

Module 2 Unit 1 Have you ever entered a competition? 学案

Module 2 Unit 1 Have you ever entered a competition? 学案 总编号No: 4

命题人:               审核人:

一.Learning aims:

() New words:

experience,ever, competition ,airport, cabin, steward, captain, country, take off, before, problem, wonderful, prize, reckon, sound, brilliant, dream

() Important sentences:

Have you ever entered a competition? Yes, I have./ No ,I haven’t.


() 根据首字母和句义完成单词

1. Have you ever entered a c______?

2. The plane t____ off just now.

3. I have never v_____ New York.

4. The first p_____ is the holiday of your dreams in England.

5. Please write about a wonderful e_______ after the holiday.

6.He has been to some c______ and has many foreign friends.

7. Because of the thick fog, they have to close down the a_____. Planes can't take off or land at the moment.

8. The teacher had got angry b_____ he could explain something.

9.My d______ is to be a doctor one day.

10 Your idea s________ great.

() 用所给词的适当形式填空

1.We _____(plant) some flowers in the garden last week.

2.A: I ______(lose) my purse!   B: Bad luck! When _____ you ___(lose) it?

 A: I _____(lose) it last night.

3. David _____(finish) his homework just now.

4. The monkeys are full,because we ______(feed) them.

5. I’ve _____(read) the story before.

6. She’s _____ (forget) his phone number. So she can’t call him.

7.He ______(not finish) his homework yet. He often _____(finish) it at five in the afternoon.

8. Excuse me. Have you _____(see) my notebook?

I _____(put) it on the desk a moment ago.

9.I _____ never _____(speak) to a foreigner.

10. Li lei ______(learn) 1,000 English words since last year.

11. Do you dream of _____(visit) Beijing?


() 写出下列动词的过去式和过去分词

1. stay        2. try       3. enter     4. plan       5. buy

6. spend      7. leave     8. take      9. send       10. swim

() 单项选择

1.The movie sounds _____, I have seen it three times.

A. interesting  B. well  C. bad  D. boring

2. ---Look! The plane _____.--- Yes. I think it’s flying to London.

A. took off   B. is taking off  C. landed   D. is landing off

3. ---Have you _____ been to Water World? --- No, I haven’t.

A. also    B.too   C. already   D. ever

4. We met her in the street ____ last week.

A. one day   B. some day   C. on day   D. any day

5. I ______ for my book everywhere, but I can’t find it.

A. looked  B. have looked   C. looking   D. look

6. ______ Tom ____ dumpings before?

A. Did--- make  B. Does--- make   C. Is--- making   D. Has--- made

7.They _____ the music. They say it is very wonderful.

A. listened to   B. have listened to  C. are listening to  D. listen to

8. We ______ my pen yesterday, we will buy another ones.

A. have lost  B. lost  C.lose   D. am losing



1. Have you find my backpack yet?

2. I think she will come back in three days, don’t I?

3. My grandfather enjoys reads newsapers in the morning.

4. Have you invited your uncle come to your birthday party?

5. The plane has taken off a little late last Friday.

() 句型转换

1.Jim finished his homework.(改为现在完成时)   Jim ______ ______ his homework.

2. He has come into the classroom.(改为同意句)   He _____ ____ the classroom.

3. We’ve ever watched the TV play.(改为一般疑问句)

 _____ you ever ______ the TV play?

4. I’ve always wanted to travel around Europe.(划线提问)

 ___  ______ you always wanted ______ ______?

5. He has never visited the USA, ______ ________?(反义疑问句)

6. How much is the ticket?(同意句)   ______ the ______ of the ticket?

7.Have you worked out the maths problem?(做否定回答) 


1. 你参加了昨天的比赛了吗?

Did you ______ ______ ______?

2. 我以前得过比赛一等奖。

I ________ won the first ________ in the competition _______.

3. 我认为我的梦想是周游世界。你觉得怎么样?

I _______ traveling the world is my _______. _______ do you ______?

4. 保罗昨天送她一个关于英国的DVD.

Paul _______ her a DVD______ England.

5. 我们邀请他和我们住一天怎么样? 听起来不错啊!

 ---What about _______ him _____ _____ with us for one day? ---It _____ ______.

6. 有人想和你谈话

_______ wants to talk with you.

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