

Undisclosed Finding by Mars Rover Fuels Intrigue
By KENNETH CHANG November 29, 2012
KENNETH CHANG 报道 2012年11月29日
The Mars rover Curiosity has found something — something noteworthy, in a pinch of Martian sand. But what is it?
The scientists working on the mission who know are not saying. Outside of that team, lots of people are guessing.
The intrigue started last week when John P. Grotzinger, the Mars mission’s project scientist, told National Public Radio: “This data is going to be one for the history books. It’s looking really good.”
这个谜始于上周,当时该火星探测项目科学家约翰·P·格罗青格(John P. Grotzinger)告诉美国全国公共广播电台(National Public Radio,简称NPR):“这个数据将被载入史册。它看起来很不错。”
And then he declined to say anything more.
Fossils? Living microbial Martians? Maybe the carbon-based molecules known as organics, which are the building blocks of life? That so much excitement could be set off by a passing hint reflects the enduring fascination of both scientists and nonscientists with Mars.
“It could be all kinds of things,” said Peter H. Smith, a planetary scientist at the University of Arizona who was the principal investigator for NASA’s earlier Phoenix Mars mission but is not involved with Curiosity. “If it’s historic, I think it’s organics. That would be historic in my book.”
“什么东西都有可能,”亚利桑那大学(University of Arizona)的行星科学家彼得·H·史密斯(Peter H. Smith)说。他曾担任美国国家航天航空局(NASA)“凤凰号”(Phoenix)火星探测器的首席科学家,但没有参与“好奇号”项目,他说,“如果说有历史意义的话,我认为是有机物。在我看来,发现有机物会具有历史意义。”
Dr. Grotzinger and other Curiosity scientists will announce their latest findings on Monday in San Francisco at a meeting of theAmerican Geophysical Union.
格罗青格和其他参加“好奇号”项目的科学家,将于下周一在旧金山举行的美国地球物理学会(American Geophysical Union)会议上,宣布他们的最新发现。
Do not expect pictures of Martians, though.
Guy Webster, a spokesman for NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., which operates Curiosity, said the findings would be “interesting” rather than “earthshaking.”
位于加利福尼亚州帕萨迪纳、宇航局下属的喷气推进实验室(Jet Propulsion Laboratory)负责“好奇号”项目的运行,实验室发言人盖伊·韦伯斯特(Guy Webster)表示,这些发现将会“很有意义”,而不会“震撼世界。”
Mr. Webster noted that “a really big announcement,” if one should occur, would most likely be made at NASA headquarters in Washington and not at an academic conference.
Whatever is revealed will be linked to the work of Curiosity’s sophisticated chemistry laboratory instrument, Sample Analysis at Mars — SAM, for short. The rover’s robotic arm dropped the first bit of sand and dust into the instrument on Nov. 9, and the scientists have been analyzing and contemplating ever since.
无论揭示的是什么,都将与“好奇号”上的尖端化学实验仪器“火星样本分析仪”(Sample Analysis at Mars,简称SAM)有关。11月9日,探测车的机械臂首次将一撮沙尘放入该仪器,从那以后,科学家一直在分析和思考。
One of the main goals of SAM is to identify organic molecules, but it would be a big surprise for organics to show up in a first look at a sand sample selected more as a test exercise than with the expectation of a breakthrough discovery.
Curiosity will be headed toward layers of clays, which could be rich in organics and are believed to have formed during a warm and wet era early in the planet’s history. But Curiosity has months to drive before arriving at those locations.
And the Curiosity scientists have learned through experience that it pays to double-check their results before trumpeting them. An initial test of the Martian atmosphere by the same instrument showed the presence of methane, which would have been a major discovery, possibly indicating the presence of methane-generating microbes living on Mars today. But when the scientists ran the experiment again, the signs of methane disappeared, leading them to conclude that the methane found in the first test had come from air that the spacecraft had carried to Mars from its launching spot in Florida.
Mr. Webster, who was present during the interview with NPR, said Dr. Grotzinger had been talking more generally about the quality of data coming back from Curiosity and was not suggesting that the data contained a breakthrough surprise. “I don’t think he had in mind, ‘Here’s some particular chemical that’s been found,’ ” Mr. Webster said. “That’s not my impression of the conversation.”
On Twitter, Curiosity chimed in: “What did I discover on Mars? That rumors spread fast online. My team considers this whole mission ‘one for the history books.’ ” (The public information staff at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory writes the posts for the rover.)
This would not be the first time that rumors eclipsed the actual findings from Mars.
In 2002, the Mars Odyssey orbiter found evidence of frozen reservoirs of water beneath the surface of Mars, leading to breathless rumors in the British press that the Bush administration was about to announce a commitment to send astronauts there within 20 years. The White House remained quiet.
2002年,“火星奥德赛号”(Mars Odyssey)探测卫星曾发现表明火星表层下面存在大量冷冻水的证据,导致英国媒体中无比兴奋的传言,说布什政府将宣布在20年内把宇航员送上火星的承诺。白宫则对此保持沉默。
Dr. Smith, the Phoenix Mars scientist, had a similar experience in 2008 when Aviation Week reported, “The White House has been alerted by NASA about plans to make an announcement soon on major new Phoenix lander discoveries concerning the ‘potential for life’ on Mars.”
负责“凤凰号”火星探测器的科学家史密斯也在2008年有过类似的经历。当时《航空周刊》(Aviation Week)曾报道:“白宫已得到提前消息,宇航局计划很快就‘凤凰号’火星探测器的重要新发现做有关宣布,发现与火星上‘可能存在生命’有关。”
“The blogosphere lit up,” Dr. Smith said.
At a hastily arranged news conference, Dr. Smith revealed the actual news: chemicals known as perchlorates had been found in the soil. “The public was not interested in that,” he said.
If Curiosity’s pinch of sand indeed contained organics, it would again revive the possibilities of life on Mars. For now, Curiosity scientists are still analyzing the data.
“I do want to temper expectations,” said Mr. Webster, the spokesman. “But then again, I don’t know exactly what they’re going to say they’ve found.”
“我的确想降低期望值,” 发言人韦伯斯特说。“但话又说回来,我并不知道他们会宣布发现了什么。”
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