

m 8:14 am
(8:14:42):     Hi Jin
me 8:14 am
(8:14:46):     hi
om 8:15 am
(8:15:06):     Great, we can talk this way
me 8:15 am
(8:15:12):     yes.
rdbm 8:15 am
(8:15:49):     OK, so I read your CV and your letters and have learned some about you. Tell me just a bit about your training prior to graduate school
me 8:16 am
(8:16:49):     OK, my major is clinical medicine before i went to graduate school
ac.com 8:17 am
(8:17:35):     When did you first experience laboratory science? Did you receive training in your clinical medicine period or was that mostly classwork
me 8:19 am
(8:19:55):     I began my laboratory science two years ago when I got my bachelor degree.I received two years clinical medicine training and three years classwork
ly@mac.com 8:20 am
(8:20:49):     Once you receive your Ph.D., what is your current professional goal?
me 8:22 am
(8:22:25):     to be a Scientist ,not to be a docotor
ac.com 8:23 am
(8:23:22):     I understand. I started out thinking I would be a medical doctor and then realized that my talents lay in investigative science and I moved in that direction and was hooked. What is it that draws you to research over the clinic?
me 8:25 am
(8:25:43):     I think to be a doctor not a good choice in China. My father is a doctor ,but I don't want to be a person like him. I love laboratory work, although feel boring sometimes.
rdblakely@ (8:26:27):     When does it get boring for you? I don't mean that it isn't sometimes tedious, but what do you like to do the most and when does it get tedious for you?
me    8:30 am
(8:30:20):     I fell very tedious when the results not very good after repeated many times. But only sometimes.most of time I fell lab work is very good for me
he 8:31 am
(8:31:23):     How many scientists are there in your current lab and how does your mentor guide you?
me 8:32 am
(8:32:56):     eleven scientists in my current lab.my mentor give me some support in my experiment skill and ideas
he 8:33 am
(8:33:43):     Are the scientists like yourself or are there scientists at different stages? Do any others aspire to run their own lab? Is that your goal?
me 8:36 am
(8:36:31):     There are two Professor and there associate Professor .the rest of us is the PhD student.Yes,Have my own lab is my goal.

(8:37:57):     by the way, How we can voice chat ?

(8:38:30):     I am typing very slowly.i am sorry about it.
he 8:39 am
(8:39:07):     I thought we could do that. I will plan a call with you next week. Sorry about that. Anyway, this is working OK for me
me 8:39 am
(8:39:30):     ok,thank you.

(8:39:39):     Thank you for your time.
hem 8:40 am
(8:40:22):     Would you be interested in learning molecular biology and computational modeling approaches to study drug/protein interactions. There are some possibilities there. Or are you more interested in animal studies?
me 8:41 am
(8:41:43):     yes, i am  interested in animal behavior test.I am also interested in SERT molecular biology.
me 8:43 am
(8:43:56):     Computational modeling approaches is a new field for me,but I would like to get a try if I have a opportunity.
he 8:45 am
(8:45:27):     We have some projects that relate to ---。。。。。。。。。。. Have you seen our paper on 。。。。that describes its impact 。。。。。). As for computational modeling, you would get exposed to this but likely not do it except for learning how to display results. Its pretty specialized and would require focus and advanced study. But if you saw it and thought it was good for your future, you could always seek further training. How about 1 and 2 above?
me 8:49 am
(8:49:43):     Yes,I seen your paper on 。。。. I think 1 and 2 both are fine for me.As for the computational modeling ,it's a really challenge for me, but I think it is good for my future,especially in China.
he 8:51 am
(8:51:00):     So with respect to your application, what would you need from me? Do you have to write a formal proposal related to what you will do or is it based on your recommendations and academic standing?
me 8:52 am
(8:52:12):     Yes, I need a formal prorosal and a fromal invitation.
he 8:52 am
(8:52:55):     Do you know how long the proposal is supposed to be?
me 8:54 am
(8:54:58):     I don't the exactly  how long the proposal,but just a brief proposal.I will check it for later
m 8:57 am
(8:57:56):     OK, so do you have any questions of me at this point? As I said, I think I will arrange a telephone call next week
me 8:59 am
(8:59:31):     Yes,I wanna know if I can get a publication about my work
9:01 am
(9:01:26):     That would be my expectation? Indeed, I would not have you work on anything that does not lead to a publication. Authorship position on a publication depends on whether you are able to fully complete a study in the time you would have. You indicated 6 mos to 1 year in one communication and then longer in another. Do you know what the supported period is?
me 9:03 am
(9:03:12):     the support period is one year
m 9:06 am
(9:06:04):     I suspect you know that Science is often about luck but it is also about preparation, insight and cleverness. It is certainly not unreasonable to expect that the major work for a publication in a good journal can get done in a year and likely also contributions to other projects. Then there is the writing/revision/submission/revision etc.

(9:07:20):     The key thing is of course to publish very good and important studies. Always my goal
me 9:08 am
(9:08:09):     yes, I know.That is the requirement of CSC(China Scholarship Council).com 9:08 am
(9:08:25):     Right, just as it should be
me 9:08 am
(9:08:56):     yes,I will do my best to get.Trust me.

(9:09:37):     I am sorry about my typing speed.
com 9:11 am
(9:11:44):     So we have had a good initial discussion. How about I call you next Monday at 5:00. Tomorrow through Sunday is our Thanksgiving Holiday. I can call you from my office (I am at home now) and invite one of my Chinese fellows to join me in the discussion. Sound good?
me 9:13 am
(9:13:05):     OK, That's very good for me. Thank you very much.The time is fine for me next week.Thank you.
.com 9:14 am
(9:14:18):     OK, I will email you again on Monday just ahead of our call to make sure we are all available. Thanks for your time
me 9:15 am
(9:15:16):     Ok,Thank you very much . I am really appreciate for you time. Happy Thanksgiving Day.
.com 9:15 am
(9:15:54):     Good bye
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