

联合国口译人员常用术语汇总 (C)
*C; closure of office [UNHCR]; 关闭办事处
*C; cut [Container]; 割伤
*c; circa (ca) [Latin]; 大约[指年代,如:c 650 BC公元前约650年]
*CA; Cadmium Association; 镉协会
*ca; circa (c) [Latin]; 大约[指年代,如:ca 650 BC公元前约650年]
*C/A; current account (A/C; a/c); 往来帐户;活期存款帐户
*CAA; Commonwealth Association of Architects; Commonwealth Architects Association; 英联邦建筑师协会
*CAA; United Nations Centre against Apartheid (UN/CAA); 联合国反对种族隔离中心(反对种族隔离中心)
*CAB; Commonwealth Agricultural Bureau; 英联邦农业局; CAB International; 英联邦农业国际中心
*CABEI; Central American Bank of Economic Integration; Banco Centroamericano de Integracion Economica (BCIE); 中美洲经济一体化银行
*CACC; Continental Africa Chamber of Commerce; 非洲大陆商会(非洲商会)
*CACEU; Central African Customs and Economic Union; Union Douniere et Economique de l'Afrique Centrale (UDEAC); 中部非洲关税和经济联盟(中非关经联)
*CACEX; Carteira do Comercio e Exportacao, Banco do Brazil; 巴西银行对外贸易处
*CACH; Central American Clearing House; 中美洲票据交换所(中美票交所)
*CACM; Central American Common Market; 中美洲共同市场(中美洲共市)
*CACMF; Central American Common Market Fund; 中美洲共同市场基金
*CACTAL; Specialized Conference on the Application of Science and Technology; to Latin American Development; 科学技术应用于拉丁美洲发展专业会议
*CAD; command area development; 枢纽地区开发
*CADE; Administrative Council for Economic Defense [Brazil]; Consejo Administrativo de Defensa Economica; 保护经济行政委员会
*CADMIUM POLLUTION; Community Action Programme to Combat; Environmental Pollution by Cadmium [EC]; 共同体防备镉对环境污染行动计划(镉污染行动计划)
*CAeM; Commission for Aeronautical Meteorology [WMO]; 航空气象学委员会
*CAENEX; Complete Atmospheric Energetics Experiment; 综合大气能量学试验
*CAEPA; Central American Economic Plan of Action (PAECA); 中美洲经济行动计划
*CAEU; Council of Arab Economic Unity; Arab Economic Unity Council; 阿拉伯经济统一体理事会(阿经统理事会)
*CAF; Andean Development Corporation (ADC); Societe Andine de Developpement (SAD); Corporacion Andina de Fomento; 安第斯开发公司(安开公司)
*CAF; currency adjustment factors; 货币调整因素
*CAFCH; Central African Clearing House (CAfCH); 中非票据交换所(中非票交所)
*CAFGU; Citizen's Armed Forces Geographical Units [Philippines]; 公民武装力量地理区域部队
*CAFICA; FAO Advisory Group for Central American Economic Integration; 粮农组织中美洲经济一体化咨询小组
*CAFIG; Committee of International Civil Servants' Associations at Geneva; Comite des Associations de Fonctionnaires Internationaux a Geneve; 日内瓦国际公务员协会委员会
*CAFRAD; African Training and Research Centre in Administration for; Development; African Centre for Training and Research; Centre Africain de Formation et de Recherches Administratives pour le; Developpement; 非洲发展管理训练研究中心(非洲发展管理训研中心)
*CAGE; Core Advisory Group of Experts; 专家咨询核心小组
*CAI; Comite Arctique International; 国际北极委员会
*CAIE; Europe Migrants Associations Council; Conseil des Associations des Immigres en Europe; 欧洲移民协会理事会(移民协会理事会)
*CAJEA; Council of All Japan Exporter Association; 全日本输出组合协议会
*CAJSI; Internal Security Area Command [Chile]; Commandancia Area Jurisdiccional Seguridad Interior; 国内安全地区指挥部
*CALAI; Conference of Latin American Data-Processing Authorities; Conferencia de Autoridades Latinoamericanas de Informatica; 拉丁美洲数据处理管理机构会议
*CAMA; Christian and Missionary Alliance; 基督教徒和传教士联盟; CAMA Service; 基督教徒和传教士联盟服务社
*CAMAC; computer aided measurement and control; 计算机辅助测量与控制
*CAMDS; Chemical Agents and Munitions Disposal System [USA]; 化学物剂和弹药处理系统[美国陆军]
*CAMPP; Consultative Assembly of Minority Peoples of the Philippines; 菲律宾少数民族协商大会
*CAMRE; Council of Arab Minister Responsible for Environment; 阿拉伯主管环境事务部长理事会(阿拉伯环境部长理事会)
*C and F; cost and freight (C & F) [Shipping]; 货价加运费(指定目的港);离岸加运费价格
*CAN; Climate Action Network; 气候行动网
*CANDU; Canadian Deuterium-Uranium Reactor; 加拿大重水铀反应堆
*CANLA; Climate Action Network - Latin America; 气候行动网拉丁美洲分部
*Can$; Canadian dollar [Monetary Unit of Canada]; 加拿大元
*CANSAVE; Canadian Save the Children Fund; 加拿大救助儿童基金
*CAN-SEA; Climate Action Network - Southeast Asia; 气候行动网东南亚分部
*CAN-USA; Climate Action Network - United States; 气候行动网美国分部
*CANZ; Canada, Australia and New Zealand; 加拿大、澳大利亚和新西兰
*CAOBISCO; Association of the Chocolate-, Biscuit- and Confectionery Industries of; the EEC; Association des Industries de la Chocolaterie, Biscuiterie-Biscotterie et; Confiserie de la CEE [formerly: Association of the Sugar ; Products Industries of the EEC]; 欧洲经济共同体巧克力、饼干和糖果业协会
*CAP; Canadian Assistance Plan; 加拿大援助计划
*CAP; Common Agricultural Policy [EC]; 共同农业政策
*CAP; convertible adjustable preferred stock; 可转换可调整优先股
*CAPAS; Co-ordinated African Programme of Assistance on Services; 援助非洲服务部门协调方案
*CAPES; Centre Africain d'Assistance et de Protection de l'Environnement au; Sahel [Senegal]; 非洲援助和保护萨赫勒环境中心
* CAPROSOFT; Camara de Productores de Software; ; 软件生产商委员会 (UNCTAD/SDTE/ECB/2)
*CAPT; Church Advisory Commission on Land Issues [Catholic; Brazil]; 教会土地问题咨询委员会
*CAR; Caribbean; 加勒比; CAR/RCU; Regional Co-ordinating Unit of the Caribbean Environment; Programme; 加勒比环境规划署区域协调股
*CAR; Central African Republic; 中非共和国
*CARAD; Centre for Action-Oriented Research on African Development; 非洲发展面向行动研究中心
*CARDIS; Cargo Data Interchange System; 货物数据交换系统
*CARE; Co-operative for American Relief Everywhere, Inc.; 美国援外合作社(援外社); CARE Deutschland; 德国援外社; CARE International; 援外社国际协会
*CARIBCAN; Canadian Special Preference Arrangement for the Caribbean and; Commonwealth Countries; 加拿大给予加勒比和英联邦国家的特别优惠安排
*CARICOM; Caribbean Common Market [formal name: Caribbean Community]; 加勒比共同市场(加共市); Caribbean Community [also: Caribbean Common Market]; 加勒比共同体(加共体)[最普通译法]
; Caribbean Community Secretariat
; 加勒比共同体秘书处
*CARIFTA; Caribbean Free Trade Association; 加勒比自由贸易协会
*CARIS; Current Agricultural Research Information System [FAO]; 当前农业研究资料系统(农业研究资料系统)
*CARISPLAN; Caribbean Information System for Economic and Social Planning; 加勒比经济和社会规划资料系统(加勒比经社规划资料系统)
*CARPAS; Regional Fisheries Advisory Commission for the South West Atlantic; Comision Asesora Regional de Pesca para el Atlantico Sudoccidental; 西南大西洋区域渔业咨询委员会
*CAR/RCU; Regional Co-ordinating Unit of the Caribbean Environment Programme; 加勒比环境规划署区域协调股
*CARS; Climate Applications Referral System; 气候应用查询系统
*CARTS; Cargo Tracking System; 货物追踪系统
*CAS; Comites Comunales de Accion Social [Chile]; 社区社会行动委员会
*CAS; Committee on Assurance of Supply; 供应保证委员会[核材料]
*CAS; Southern Agricultural Consortium [Chile]; Consorcio Agricola del Sur; 南方农业财团
*CASA; Citizen's Alliance for Saving the Atmosphere and the Earth; 公民拯救大气层和地球联盟
*ca sa; capias ad satisfaciendum [Latin]; 对未依判决清付赔偿的民事被告所颁发的拘捕令
*CASE; Community Agency for Social Inquiry; 共同体社会调查局
*CASIN; Centre for Applied Studies in International Negotiations; Centre d'Etudes Practiques de la Negotiation Internationale (CEPNI); 国际谈判应用研究中心
*CASTARAB; Conference of Ministers of Arab States Responsible for the Application; of Science and Technology to Development; 阿拉伯国家主管科学和技术促进发展部长会议
*CASWANAME; Central Asia, South-East Asia, North Africa and the Middle East; 中亚、西南亚、北非和中东
*CAT; Agrarian Co-operative of Workers [Peru]; 工人土地合作社
*CAT; Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading; Treatment or Punishment [A/RES/39/46 Annex]; 禁止酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚公约; Committee against Torture; 禁止酷刑委员会
*CATC; Civil Aviation Training Centre [Philippines]; 民用航空培训中心(航培中心)
*CATE; Centre for Appropriate Technology Exchange; 适用技术交流中心
*CATIE; Tropical Agricultural Research and Training Centre; Centro Agronomico Tropical de Investigacion y Ensenanza; 热带农业研究训练中心
*CATS; Certificate of Accrual on Treasury Securities [USA]; [United States Treasury issues which are sold at a deep discount, and; which have no coupons. The principal, plus interest, is recovered; at maturity. These are often used for educational, or retirement; funds.]
*CATS; computer assisted trading system; 计算机辅助贸易系统
*CATU; CATU Containers SA; Compagnie de TRansport et de Location de Containers [Switzerland]; 集装箱运输和出租公司
*CAUA; Central African unit of account; 中部非洲计帐单位(中非计帐单位)
*CAV; curia advisari vult (cur adv vult) [Latin]; 延期判决
*CAVOL; Centro Andino de Volcanologia; 安第斯火山学中心
*CAW; certificate of approval of works; 工程核准证明书
*CBA; cost benefit analysis; 成本收益分析
* CBC; Construction Bank of China; ; 中国建设银行; 中国建行 (UNCTAD/SDTE/ECB/2)

*CBD; central business district; 城中心商业区
*CBI; Caribbean Basin Initiative; 加勒比区域计划
*CBI; Centre for the Promotion of Import from Developing Countries; [Netherlands]; 促进发展中国家产品进口中心
*CBJO; Co-ordinating Board of Jewish Organizations; 犹太人组织协调委员会(犹太人组织协调会)
*CBL; Common Business Oriented Language (COBOL); [Computer Language]; 面向商业通用语言
*CBM; confidence-building measures (CBMs); 建立信任措施
*cbm; cubic meter; 立方公尺
*CBO; collective bargaining organization; 集体谈判组织
*CBO; community-based organizations (CBOs); 社区性组织
*CBO; Congressional Budget Office [USA]; 国会预算局
*CBOT; Chicago Board of Trade (CBT) [USA]; 芝加哥交易所[世界最大谷物市场]
*CBR; crude birth rate; 概约出生率(概生率)
*CBT; Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT) [USA]; 芝加哥交易所[世界最大谷物市场]
*CC; Cartagena Commitment [UNCTAD VIII]; 卡塔赫纳承诺
*CC; civil commotion [Insurance]; 内乱
*CC; continuation clause [Contract]; 连续条款
*CC; current cost [Shipping]; 时价
*CCA; Caribbean Conservation Association; 加勒比养护协会(养护协会)
*CCAD; Central American Commission on Environment and Development; 中美洲环境与发展委员会
*CCAF; Canadian Comprehensive Auditing Foundation; 加拿大综合审计基金会(审计基金会)
*CCAQ; Consultative Committee on Administrative Questions; 行政问题协商委员会(行政协商会)
*CCAQ/FB; Consultative Committee on Administrative Questions/Finance and; Budget; 行政问题(财务和预算)协商委员会
*CCAQ/PER; Consultative Committee on Administrative Questions/Personnel; 行政问题(人事)协商委员会
*CCAR; Office of Chief Commissioner for Afghan Refugees [Pakistan]; 阿富汗难民事务首席专员办公室
*CCAWU; Commercial, Catering and Allied Workers Union [South Africa]; 商业、饮食业及相关行业工人工会; CCAWUSA; CCAWU of South Africa; 南非商业、饮食业及相关行业工人工会
*CCB; Civil Co-operation Bureau [South Africa]; 民间合作局
*CCBE; Council of the Bars and Law Societies of the European Community; Conseil des Barreaux de la Communaute Europenne; 欧洲共同体律师及法律学会理事会
*CCC; Commodity Credit Corporation [US Department of Agriculture]; 农产品信贷公司
*CCC; Consumers Consultative Council [EC]; 消费者协商委员会
*CCC; Customs Co-operation Council [now: WCO]; 海关合作理事会
*CCCE; Caisse Centrale de Co-operation Economique [France]; 中央经济合作金库
*CCCE; Centre Congolese du Commerce Exterieur; 刚果对外贸易中心
*CCCN; Customs Co-operation Classification Nomenclature; 海关合作理事会商品分类目录;海关合作理事会税则商品分类目; 录; Customs Co-operation Council Nomenclature; 海关合作理事会商品分类目录;海关合作理事会税则商品分类目; 录
*CC: COPE; Climate Convention: Co-operation Proframme; 气候公约合作方案
*CCD; Conference of the Committee on Disarmament; 裁军谈判委员会会议(裁委会议)
*CCD; Democratic Constituent Congress [Peru]; 民主选民大会
*CCDLNE; Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Near East; 控制近东沙漠蝗虫委员会
*CCDLNWA; FAO Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in North West; Africa; 粮农组织控制西北非沙漠蝗虫委员会
*CCDP; Croatian Christian Democratic Party (HKDS); 克罗地亚基督教民主党
*CCEAC; Committee on Economic Co-operation in Central America; Comite de Cooperation Economique de l'Amerique Central; 中美洲经济合作委员会
*CCEM; Comision Catolica Espanola de Emigracion; 西班牙天主教移民委员会
*CCET; Centre for Co-operation with Economies in Transition; 转型期经济国家合作中心
*CCF; Christian Children's Fund; 基督教儿童基金
*CCFF; Compensatory and Contingency Financing Facility; 补偿和应急贷款办法;补偿和应急贷款
*CCFPI; International Civil Service Advisory Board (ICSAB); Conseil Consultatif de la Fonction Publique Internationale; 国际公务员制度咨询委员会(公务员制度咨委会)
*CCG; Control Commission for Germany; 对德管制委员会
*CCIA; Commission of the Churches on International Affairs (of the World; Council of Churches (WCC)) (CCIA/WCC); (世界基督教协进会)教会国际事务委员会
*CCIB; Chinese Commodities Inspection Bureau [China]; 中国商品检验局(中国商检局)
*CCIC; Canadian Council for International Co-operation; 加拿大国际合作理事会
* CCIPT; China Council for the promotion of International Trade; ; 中国国际贸易促进委员会 (贸促会) (UNCTAD/SDTE/ECB/2)
*CCIR; Comite Consultatif International Radiocommunications; 国际无线电通信咨询委员会
*CCISU; Co-ordinating Committee for Independent Staff Unions and; Associations of the United Nations System (CCISUA); 联合国系统独立职工会与协会协调委员会(独立职工会协调会)
*CCISUA; Co-ordinating Committee for Independent Staff Unions and; Associations of the United Nations System (CCISU); 联合国系统独立职工会与协会协调委员会(独立职工会协调会)
*CCITT; Comite Consultatif International Telegraphique et Telephonique; 国际电报电话咨询委员会
*CCIVS; Co-ordinating Committee for International Voluntary Service; 国际志愿服务协调委员会(志愿服务协调会)
*CCJO; Consultative Council of Jewish Organizations; 犹太人组织协商理事会(犹太人组织协商会)
*CCL; Commonwealth Countries' League; 英联邦国家联盟
*CCLC; United Nations Convention on a Code of Conduct for Liner Conference; (CCLC 1974) [6 April 1974; A/36/6; UNCTAD]; 联合国班轮公会行动守则公约
*CCLM; Commission on Constitutional and Legal Matters [FAO]; 章程和法律事务委员会
*CCM; Chama cha Mapinduzi [Tanzania]; 坦桑尼亚革命党
*CCN; Companhia de Comercio e Navegacao [Brazil]; 商业海运公司
*CCN; Council of Churches in Namibia; 纳米比亚教会理事会
*CCOG; Common Classification of Occupational Groups; 职业类共同分类法
*CCOL; Co-ordinating Committee on the Ozone Layer; 臭氧层协调委员会
*CCOP; Co-ordinating Committee of Popular Organizations [Honduras]; 民众组织协调委员会
*CCP; Committee on Commodity Problems; 商品问题委员会
*CCP; consultation and clarification process [Disarmament]; 协商与澄清程序
*CCP; United Nations Conciliation Commission for Palestine (UNCCP); 联合国巴勒斯坦和解委员会(和解委员会)
*CCPDH; Cuban Committee for Human Rights; 古巴人权委员会
*CCPOQ; Consultative Committee on Programme and Operational Questions; 方案和业务问题协商委员会(方案业务协商会)
*CCPS; Consultative Council for Postal Studies; 邮政研究咨询理事会(邮政研究会)
*CCPY; Comissao pela Criacao do Parque Yanomani [Brazil]; 促进设立亚诺马尼公园委员会
* CCRTU; China Central China Radio and Television University; ; 中国中央广播电视大学 (UNCTAD/SDTE/ECB/2)
*CCSQ; Consultative Committee on Substantive Questions [ACC]; 实质问题协商委员会
*CCSQ/OPS; Consultative Committee on Substantive Questions/Operational; Activities; 实质问题(业务活动)协商委员会
*CCSQ/PROG; Consultative Committee on Substantive Questions/Programme Matters; 实质问题(方案事务)协商委员会
*CCPR; International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR); [A/RES/2200 A(XXI)]; 公民权利和政治权利国际盟约 [联合国人权文件汇编,p.8]
*CCT; Common Customs Tariff [EC]; 共同海关关税;共同关税税则
*CCTA; Commission for Technical Co-operation in Africa South of Sahara; Commission de Cooperation Technique en Afrique au Sud du Sahara; [UN]; 撒哈拉以南非洲技术合作委员会
*CCTA; Co-ordinating Committee of Technical Assistance [OAS]; 技术援助协调委员会
* ccTLDs; Country Code Top-Level Domains; 国家代码顶级域名 (UNCTAD/SDTE/ECB/2)
*CD; certificate of deposit; 存款证明;存款单
*CD; Committee on Disarmament [Old Name]; 裁军谈判委员会; Conference on Disarmament [New Name]; 裁军谈判会议(裁谈会)
*C & D; collected and delivered [Shipping]; 运费收讫和货物交毕
*CDA; Christian Democratic Action for Social Justice [South Africa]; 基督教社会正义民主行动
*CDA; Croatian Defence Association (HOS) [Croatia]; 克罗地亚国防协会
*CDB; Caribbean Development Bank; 加勒比开发银行
*CDC; Centre for Disease Control [USA]; 疾病防治中心
*CDCC; Caribbean Development and Co-operation Committee; 加勒比开发和合作委员会
*CDDPH; Council for the Defence of the Rights of the Human Person [Brazil]; 保卫人权委员会
*C de PC; Code of Civil Procedure [Chile, Venezuela]; Codigo de Procedimiento Civil; 民事诉讼法
*C de PP; Code of Penal Procedure [Chile]; Codigo de Procedimiento Penal; 刑事诉讼法
*CDERA; Caribbean Disaster Emergency Response Agency; 加勒比灾害紧急应变机构
*CDF; United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) [UNDP]; 联合国资本发展基金(资本发展基金)
*CDFC; Commonwealth Development Finance Co.; 英联邦开发金融公司
*CDI; Centre for Development of Industry; 工业发展中心[非加太国家]
*CDI; Christian Democrat International [formerly: CDWU]; Internationale Democrate-Chretienne (IDC); 基督教民主党国际
*CDI; Cotton Development International; 国际棉花发展组织
*CDM; Consolidated Diamond Mines of South West Africa; 西南非洲统一钻石矿场
*CDP; Committee for Development Planning [UNDP]; 发展规划委员会
*CDP; Croatian Democratic Party; Hrvatska Demokratska Stranka (HDS); 克罗地亚民主党
*CDPL; Cransfield Disaster Preparedness Centre; 克兰斯菲尔德灾害防备中心
*CDPPP; United Nations Centre for Development Planning, Projections and; Policies (UNCDPPP) [ESA]; 联合国发展规划、预测和政策中心
*CDPU; Career Development and Placement Unit [Refugee]; 职业发展和工作安插股
*CDR; Centre for documentation and Research; 文献和研究中心[现名]; ; Centre for documentation on Refugees [UNHCR] [formerly: IRIRC]; 难民文献中心[旧名]
*CDR; Coalition pour la Defense de la Republique [Rwanda]; 保卫共和国联盟
*CDR; Lebanese Council for Development and Reconstruction; 黎巴嫩发展和重建理事会(发展和重建理事会)
*CD-ROM; compact disk read-only memory; 只读光盘
*CDSD; countries with debt service difficulties; 偿债困难国家
*CDTU; Career Development and Training Unit [Refugee]; 职业发展和培训股
*CDU; Christlich-Demokratische Union [Germany]; 基督教民主联盟
*CDU; Croatian Democratic Union; Hrvatska Demokratska Zajednika (HDZ); 克罗地亚民主联盟
*CDU-BH; Crotian Democratic Union of Bosnia and Herzegovina; 波斯尼亚—黑塞哥维那克罗地亚民主联盟; (波黑克罗地亚民主联盟)
*CDV; current domestic value; 现行国内价值
*CDWU; Christian Democratic World Union [now: CDI]; Union Mondiale Democrate Chretienne (UMDC); 世界基督教民主党联盟(基督教民主党联盟)
*CE; Council of Europe; 欧洲委员会
*CE; Council of the Entente; 协约理事会
*CE; European Community (EC); Communaute Europeenne; 欧洲共同体(欧共体)
*CEA; Canadian Electrical Association; 加拿大电气协会
*CEA; Chinese Economic Area; 中国经济区
*CEA; Commodity Exchange Authority [Department of Agriculture, USA]; 农产品交易管理局
*CEA; European Confederation of Agriculture (ECA); Confederation Europeenne de l'Agriculture; 欧洲农业联合会(农业联合会)
*CEA; European Insurance Committee; Comite Europeen des Assurances; 欧洲保险委员会
*CEAAL; Latin American Council for Adult Education; Consejo de Educacion de Adultos de America Latina; 拉丁美洲成人教育理事会(成人教育理事会)
*CEAO;West African Economic Community (WAEC); Communaute Economique de l'Afrique de l'Ouest; 西非经济共同体(西非经共体)
*CEAPZ; Centre of Studies and Action for Peace [Peru]; 和平研究和行动中心
*CEAR;Ad Hoc Committee for Aid to Returnees; 援助返回家园者特设委员会
*CEAR;Comision Espanola de Ayudo al Refugiado; 西班牙援助难民委员会
*CEB; Chief Executives Board for Coordination; 行政首长协委会
*CEBEMO; Catholic Organization for Joint Financing of Development;Programmes [Netherlands]; Katholieke Organisatie Medefinanciering Ontwikkelingsprogrammas; 天主教联合资助发展方案组织
*CEBV;Cattle and Livestock Economic Community;;Economic Community for Livestock and Meat (ECLM); Communaute Economique du Betail et de la Viande; 家畜和肉类经济共同体
*CEC; Code of Criminal Prosecution [Venezuela]; Codigo de Enjuiciamiento Criminal; 刑事诉讼法
*CEC; Commission of the European Communities (European Commission); 欧洲共同体委员会
*CEC; Conference of European Churches; 欧洲教会会议
*CECA;European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) [EC]; Communaute Europeenne du Charbon et de l'Acier; 欧洲煤钢共同体;欧洲煤钢联营
*CECAF; Committee on East and Central Atlantic Fisheries [FAO]; 中东大西洋渔业委员会
*CECE;Committee for European Construction Equipment; 欧洲建筑设备委员会(建筑设备委员会)
*CECI;European Centre for International Co-operation (ECIC); Centre Europeen de Cooperation Internationale; 欧洲国际合作中心
*CECLA; Special Committee on Latin American Co-ordination; Comision Especial de Coordinacion Latinoamericana; 拉丁美洲协调问题特别委员会
*CECON; Comision Especial de Consulta y Negociacion; 协商和谈判特别委员会
*CED; Committee for Economic Development; 经济发展委员会(经发委员会)
*CEDAW; Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women; 消除对妇女歧视委员会; ; Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination;against Women; 消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约
*CEDB;Central Engineering and Design Bureau [India]; 中央工程设计局
*CEDEAO; Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS); Communaute Economique des Etats de l'Afrique de l'Ouest; 西非国家经济共同体(西非国经共体)
*CEDEFOP;European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training [EC]; Centre Europeen pour le Developpement de la Formation;Professionnelle; 欧洲促进职业培训中心[司级单位]
*CEDEP; Centro de Estudios para el Desarrollo y la Participacion [Peru]; 发展和参与问题研究中心
*CEDER; Centre pour l'Environnement et le Developpement Rural; 农村环境与发展中心
*CEDEX; ISO container equipment data exchange code [ISO 9897 standard]; 国际标准化组织集装箱设备数据交换编码
*CEDH;European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and;Fundamental Freedoms; European Convention on Human Rights;;European Human Rights Convention; Convention Europeenne des Droits de l'Homme;[4 Nov. 1950; A/33/417 Annex II]; 欧洲保护人权与基本自由公约(欧洲人权公约); [国际条约集 1950-52,p.132]
*CEDIC; Container EDI Council; 集装箱电子数据交换问题理事会
*CEDSI; Centre d'Etudes de Defense et de Securite Internationale;[Grenoble]; 国防与国际安全研究中心
*CEE; United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (ECE) [ESC]; Commission Economique des Nations Unies pour l'Europe; 联合国欧洲经济委员会(欧洲经委会)
*CEE; European Economic Community (EEC); Communaute Economique Europeenne; 欧洲经济共同体(欧经共体);欧洲共同市场
*CEEA;European Atomic Energy Community (EAEC; EURATOM; Euratom) [EC]; Communaute Europeenne de l'Energie Atomique; 欧洲原子能共同体;欧洲原子能联营
*CEEAC; Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS); Communaute Economique des Etats de l'Afrique Centrale; 中非国家经济共同体(中非经共体)
*CEEC;Central and Eastern European Countries (CEECs); 中东欧国家
*CEECT; Central and Eastern European Countries in Transition; 过渡时期中欧东欧国家
*CEEP;European Centre of Public Enterprises [EC]; Centre Europeen des Entreprises Publiques; 欧洲公营企业中心
*CEESTEM;Centre for Economic and Social Studies of the Third World (CESSTW); Centro de Estudios Economicos y Sociales del Tercer Mundo; 第三世界经济及社会研究中心
* CEF; Caixa Economica Federal; 巴西联邦储蓄银行 (UNCTAD/SDTE/ECB/2)
*CEFACT; Centre for the Facilitation of Procedures and Practices in; Administration, Commerce and Transport [UNCTAD]; 简化行政、商业与运输手续和工作中心
*CEFIC; European Council of Chemical Manufacturers' Federations (ECCMF); Conseil Europeen des Federations de l'Industrie Chimique; 欧洲化学品制造商联合会理事会(化学品制造商理事会)[旧名]; European Chemical Industry Council; Conseil Europeen de l'Industrie Chimique; 欧洲化学工业理事会[新名]
*CEFIGRE;International Training Centre for Water Resources Management; Centre de Formation Internationale a la Gestion des Ressources;en Eau (ITCWRM); 国际水资源管理训练中心
*CEFRS; Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish; 中文、英文、法文、俄文和西班牙文
*CEFS;European Committee of Sugar Manufacturers; Comite Europeen des Fabricants de Sucre; 欧洲制糖商委员会
*CEFTA; Central European Free Trade Area; 中欧自由贸易区
*CEGAN; Committee of High-Level Government Experts [ECLAC]; 高级政府专家委员会
*CEI; European Confederation of Woodworking Industries; Confederation Europeenne des Industries du Bois (CEI BOIS); 欧洲木器制造工业联合会(木器制造工业联合会)
*CEI BOIS European Confederation of Woodworking Industries; Confederation Europeenne des Industries du Bois (CEI); 欧洲木器制造工业联合会(木器制造工业联合会)
*CEIP;Carnegie Endowment for International Peace; 卡内基国际和平基金会(卡内基和平基金会)
*CELADE; Latin American Demographic Centre [ECLAC]; Centro Latinoamericano de Demografia; 拉丁美洲人口统计中心(拉美人口中心)
*CELS;Centre for Legal and Social Stusies [Argentina]; Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales; 法律与社会研究中心
*CEM; combination export manager; 联合出口经理人;杂货出口经理人
*CEMAC; Central African Economic and Monetary Community; Communaute Economique et Monetaire de l'Afrique Centrale; 中非经济与货币共同体(中非经共体)
*CEMLA; Centre for Latin American Monetary Studies; Centro de Estudios Monetarios Latinoamericanos; 拉丁美洲货币研究中心(货币研究中心)
*CEMPE; European Mediterranean Commission on Water Planning; Commission Europe-Mediterranee de Planification pour les Probleme;de l'Eau; 欧洲地中海水事规划委员会
*CEN; European Committee for Standardization; Comite Europeen de Normalisation; 欧洲标准化委员会
*CENAPRED National Disaster Prevention Centre [Mexico]; ; 国家灾害预防中心
*CENAT; Centro de Alta Tecnologia; 西班牙高技术中心(UNCTAD/SDTE/ECB/2)
*CENELEC;European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization [EC]; Comite Europeen de Normalisation Electrotechnique; 欧洲电子技术标准化委员会
*CENSA; Committee of European National Shipowners' Association; 欧洲全国船东协会委员会[旧名]; Council of European and Japanese National Shipowners' Associations; 欧洲和日本全国船东协会理事会(船东协会理事会)[新名]
* CENTR; Council of European National Top-Level Domain Registries; 欧盟顶级域名注册委员会 (UNCTAD/SDTE/ECB/2)
*CENTREX;"CENTREX" System; 中央自动交换系统
*Centrocon ; River Plate Charter Party 1914 [Chartering and Shipping]; 1914年拉普拉塔河租船合同(谷物等)
*CENYC; Council of European National Youth Committees; 欧洲各国青年委员会理事会(欧青理事会)
*CEO; chief executive officer; 总经理;首席执行官;行政总裁
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