

Life, Death and Deficits
By PAUL KRUGMAN November 23, 2012
保罗·克鲁格曼 2012年11月23日
America’s political landscape is infested with many zombie ideas — beliefs about policy that have been repeatedly refuted with evidence and analysis but refuse to die. The most prominent zombie is the insistence that low taxes on rich people are the key to prosperity. But there are others.
And right now the most dangerous zombie is probably the claim that rising life expectancy justifies a rise in both the Social Security retirement age and the age of eligibility for Medicare. Even some Democrats — including, according to reports, the president — have seemed susceptible to this argument. But it’s a cruel, foolish idea — cruel in the case of Social Security, foolish in the case of Medicare — and we shouldn’t let it eat our brains.
而当前最危险的僵尸论调可能是这种说法,即号称由于人均预期寿命增长,我们应该提高社会安全福利(Social Security)规定的退休年龄,以及享受联邦医疗保险(Medicare)的年龄。据报道,包括我们总统在内的一些民主党人甚至都受到这一说法的影响。但这一说法既残酷又愚蠢,残酷在于社会安全福利一说,愚蠢在于联邦医疗保险一说。我们不应该让这个僵尸吃了我们的脑子。
First of all, you need to understand that while life expectancy at birth has gone up a lot, that’s not relevant to this issue; what matters is life expectancy for those at or near retirement age. When, to take one example, Alan Simpson — the co-chairman of President Obama’s deficit commission — declared that Social Security was “never intended as a retirement program” because life expectancy when it was founded was only 63, he was displaying his ignorance. Even in 1940, Americans who made it to age 65 generally had many years left.
首先,你应该明白,虽然人们出生时的预期寿命已大大提高,但这和我们这里所说的问题无关。有关的是那些已达或将至退休年龄的人们的预期寿命。这里有一个例子,当奥巴马总统成立的削减赤字委员会的联合主席艾伦·辛普森(Alan Simpson)宣布社会安全福利“从来都不是一个退休计划”,因为当社会安全福利初创时,人均预期寿命只有63岁,他只是显露了他的无知。即使在1940年,65岁的美国人也通常还能活很多年。
Now, life expectancy at age 65 has risen, too. But the rise has been very uneven since the 1970s, with only the relatively affluent and well-educated seeing large gains. Bear in mind, too, that the full retirement age has already gone up to 66 and is scheduled to rise to 67 under current law.
This means that any further rise in the retirement age would be a harsh blow to Americans in the bottom half of the income distribution, who aren’t living much longer, and who, in many cases, have jobs requiring physical effort that’s difficult even for healthy seniors. And these are precisely the people who depend most on Social Security.
So any rise in the Social Security retirement age would, as I said, be cruel, hurting the most vulnerable Americans. And this cruelty would be gratuitous: While the United States does have a long-run budget problem, Social Security is not a major factor in that problem.
Medicare, on the other hand, is a big budget problem. But raising the eligibility age, which means forcing seniors to seek private insurance, is no way to deal with that problem.
It’s true that thanks to Obamacare, seniors should actually be able to get insurance even without Medicare. (Although, what happens if a number of states block the expansion of Medicaid that’s a crucial piece of the program?) But let’s be clear: Government insurance via Medicare is better and more cost-effective than private insurance.
You might ask why, in that case, health reform didn’t just extend Medicare to everyone, as opposed to setting up a system that continues to rely on private insurers. The answer, of course, is political realism. Given the power of the insurance industry, the Obama administration had to keep that industry in the loop. But the fact that Medicare for all may have been politically out of reach is no reason to push millions of Americans out of a good system into a worse one.
What would happen if we raised the Medicare eligibility age? The federal government would save only a small amount of money, because younger seniors are relatively healthy and hence low-cost. Meanwhile, however, those seniors would face sharply higher out-of-pocket costs. How could this trade-off be considered good policy?
The bottom line is that raising the age of eligibility for either Social Security benefits or Medicare would be destructive, making Americans’ lives worse without contributing in any significant way to deficit reduction. Democrats, in particular, who even consider either alternative need to ask themselves what on earth they think they’re doing.
But what, ask the deficit scolds, do people like me propose doing about rising spending? The answer is to do what every other advanced country does, and make a serious effort to rein in health care costs. Give Medicare the ability to bargain over drug prices. Let the Independent Payment Advisory Board, created as part of Obamacare to help Medicare control costs, do its job instead of crying “death panels.” (And isn’t it odd that the same people who demagogue attempts to help Medicare save money are eager to throw millions of people out of the program altogether?) We know that we have a health care system with skewed incentives and bloated costs, so why don’t we try to fix it?
但是反赤字派人士会问,像我这样的人将对增加的支出做何建议?答案是其它发达国家怎么做,我们就怎么做,同时努力控制医疗支出。应赋予联邦医疗保险对药价的议价能力。让独立支付顾问委员会(Independent Payment Advisory Board)行使职责,而不是挂着“死亡陪审团”(death panels)的名声。独立支付顾问委员会是奥巴马医改的一部分,意在帮助联邦医疗保险控制开支。(那些鼓吹采取措施为联邦医疗保险节省开支的人,同时却要将数以百万计的人踢出这一计划,这难道不奇怪吗?)我们知道,我们的医疗保障体系有着扭曲的激励体制和臃肿的开支,那么我们为什么不想办法改进它呢?
What we know for sure is that there is no good case for denying older Americans access to the programs they count on. This should be a red line in any budget negotiations, and we can only hope that Mr. Obama doesn’t betray his supporters by crossing it.
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