch!Thank you. Where____    it?(2006年绍兴)
  A. do you find        B. have you found   C. did you find     D. were you finding


  过去进行时主要有以下用法: 1、谈论过去的某个时刻或某段时间正在进行的事。例如:I was reading the newspaper at 6.30 this morning. 2、当过去某一件事情发生时,另外一个动作正在进行。此时,延续性动词用过去进行时,瞬间动词用一般过去时。例如:The earthquake started while I was doing some shopping. 3、可以表示从过去某个时候看来将要发生的事。例如:When his son arrived, the old man was dying.

  1.I came to your home yesterday afternoon, but nobody was in.
  Oh, we_______ some shopping in the supermarket.(2007年南通)
  A. have done          B. did            C. were doing       D. are doing
  2.What do you think of the colour of my new dress?
  Sorry, but what did you say? I_________ about something else. (2007年扬州)
  A. think              B. thought        C. am thinking     D. was thinking
  3. I _______my homework while my parents          TV last night.(2006年南京)
  A. did; have watched                  B. was doing; were watching
  C. had done; were watching            D. would do; were watching


  现在完成时主要有以下用法:1、谈论开始于过去某个时候而且持续到现在的一个动作。例如:Eddie has lived with Millie since he was born. 2、谈论过去发生的动作,并且和现在存在联系。即过去的某个动作对现在产生影响。Eddie has eaten my food.  (Eddie ate the food and now Hobo has nothing to eat.) 但是如果单纯谈一个过去的动作,不涉及它对现在的影响时,通常用一般过去时。
  现在完成时常见的时间状语有:for+一段时间;since+过去的某个时间;so far, yet, recently, over/in the last/past +一段时间;(once, twice, )three…times, never, ever, up to now, these days例如:I haven't seen him these days./ Have you ever seen each other before?

  1.Hello,this is Lily speaking.Could I speak to Mr. Black?
  Sorry.He______ the Xuanwu Lake Park.(2007年南京)
  A. has been to           B. went to       C. has gone to     D. will go to
  简析:C。说话者此时不在,说明此时已去了玄武湖公园,用现在完成时表示到目前为止还在持续的动作。has been to表示已去过某个地方,而现在不在那个地方了。
  2.Would you like to see the film with me?
  I'm sorry I __________it twice. (2007年北京)
  A. see          B. will see   C. have seen    D. am seeing
  3. In the past few years there       great changes in my hometown.(2007年天津)
  A. have been            B. were        C. had been       D. are
  简析:A。over/in the last/past +一段时间为现在完成时的时间状语。
  4.Kitty, will you go to see the film -Cold Mountain this evening?
  No, I won't. I          it already. (2006年南京)
  A. saw       B. have seen     C. see    D. will see


  过去完成时表示过去某个行为或某件事发生之前就已经发生的动作或情况。例如:Hepburn had been a model before she became a Hollywood superstar.

  1.Did you see Mr. Chen yesterday afternoon?
  No. When I got to school, he_______ already. (2006年扬州)
  A. left    B. has left   C. was leaving   D. had left


  表示将来时态的结构很多。主要有以下几类:1、be going to do…表示计划, 打算做某事,例如:I'm going to visit my grandparents next Friday evening.也可以表示根据目前情况很可能要发生的事。例如:It's cloudy. It's going to rain. 2、一般现在时,可以用来表示一个按规定,计划,安排或时刻表要发生的情况,一般都有一个表示未来时间的状语。例如:My cousin finishes school next year. 3、现在进行时可以表示一个在最近按计划或安排要进行的动作。例如:Are you going to the wetlands photo show next week? 4、一般将来时,will/ shall do..,在第一人称I/ We的句子中,可以用shall引导;各种人称都可以用will表示一般将来时。
  注意:1、时间,条件状语从句中,从句一般用一般现在时表示将来,而主句要用一般将来时。例如:I will go shopping when I am free. 2、临时决定要做某事通常用一般将来时。例如:--Tom is ill in hospital.  -Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. I will go and see him. 3、将来时态常见的时间状语有:常见的时间状语:next Tuesday, next week, the coming Sunday, this afternoon, tomorrow, tonight等。

  1."Ann is in hospital."
  "Yes, I know. I________ her tomorrow." (2007年盐城)
  A. visit          B. used to visit     C. will visit     D. am going to visit
  简析:D。从Yes, I know.可知对方事先已知道Ann生病的消息,已有了去看望她的计划和打算。be going to do表示计划打算做某事。
  2. Mr. Smith__________ a talk on country music next Monday. (2007年北京)
  A. give   B. gave   C. has given  D. will give
  简析:D。next Monday为一般将来时的时间状语。
  3.You've left the light on.
  Oh, sorry._______and turn it off.(2006年泰州)
  A. I've gone      B. I'11 go        C. I went         D. I'm going
  4.Joan, you are late!  --Sorry, I ______ next time. (2006年浙江)
  A. don't    B. won't     C. am not      D. haven't
  简析:B。next time是将来的时间状语。表示以后不会再迟到了,所以应用一般将来时。
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