

《Melchisédech offrant du pain et du vin, bénit Abraham》法国艺术家『Hippolyte-Jean Flandrin』布面油画,46cm × 44.5cm,苏格兰国家画廊,英国
《The Sacrifice of Isaac》法国艺术家『Hippolyte-Jean Flandrin』 于1860 所作。木板油画,47cm × 59.7cm,洛杉矶艺术博物馆,美国
《Madame Flandrin, the Artist's Wife》法国艺术家『Hippolyte-Jean Flandrin』 于1846 所作。布面油画,83cm × 66cm,卢浮宫
《The Virgin, Saint John the Evangelist, Two Female Saints and Saint Dominic de Guzman》法国艺术家 Juan de Borgona,约1515,板面油画,134cm × 106cm,卢浮宫
《Virgin and Child at the Column》意大利艺术家『Piero di Cosimo』 约1490,板面油画,87cm × 58cm,卢浮宫
《Crucifixion with Saints and Donor》荷兰艺术家『Henri Bellechose』,1416。板面油画
《View of Rome》英国艺术家『David Roberts』布面油画,50cm × 93cm,卢浮宫
《Sunset in an Italian Landscape》荷兰艺术家『Herman van Swanevelt』 1646-1647年 所作。布面油画,66cm × 97cm,卢浮宫
《Inside of a Stable》是英国艺术家『乔治·莫兰』 于1783 所作。布面油画,46.5cm × 61cm,卢浮宫
Giovanni Serodine-《Christ among the Doctors》意大利艺术家,约1625,布面油画,145cm × 224cm,卢浮宫
Giovanni Serodine-《Coronation of the virgin》意大利艺术家 于1625 所作。布面油画 ,收藏:未知
Giovanni Serodine-《Invito ad Emmaus》意大利艺术家 1620-1630年 所作。布面油画,228cm × 147cm,收藏:未知
Giovanni Serodine-《San Pietro in carcere》意大利艺术家,90cm × 127cm,收藏:未知『in Carcere (Italian)=“in prison”』
Hans Baldung Grien-《Mucius Scaevola》,1531,Lime wood(板面油画), 98 x 68 cm,Gemäldegalerie, Dresden(德累斯顿历代大师画廊,德国)
Hans Baldung Grien-《Nativity》,1520,Oil on wood(板面油画), 105,5 x 70,4 cm,Alte Pinakothek, Munich(慕尼黑老绘画陈列馆,德国)
Hans Baldung Grien-《St John on Patmos》,c. 1511,Oil on spruce panel, 87 x 76 cm,Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
Hans Baldung Grien-《Nativity》,1520,Oil on wood(板面油画), 105,5 x 70,4 cm,Alte Pinakothek, Munich(慕尼黑老绘画陈列馆,德国)
Hans Baldung Grien-《The Bewitched Stable Groom》德国艺术家,约1544,34.2cm × 20cm,日耳曼国家博物馆,德国
Hans Baldung Grien-《The Knight, the Young Girl and Death》德国艺术家,约1501,板面油画,35cm × 30cm,卢浮宫
Hans Baldung Grien-《The Virgin as Queen of Heaven Suckling the Infant Christ》板面油画,收藏:未知
Hans Baldung Grien-《Virgin of the Vine Trellis》, 1510-1545年,板面油画 Panel,Musée de l'Oeuvre Notre-Dame, Strasbourg
Hans Baldung Grien-《Virgin of the Vine Trellis》, 1510-1545年,板面油画 Panel,Musée de l'Oeuvre Notre-Dame, Strasbourg
Hans Baldung Grien-《Winged Altarpiece of St John the Baptist:St. Louis of Toulouse》德国,1520,板面油画,Historisches Museum - Frankfurt,德国
Hans Baldung Grien-《Winged Altarpiece of St John the Baptist:St. Nicholas》德国,约1520,板面油画,Historisches Museum - Frankfurt,德国
Hans Baldung Grien-《The Flood (Die Sintflut)》德国艺术家,1516,板面油画,Neue Residenz, Bamberg,德国
Jan van Scorel - 《The Flood》荷兰艺术家约1530 所作。板面油画,109cm × 178cm,马德里普拉多博物馆,西班牙
Jan van Scorel – Adam en Eva Jan van Scorel Schoorl 1495 - Utrecht 1562 Adam en Eva
Jan van Scorel – Adam en Eva Jan van Scorel, 1527
Jan van Scorel - Portrait of a Venetian Man,c. 1520,Oil on wood, 45 x 33,5 cm,Landesmuseum, Oldenburg
Jan van Scorel - Pope Adrian VI (Hadrian VI)
Jan van Scorel - Iptych,1525-30,Oil on panel, 66 x 44 cm (each panel),Kartinnaja Galerija, Tambov and Staatliche,Museen, Berlin
Jan van Scorel - Iptych局部:Portrait of a Man,1525-30,Oil on panel, 66 x 44 cm,Staatliche Museen, Berlin
Portrait of a Schoolboy,1531,Oil on wood, 47 x 35 cm,Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen,,Rotterdam
Jan van Scorel - Portrait of Joris van Egmond(c. 1504–1559), Bishop of Utrecht.,1535-40,Oil on panel, 57 x 80 cm,Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
Jan van Scorel -《Agata van Schoonhoven》布面油画,多利亚·潘菲利美术馆,意大利
Jan van Scorel - Presentation of Jesus in the Temple,1524-26,Oil on wood, 114 x 85 cm,Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna幼年耶稣被介绍到圣殿(中间那个小婴儿)
Jan van Scorel - Presentation of Jesus in the Temple,1524-26,Oil on wood, 114 x 85 cm,Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna【1600像素】
Jan van Scorel - The Baptism of Christ【1600像素】
Jan van Scorel - The Miraculous Catch - O 4174 - Slovak National Gallery【1600像素】【Miraculous Catch of Fish,耶稣所行使的捕鱼的神迹】
Jan van Scorel - Altartafel Vermählung Mariens
Jan van Scorel - Altartafel“Verkündigung”, 226 x 82,5 cm
Jan van Scorel - Madonna of the Daffodils with the Child and Donors
Jan van Scorel - Maria met kind - 1798 (OK) - Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen_2345看图王【1600像素】
Jan van Scorel - Land van Bathseba ca 1540-1545【Landschap_met_Bathseba_Rijksmuseum_SK-A-670】【1600像素】
Jan van Scorel - Landscape with Tournament and Hunters - 1990.560 - Art Institute of Chicago【1600像素】
Jan_van_scorel,_torre_di_babele,_1520-60_ca. 【1600像素】巴别塔
Jan van Scorel - Triptych with The Entry of Christ into Jerusalem, saints and on the outside of the wings, patrons of...【1600像素】中间是耶稣骑驴进入耶路撒冷,沿途受到百姓欢迎
Jan van Scorel - Triptych with The Entry of Christ into Jerusalem, saints and on the outside of the wings, patrons of...【1600像素】
Last Supper,1548,Oil on oak panel, 46,5 x 63 cm,Groeninge Museum, Bruges
Palma il Giovane - Capelle_di_Sant’Atanasio_Davide_vincitore_di_Golia_festeggioto_dalle_fanciulle_di_Gerusalemme
Jan van Scorel Schoorl - Landscape with Tobias and the Angel【1600像素】
Jan van Scorel_-_Mary with child,Lisbon, Museum Nacional de Arte Antiga【1600像素】
Follower of Jan van Scorel
卡隆_Antoine Caron 1521-1599 —— Augustus and the Tiburtine Sibyl,卢浮宫【1600像素】与上一幅作品相同题材
Johan Thomas Lundbye-《Dolmen at Taklev》丹麦艺术家,1839,布面油画,66.7cm × 88.9cm,Thorvaldsens Museum - Copenhagen,丹麦
Paul Bril-《Landscape with a Stag Hunt》比利时艺术家,约1593 所作。布面油画,105cm × 137cm,卢浮宫
Paul Bril-《A Mountain Landscape with the Journey to Emmaus》铜板油画,28.6cm × 39.5cm,格拉斯哥博物馆资源中心,英国【(耶稣复活后)在去以马忤斯的路上,向两个门徒显现,他们没有认出来耶稣】
Paul Bril-《Christ Walking on the Water》比利时艺术家,1620-1629年,铜板油画,21cm × 25cm,Portsmouth City Museum,英国【耶稣展示神迹:在水面行走】
Paul Bril - Jesus walking on the Sea of Galilee【1600像素】【耶稣展示神迹:在加利利的海面行走】
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