

Penalty Charge Notice 收到罚单
Feeling Angry
Hello Everyone,
This week, much of my Wednesday evening was spent writing acomplaint letter to my local council. This is because I have been issued with 13 parking tickets 停车罚单 over the past 2 weeks.
I live in one of the most vibrant 多姿多彩的 cities on the planet, but it’s also heavily congested 拥挤堵塞。   I have a car, but unfortunately I live in an apartment.  Therefore, I have to park it on the street.
My local council 当地政府 has assigned 划出指定(区域)parking bays 停车位 on the streets for local residents and this is very helpful. We apply for a parking permit 停车证 and display it in our car and that’s it.  As long as we stick to the rules 遵守规则, there’s no problem.
Over the past few weeks, we have all been celebrating the Olympics; I had no reason to use the car and didn’t go any where near it. So when I did finally decided to drive it to my parents’ house, I was shocked by the huge stack of 一叠 yellow plastic pockets on the windscreen 挡风玻璃。  My initial reaction was – “What the **** was going on?”  As I peeled the stickers off one by one, my blood started to boil 感觉愤怒。 They all had the same message: ‘ parking in a resident parking bay ‘. I was at a loss; I have a valid resident parking permit 有效的居民停车证, what was wrong? Then I looked up to the sign post on the pavement. The resident parking bay sign was covered and now these bays have turned into Olympic bays. My resident permit was no longer valid.
With the penalty charges 罚款额 amount to over 500 pounds, I felt agreat injustice.  I calmed myself down first, and then I proceeded togather evidence to appeal against 提出上诉 these PCNs (Penalty Charge Notice) by snapping photos of the car and parking bay.
Writing the letter had a calming effect on me,  I had to construct my thoughts and arguments carefully. Now it’s been sent, let’s see if these nasty PCNs could be cancelled 取消。
Have you had incidences with authorities where you felt injustice and how do you deal with situations like that?
Let’s hear from you.
Have a great weekend.
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