

Bing Content Removal Tool

Content Removal: Report Broken Links or Outdated Cache Pages

Use this page to inform Bing of any content that you have removed due to a legal right, requirement, or otherwise.

The Content Removal Tool allows you to notify Bing about two types of outdated content in our web results:

  1. Pages that appear in our web search results that are broken links (404 - Not Found)
  2. Pages that appear in our web search results that contain outdated content in the cached version of the page
If you are the webmaster or site owner of the site you wish to remove content for, please verify your site in Webmaster Tools and use the Block URLs tool to remove a URL or cached page from the Bing search results.

Removing a Broken Link (Page Removal)

When a page has been removed from a website it will eventually drop out of our search index as we re-crawl the page and find it is gone. However, this re-crawl process can take time. The Content Removal tool allows you to notify us of the fact that the URL of the page is broken (404 - Not Found). If you submit a page removal requests, we will check whether the page is in fact no longer live on the web and if that is the case, we will expedite the process of removing the URL from our search results. If, however, the URL points to a page that is still live on the web, you are given the option to remove outdated cached content instead. If we are unable to determine either (for example, because we cannot connect to the server on which the page resides) you will not be able to submit a page removal or outdated cache removal request at this moment in time.

Steps to Submit a Page Removal Request

You can submit a page removal request for a page that is no longer live on the web (404) by doing the following:

  • Go to http://www.bing.com/webmaster/tools/content-removal and sign in with the account you use for Bing Webmaster Tools
  • In the Content URL input box, enter the exact URL you found in the Bing web results (for example, by using Copy Shortcut/Copy Link Address functionality in your browser)
  • In the Removal Type drop-down menu select Page Removal
  • Click Submit

When you click submit, we will run a check whether the page is actually no longer available on the web. If that is the case, we will submit the request and add it the Submission History table. However, if we detect that the page is still live on the web we will prompt that you can only submit an outdated cache removal (see steps below).

Removing Outdated Cache (Outdated cache removal)

When a page is still live on the web, the Bing crawler (Bingbot) will revisit it in regular intervals to update the content in our index and store a copy in the Bing cache. However, changes can take time to be reflected in the index and the cached page. You can notify Bing about outdated cache by providing the URL and a piece of text from the outdated cached page that is no longer present on the page that is live on the web.

Steps to Submit an Outdated Cache Removal Request

You can submit an outdated cache removal request for a page that is live on the web (HTTP status code 200) and for which we still have old and outdated content in our cache by doing the following:

  • Go to www.bing.com/webmaster/tools/content-removal and sign in with the account you use for Bing Webmaster Tools (formerly known as Windows Live ID).
  • In the Content URL input box, enter the exact URL you found in the Bing web results (for example, by using Copy Shortcut/Copy Link Address functionality in your browser)
  • In the Removal Type drop-down menu, select Outdated Cache Removal
  • In the Cached Page Text, enter the text that still appears on the cached page that no longer appears on the page that is live on the web
  • Click Submit

We will now check whether the page actually no longer contains the words that you've entered. If we've established that, your request will be added to the Submission History table below, showing you the date, Content URL, Removal Type and Status, along with the HTTP Status Code we received from the server.

The Submission History table will show you the most recent submissions that were made for the Microsoft account with which you are logged in. Since this is a history table of the requests you made and their status, you cannot remove or edit individual items afterwards.

Valid removal requests are usually reflected in our index within 24 hours of submitting the request.
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