

Improved Balance Exercise
A popular move used in yoga, this balance exercise will help you stay focused and relaxed. Learn beginner and advanced variations, as well as a hip-opening stretch.
Improved Balance Exercise
Hi, I‘m Leslie Nesbitt for About.com Health. I‘m going to show you a balancing move that also opens the hips.Balance for Beginners
If you‘re just beginning, be patient because you may fall. It‘s ok, we all do that! Also you may want to be near a wall. You can place your fingertips there for balance. Or if there‘s a chair in front of you just lightly place your fingertips on it. Don‘t rely on that chair too much.Move Into the Balance Position
Shifting your weight to one foot, we‘re going to lift the other foot up above the knee. Now the supporting knee needs to be slightly bent to create a place for this leg to balance onto. You also may want to find a spot to gaze at on the wall in front of you or in front of you on the floor.
Make sure the toes on the supporting foot are grounded and steady so they can help you to balance.Start the Hip-Opening Stretch
We‘re going to take this knee and open it up, creating a little bit of an opening here in the hip. Now if you feel secure here you can take the arms overhead. Don‘t push it, for many of us this is plenty. Step down when you‘re ready and go on to the other side.Advanced Balance Variations
Now if you‘re a little more advanced you can start to drop the tailbone back to the heel, maybe even coming as far down as the chest on the thigh. Keep breathing as you do this, keep that steady gaze, and there‘s a lot of mental focus that comes along with these balancing positions.
Of course next we‘re going to step down and go to the other side.
To learn more, visit us on the Web at health.about.com.
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