

*SMC; Senior Management Committee; 高级管理委员会
*SMCC; United Nations Staff-Management Co-ordination Committee; 联合国工作人员和管理当局协调委员会; (工作人员和管理当局协调会)
*SMCT; system of short-term monetary support [EC]; systeme de soutien monetaire a court terme; 短期货币支持制度
*SME; small and medium-sized business; small and medium-sized enterprises; small and medium-sized firms; small and medium-sized ; undertakings; small and medium-scale enterprises (SMEs); 中小型企业
*SME; square meter equivalents; 平方米当量[纺织品贸易]
*SMEGA; Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Guidelines on Accounting and Financial Reporting
*SMF/LDC; Special Measure Fund for the Least Developed Countries; 最不发达国家特别措施基金
*SMIC; Study on Man's Impact on Climates; 人类对气候的影响研究
*SMIG; salaire minimum interprofessionnel garanti [French]; 各行业最低保证工资
*SMME; small-, micro- and medium-sized enterprises (SMMEs); 中小微型企业
*SMOM; Sovereign Military Order of Malta; Ordre Souverain et Militaire de Malte; Sovrano Militare Ordine di Malta; 独立马耳他骑士团
*SMS; Short Message Service; 短信服务 (UNCTAD/SDTE/ECB/2)
*SN; Safety Net; 安全网组织
*SN; shipping note (S/N) [Chartering and Shipping]; 装船通知单;发货通知单
*SNA; National Farming Association [Chile]; Sociedad Nacional de Agricultura; 全国农业协会
*SNA; Somali National Alliance; 索马里民族联盟
*SNA; United Nations System of National Accounts; 联合国国民核算制度(国民核算制度)
*SNAPE; Societe Nationale d'Approvisionnement d'Eau [Guinea]; 国家自来水公司
*SNC; Supreme National Council [Cambodia]; 全国最高委员会
*SNI; Shelter Now Internatioal; 立即收容安置国际协会
*SNIF; short term notes issuance facility (ref: NIF); 短期债券发行融资办法
*SNM; Somali National Movement; 索马里民族运动
*SNPA; Substantial New Programme of Action for the Least Developed; Countries for the 1980s [A/RES/36/175]; [UN Publications, Sales No.E.82.I.8]; 支援最不发达国家的1980年代新的实质性行动纲领; (新行动纲领)
*SNS; Serbian People's Party (SPP) [Croatia]; Srpska Narodna Stranka; 塞尔维亚人民党
*SO; shipping order (so, S/O); 装货通知单
*SO; sub-office (S/O); 办事分处
*SoC; State of Cambodia; 柬埔寨国[洪森政权]
*SOE; state-owned enterprise; 国营企业(国企)
*SOEC; Statistical Office of the European Communities (EUROSTAT) [EC]; 欧洲共同体统计局[总司级单位]
*SOEU; Statistical Office of the European Union (EUROSTAT) [EU]; 欧盟统计局;欧洲联盟统计局[总司级单位]
*SOFA; state of food and agriculture; 粮食及农业情况(粮农情况)
*SOFAR; sound fixing and ranging; 声波定位和测距(声发)
*SOFFEX; Swiss Options and Financial Futures Exchanges; 瑞士选择权与金融期货交易所
*SOFY; Special Operation for the Former Yugoslavia; 前南斯拉夫特别行动
*SOGREAH; Societe Grenobloise d'Etudes Appliquees d'Hydraulique; 格勒诺布尔应用水力学研究公司
*SOL; shipowner's liability [Chartering and Shipping]; 船舶所有人的义务
*Solagral; Solidarites Agrialimentaires [France]; 支援农食品业组织
*SOLAS; International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS 1974); [1914, 1929, 1948, 1969, 1974]; 国际海上人命安全公约; SOLAS 1974; 1974年国际海上人命安全公约[国际条约集 1960-62,p.95]; SOLAS PROT 1978; Protocol of 1978 relating to the International Convention for the; Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 [17 Feb. 1978]; 1974年国际海上人命安全公约1978年议定书
*Sollac; Societe Lorraine de Laminage Continu [France]; 洛林连续轧钢公司
*SONED; Southern Networks for Development; 南方发展联络网
*SOPAC; South Pacific countries; 南太平洋国家
*SOS; save our souls; 救命!; SOS Children's Villages; SOS Kinderdorf International; 国际儿童村组织; SOS Sahel International; 国际抢救萨赫勒协会; SOS-Torture; World Organization against Torture; Organisation Mondiale contre la Torture; 世界禁止酷刑组织
*SOTER; Soil and Terrain Digital Database; 土壤和地形数字化数据库
*SOTRA; Sojuztranzit [the organization responsible for SLB service]; 西伯利亚陆桥联合运输公司
*SP; SP list [Japon]; selected products list; 选定产品清单[清单上的产品得到关税优惠]
*SP; special programmes; 特别方案
*SPA; special post allowance; 特别职位津贴
*SPA; special programme of assistance [World Bank]; 特别援助方案(特援方案)
*SPA; Special Service Agreement [FAO]; 特别服务协定
*SPA; Strengthening the Patent Administration of Malaysia [project]; 马来西亚加强专利管理项目(专利管理项目)
*SPARTECA; South Pacific Regional Trade and Economic Co-operation Agreement; 南太平洋区域贸易和经济合作协定
*SPC; Socialist Party of Croatia [Croatia]; Socijalisticka Stranka Hrvatske (SSH); 克罗地亚社会党
*SPC; South Pacific Commission; 南太平洋委员会
*SPD; Social Democratic Party of Germany (SDP) [Germany]; Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands; 德国社会民主党
*spd; steamer pays dues [Chartering and Shipping]; 船方负担税费
*SPEC; South Pacific Bureau for Economic Co-operation; 南太平洋经济合作局
*Special Fund; United Nations Special Fund (UNSF); 联合国特别基金
*SPF; South Pacific Forum; 南太平洋论坛
*SPI; Socio-Pastoral Institute (Philippines); 教会社会问题研究所
*SPIN; Intergovernmental Conference on Strategies and Policies for; Informatics; 信息学战略和政策政府间会议(信息学会议); SPIN II; 信息学战略和政策政府间会议第二次会议; (第二次信息学会议)
*SPINDE; Special Programme of Informatics for Development; 信息学促进发展特别方案
*SPINES; Science and Technology Policies Information Exchange System; 科学和技术政策资料交换系统(科技政策资料交换系统)
*SPIRE; special projects' implementation review exercise; 特别项目执行审查工作
*SPLA; Sudan People's Liberation Army; 苏丹人民解放军
*SPLF; Southern Philippines Federation of Labour; 菲律宾南部劳工联合会
*SPM; Somali Patriotic Movement; 索马里爱国运动
*SPM; suspended particulate matter; 悬浮颗粒物质;悬浮微粒物质
*SPMDP; South Pacific Maritime Development Plan; 南太平洋海运发展计划
*SPO; Serbian Renewal Movement (SRM) [Serbia]; Srpski Pokret Obnove; 塞尔维亚革新运动
*SPOT; Systeme pour l'Observation de la Terre [France]; 地球观察系统
*SPP; Serbian People's Party [Croatie]; Srpska Narodna Stranka (SNS); 塞尔维亚人民党
*SPP; Surplus People's Project [South Africa]; 过剩人口计划
*SPQ; Office of the Under-Secretary-General for Special Political Questions; 主管特别政治问题副秘书长办公室
*SPR; special programme resources (SPRs); 特别方案资源
*SPREP; South Pacific Regional Environment Programme; 南太平洋区域环境规划署;南太平洋区域环境方案
*SPRINT; Strategic Programme for the Transnational Promotion of Innovation and; Technology Transfer [EC]; 跨国促进革新与技术转让战略计划
*SPRL; societe de personnes a responsabilite limitee [Belgium]; 有限责任公司
*SPS; sanitary and phyto-sanitary measures; 卫生和植物检疫措施; Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phyto-Sanitary; Measures (SPS Agreement); 实行卫生和植物检疫措施协议
*SPS; Socialist Party of Serbia; Socijalisticka Partija Srbije; 塞尔维亚社会党
*SPTE; Special Programme on Trade Efficiency [UNCTAD]; 贸易效率特别方案
*SRBDC; Senegal River Basin Development Commission; 塞内加尔河流域开发委员会
*SRC; Strategic Resources Corp. [South Africa]; 战略资源公司[提供雇佣军事服务的公司]
*SRC; Student Representative Council [South Africa]; 学生代表理事会
*SRC; Sudanese Red Crescent; 苏丹红新月会
*SRCC; strikes, riots and civil commotions (SR & CC); [Chartering and Shipping]; 罢工、暴动和民变
*Srls; Saudi Arabian riyals [Monetary Unit of Saudi Arabia]; 沙特里亚尔
*SRM; Serbian Renewal Movement [Serbia]; Srpski Pokret Obnove (SPO); 塞尔维亚革新运动
*SRS; Serbian Radical Party [Serbia]; Srpska Radikalna Stranka; 塞尔维亚激进党
*Srs; Sri Lankan rupee [Monetary Unit of Sri Lanka]; 斯里兰卡卢比
*SRSG; Special Representative of the Secretary-General; 秘书长特别代表
*SS; steamship; 轮船; per SS "Hong Qi 162"; 装载船舶:红旗162号
*S$; Singaporean dollar [Monetray Unit of Singapore]; 新加坡元
*SSA; Special Service Agreement [FAO]; 特别服务协定
*SSA; Sub-Saharan Africa; 撒哈拉以南非洲(撒南非洲)
*SSAC; same sea and coast (SS & C); 同一海域和同一海岸; same sea and country (SS & C); 同一海域和同一国家
*SSAC; State System for Accounting and Control [IAEA]; 国家衡算和控制系统[核材料]
*SSC; Staff Selection Committee [FAO]; 工作人员甄选委员会(甄选委员会)
*SSC; State Security Council [South Africa]; 国家安全委员会
*SS & C; same sea and coast (SSAC); 同一海域和同一海岸; same sea and country (SSAC); 同一海域和同一国家
*SSDS; System of Social and Demographic Statistics; 社会人口统计制度
*SSFF; Solid Smokeless Fuels Federation; 固体无烟燃料联合会
*SSH; Socialist Party of Croatia (SPC) [Croatia]; Socijalisticks Stranka Hrvatske; 克罗地亚社会党
*SSOD; Special Session of the General Assembly on Disarmament [UN]; 大会裁军问题特别会议(裁军特别联大)
*SSPP; Shan State Progressive Party [Myanmar]; 掸邦进步党
*SSR; self-sufficiency rate; 自足率
*SSRS; Society for Social Responsibility in Science; 科学中的社会责任学会
*SSSI; site of special scientific interest; 有特殊科学价值的地区
*ST; United Nations Secretariat; 联合国秘书处
*STA; special technical adviser; 特别技术顾问
*STABEX; System for the Stabilization of Export Earnings (Stabex); [EEC - Lome Convention]; 稳定出口收入制度; [稳定非加太国家和海外国家与领土出口收入的制度]
*STACRES; Standing Committee on Research and Statistics [FAO]; 研究和统计常设委员会(研究统计常委会)
*STAR; Special Telecommunications Action of Regional Development [EC]; 促进区域发展特别电信行动
*STAR; supply travel on the rotation [UNHCR]; 轮流采购出差
*START; 1991 Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty; 1991年裁减战略武器条约; START II; 美苏第二阶段削减进攻性战略核武器条约; [1993年一月三日签署]
*STAT; Statistical Division [ECE]; 统计司
*STC; Science and Technology Committee; 科学和技术委员会; Scientific and Technical Commttee [EC]; 科学技术委员会
*STCW; International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and; Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978 (STCW 1978) [7 July 1978]; 1978年海员培训、发证和值班标准国际公约
*STD; Research and Development Programme in the Field of Science and; Technology for Development [EC]; 科学和技术促进发展领域研究与开发计划; Science and Technology for Development [EC]; 科学和技术促进发展计划; science and technology for development; 科学和技术促进发展
*STD; sexually-transmitted diseases (STDs); 性传染疾病
*STEIC; Science and Technology Education Information Centre [UNESCO]; 科学和技术教育资料中心(科技教育资料中心)
*STEND; System for Technological Exchange for Natural Disasters; 自然灾害防治技术交流系统
*STENEE; National Electric Energy Company [Honduras]; 国家电力公司
*STEP; Science and Technology for Environmental Protection [EC]; 科学和技术促进环境保护计划[共同体计划]
*STF; Systemic Transformation Facility [IMF]; 系统改革贷款办法
*STIB; Stratosphere-Troposphere Interactions and the Biosphere; [one of the long-term global research programmes identified in the; natural sciences]; 平流层对流层相互作用和生物圈方案
*STIDC; Scientific and Technical Information and documentation Committee; [EC]; 科学和技术资料委员会
*STINDE; Union of Workers of the National Institute of Electricity [Guatemala]; 国家电力研究所工会
*STIP; science and technology innovation policies (STIPs) [UNCTAD]; 科学和技术革新政策
*STO; state trade organizations; 国家贸易组织
*STP; straight through processing; 直接处理 (UNCTAD/SDTE/ECB/2)
*STRATBULK; Strategic Planning Course for the Bulk Sector; 散装运输部门战略计划课程
*STRATSHIP; Strategic Planning Workshops for Senior Shipping Management; [a computer game for shipping decision-making]; 高级航运管理战略计划讲习班
*STRIDE; Programme for Science and Technology for Regional Innovation and; Development in Europe [EEC; proposed]; 欧洲科学和技术革新发展方案
*STRIPS; Separate Trading of Registered Interest and Principal of Securities; [US Treasury securities, the records for which are kept on; computer, that are sold by dealers. The unique thing about; these securities is that the interest and principal are sold; separately, with separate identification numbers.]; 证券的利息与本金分开交易
*stu; short ton units [Tungsten]; 短吨度
*STUK; Finnish Centre for Radiation and Nuclear Safety; 芬兰辐射与核安全中心
*SUA; Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of; Maritime Navigation, 1988; 1988年禁止危害航海安全的非法行为公约
*SUA; Shan United Army [Myanmar]; 掸邦统一军
*SUMED; Suez-Mediterranean Oil Pipeline; 苏伊士—地中海输油管
*SUNAMAM; Superintendencia Nacional da Marinha Mercante [Brazil]; 国家航运管理局
*SUNDOS; Special UNDP Drought Operation for the Sudan; 苏丹旱灾特别救济行动方案
*SUPP; Sarawak United People's Party [Malaysia]; 沙捞越人民联合党
*SURB; Special Unit for Rwanda and Burundi [UNHCR]; 卢旺达和布隆迪特别股
*sv; sailing vessel [Chartering and Shipping]; 航行中的船舶;帆船
*SW; shipper's weight (S/W; sh wgt) [Chartering and Shipping]; 托运人重量;发货人报出的重量
*SWACO; South West Africa Company Ltd.; 西南非洲有限公司
*SWANAME; South West Asia, North Africa and the Middle East; 西南亚、北非和中东
*SWANLA; South West Africa Native Labour Association [Namibia]; 西南非洲土著工人协会
*SWANU; South West African National Union [Namibia]; 西南非洲民族联盟
*SWAP; South West African Police [Namibia]; 西南非洲警察
*SWAPO; South West African People's Organization; 西南非洲人民组织
*SWATF; South West African Territory Force; 西南非洲领地部队
*SWAWEK; South-West Africa Water and Electricity Corporation [Namibia]; Suidwes-Afrika Water en Elektrisiteits Korporaisie; 西南非洲水电公司
*SWCC; Second World Climate Conference; 第二次世界气候会议
*SWIFT; Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications; 全世界银行间金融电信协会
*SWMTEP; System-Wide Medium-Term Environment Programme; 全系统中期环境方案
*SYDONIA; Automated System of Customs Data Entry, Control and Management; Audomated Systen for Customs Data (ASYCUDA); [UNCTAD Software]; Systeme Douanier Automatise pour la Saisie, le Controle et la Gestion; 海关数据存入、控制和管理自动化系统(海关数据自动化系统)
*SYSMIN; System for Stabilizing Export Earnings in the Mining Sector (Sysmin); [EEC - Lome Convention]; 稳定矿产品出口收入制度(矿产品制度)
*SYSO; Southern Youth and Students Organization [India]; 南方青年与学生组织

*T; time limited post extension [UNHCR]; 职位的有限时间延长
*T-2; fusariotoxin (T-2 toxin); 镰孢毒素(T-2 毒素)
*TA; technical assistance; 技术援助
*TA; truck-air-truck (TAT); 陆空联运
*TAA; Transatlantic Agreement [freight conference]; 横渡大西洋协定
*TAA; United Nations Technical Assistance Administration (UNTAA); 联合国技术援助管理处(技援处)
*TAB; Technical Assistance Board [UNDP]; 技术援助委员会
*TAB; Technical Assistance Bureau [ICAO]; 技术援助局
*TAB; Training Advisory Board [UNHCR]; 培训咨询委员会
*TAC; Technical Advisory Committee; 技术咨询委员会
*TAC; total allowable catch [EC]; 允许捕鱼总量
*TACA; Transatlantic Conference Agreement [freight conference]; 横渡大西洋公会协定
*TACIS; Technical Assistance to the Commonwealth of Independent States and; Georgia; 对独立国家联合体和格鲁吉亚的技术援助方案; (独联体技援方案)
*TAD; target arrival dates; 预定到达日期;预定到货日期; TAD System [UNICEF]; “预定到货日期”办法
*T and S; Technical and Scientific Information [UNDP]; 技术和科学资料
*TANGO; Association of Non-Governmental Organizations [Gambia]; 非政府组织协会
*TANJUG; Telegrafska Agencija Nova Jugoslavija [news agency] [Yugoslavia]; 新南斯拉夫通讯社(南通社)
*TAO; United Nations Bureau of Technical Assistance Operations; (BTAO; UNBTAO; UNTAO); 联合国技术援助业务局(技援局); technical assistance operations; 技术援助业务
*TAP; United Nations Technical Advisory Panel; 联合国技术顾问团
*TAR; terminal assessment reports (TARs); 最后评价报告
*TARDTF; Tarime Rural Development Trust Fund [Tanzania]; 塔里梅农村发展信托基金
*TARFO; Technical Assistance Recruitment and Fellowships Office [UNOG]; 技术援助人员征聘和研究金办事处
*TARGET; Trans-European Automated Real-Time Gross Settlemen Express; Transfer; 全欧资金划拨自动实时总清算系统
*TARO; The Americas Regional, Area and Country Offices [UNICEF]; 美洲区域、地区及国家办事处(美洲办事处)
*TARS; Technical Assistance Recruitment Service; 技术援助人员征聘处(技援人员征聘处)
*TASS; Telegrafnoye Agentstvo Suverennykh Stran [news agency] [Russia]; 塔斯社
*TAT; truck-air-truck (TA); 陆空联运
*TB; terminal beyond [Container]; 进场外地使用
*TB; treasury bill; 国库券
*TBA; traditional birth attendant; 传统助产士
*TBT; technical barriers to trade; 技术性贸易壁垒; Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT Agreement); 技术性贸易壁垒协议[乌拉圭回合]
*TBT; tributyl tin; 三丁基锡
*TC; technical committees [ISO]; 技术委员会; TC 104 - "Freight Container" [ISO]; 第104技术委员会—“货运集装箱”
*TC; time charter (T/C); 定期租船;定期租船合同
*TC; total cost; 总成本
*TC; Trilateral Commission, The; 三边委员会
*TC; United Nations Trusteeship Council (UNTC); 联合国托管理事会(托管理事会)
*TCA; Tank Container Association; 罐式容器协会
*TCB; technology capacity building; 建立技术能力
*TCD; Department of Technical Co-operation for Development; (DTCD; UNDTCD) [UN Secretariat; Old Name]; 技术合作促进发展部; Division for Technical Co-operation for Development; (DTCD; UNDTCD) [UN Secretariat; New Name]; 技术合作促进发展司
*TCDA; United Nations Transport and Communications Decade in Africa; (UNTACDA; UNTCDA); 联合国非洲运输和通讯十年
*TCDC; technical co-operation among developing countries; 发展中国家技术合作(技合); Special Unit for Technical Co-operation among Developing Countries; [UNDP]; 发展中国家技术合作特别股; TCDC/INRES or TCDC-INRES; TCDC Information Referral System (INRES); 发展中国家技术合作资料查询系统
*TCDCU; Unit of Technical Co-operation among Developing Countries; 发展中国家技术合作股
*TCE; Thomson Consumer Electronics; 汤姆森家庭电子用品公司
*TCM; Convention on the International Combined Transport of Goods; (TCM Convention); 国际货物联运公约(联运公约)
*TCM; trade control measures (TCMs); 贸易管制措施
*TCMIS; Trade Control Measures Information System [UNCTAD]; 贸易管制措施资料系统
*TCP; Technical Co-operation Programme [FAO]; 技术合作方案
*TCP; Tropical Cyclone Programme [WMO]; 热带气旋方案
*TCR; regional co-operation tax [CEAO]; 区域合作税
*TD; terminal devanning [Container]; 区内拆箱
*TDB; Trade and Development Board [UNCTAD]; 贸易和发展理事会(贸发理事会)
*TDF; transborder data flow; 跨越国界数据流动
*TDO; total distribution operator; 总体调运经营人
*TDR; Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases; [World Bank/UNDP/WHO]; 热带疾病研究和训练特别方案(热带疾病方案)
*TDR; Trade and Development Report; 贸易和发展报告[年刊]
*TDRP; Tropical Diseases Research Programme; 热带疾病研究方案
*TDWG; Technical Department Working Group [FAO]; 技术司工作组
*TE; in empty [Container]; 空箱
*TEA; Trade Expansion Act [USA]; 扩大贸易法案
*TEA; Targeted Export Assistance Programme [USDA]; 目标出口援助计划
*TEC; Transfer of Technology Division; 技术转让司
*TEC; Transitional Executive Council [South Africa]; 过渡行政委员会
*TEGDN; triethylene glycol dinitrate; 三甘醇二硝酸酯
*TEGOVOFA; European Federation of valuers of Fixed Assets; 欧洲固定资产估价人联合会
*TELECOM; Telecommunications Relay Unit [UNOG]; 电信转播股
*TEMA; Committee for Training, Education and Mutual Assistance in Marine ; Science [IOC]; 海洋科学培训、教育和互助委员会
*TEMA; Turkish Foundation for Combatting Erosion, Reforestation and the; Protection of Natural Habitats; 土耳其防治侵蚀、重新造林和保护自然生境基金会
*TEMPUS; Trans-European Mobility Scheme for University Studies [EC]; 全欧高等教育流动计划
*TERI; Tata Energy Research Institute [India]; 塔塔能源研究所
*TESAC; Temperature, Salinity and Current Report; 温度、含盐量及海流观测报告
*TESO; Tanzania Environmental Society; 坦桑尼亚环境学会
*TEU; twenty-foot equivalent unit; 20英尺标准箱(标准箱)[集装箱]
*TF; shipping [Container]; 准备装船
*TFAP; Tropical Forestry Action Plan; 热带森林行动计划; Tropical Forestry Action Programme; [FAO/UNEP/UNDP/WRI; June 1985]; 热带森林行动方案
*TFE; tetrafluoroethylene; 四氟乙烯
*TFE; twenty-foot equivalent; 20英尺标准箱(标准箱)[集装箱]
*TFECWARA; Trust Fund for the Economic Commission for Western Asia Regional; Activities; 西亚经济委员会区域活动信托基金
*TFMD; Trade, Fiscal and Monetary Affairs Division; 贸易、金融和货币事务司
*TFP; total factor productivity; 生产要素总生产率(要素总产率)
*TFR; total fertility rate; 总生育率(总生率)
*TFT; thin-film transitors; 薄膜电子管
*TFUNCTC; Trust Fund for the United Nations Centre on Transnational; Corporations; 联合国跨国公司中心信托基金
*TGE; Tokyo Grain Exchange [Japan]; 东京谷物交易所
*TGV; high-speed train; train a grande vitesse; 高速火车
*Thos Jas; Thomas and James Co.; 托马斯和詹姆斯公司
*TIA; transparency in armaments [A/RES/46/36; Disarmament]; 军备透明;军备透明度; TIA Committee; Ad Hoc Committee on Transparency in Armaments; 军备透明特设委员会
*TIAR; Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance; Rio de Janeiro Inter-American Mutual Aid Treaty; [2 Sept. 1947; UN Treaty Series, Vol.21, p.92]; (里约热内卢)美洲国家间互助条约; [国际条约集 1945-47,p.519]
*TIC; trade indifference curve; 贸易无差异曲线
*TIC; Tripartite industrial co-operation; 三方工业合作
*TICAD-I; First Tokyo International Conference on African Development; 东京非洲发展问题第一次国际会议
*TIES; Technological Information Exchange System [UNIDO]; 技术资料交换系统
*TIF; Convention concerning International Carriage by Rail (COTIF); [E/1989/96, para.119; UNTS Vol.1 1396 I-23353]; 国际铁路运输公约; TIF Convention 1952; International Convention to Facilitate the Crossing of Frontiers for; Goods by Rail [10 Jan. 1952]; 1952年简化铁路货运过境手续的国际公约; [总部译成:促进铁路货运过境的国际公约]
*TIGER; Treasury Investers Growth Receipt (TIGR; TIGRs; TIGERs) [USA]; [A form of zero-coupon security first created by Merrill Lynch, Pierce,; Fenner, and Smith. These Securities are US Government backed; bonds which have been stripped of their coupons. Both coupons; and bonds are sold at deep discounts. Holders of the securities; receive face value for the securities at maturity, devoid of interest.; Since zero-coupon bonds must pay imputed interest annually,; TIGERs also must do this, according to the IRS. To avoid paying; tax on this interest, some holders put the securities in IRA plans,; Keoghs, or other tax deferred accounts.]
*TINET; Trade Information Network [PTA]; 贸易资料网络
*TIPA; [Acronym for an international payments system linking co-operative; banks]
*TIPAC; Transit Inter-Etats de Pays de l'Afrique Centrale; 中非各国间过境安排
*TIPS; Technological Information Pilot System; 技术资料试验系统; Technological Information Promotion System; 技术资料促进系统
*TIR; Transport International Routier; 国际公路运输规则(公路运输); TIR Convention; 国际公路货运公约;TIR公约; Customs Convention on the International Transport of Goods; under Cover of TIR Carnets [1959, 1975]; 关于国际公路货运通行证制度下国际货运海关公约;; TIR证国际货运海关公约; TIR Carnets; 国际公路货运通行证;TIR证
*TIS; Trade Information System [UNCTAD]; 贸易资料系统
*TISCO; Tata Iron and Steel Company Ltd. [India]; 塔塔钢铁有限公司
*TL; total loss (T/L) [Chartering and Shipping]; 全损
*TLD; Top-Level Domain; ; 顶级域名 (UNCTAD/SDTE/ECB/2)
*TLM; threshold limit medium; 平均容许极限量
*TLO; total loss only; 全损险
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