



▼位于校园的中心的修复后的希腊复兴式建筑, a historic Greek Revival building at the center of the campus green

The Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology and the Ancient World at Brown University occupies Rhode Island Hall, a historic Greek Revival building at the center of the campus green. AW restored the building’s beloved exterior and re-animated the interior with a new program and design vocabulary to create this endowed teaching and research facility.The building’s historic shell and contemporary liner amplify one another by contrast. While the exterior was carefully restored, the interior was completely gutted of all structure and contents, making room for an architectural language that challenges the notion of archaeology as a conservative and dusty pursuit and supports the Institute’s mission to serve as a progressive leader in the field of archaeology.

▼设计流程图,design flow chart


▼自然的日光直接照进各个室内空间,natural daylight washes through program areas directly

▼得到充分利用的夹层空间,fully utilized mezzanine space

▼半透明的玻璃面板构造安静明亮的内部空间,translucent glass panel to create quiet and bright reading study space

▼活动图书馆围绕半透明玻璃结构办公室建造,active library built surrounding the translucent glass office

▼阳光透过木屏风映到玻璃墙壁上,the sun shines through the wooden screen into the glass panel

▼木质结构构成的过道空间,the corridor made of wooden structure

▼木屏风结构细节,the detail of wooden screen

▼与天窗相接的Y字木质结构,Y-shaped wooden structure connected to the skylight

▼Y字结构细节,the detail of Y-shaped wooden structure

The design approach for this project uses the existing shell to define the internal organization of its contents. Program elements were introduced either as liners of the building’s perimeter or as objects pulled away from the walls. Essential to this effort was consideration of ways that daylight could be delivered throughout the building, exploring the translucency of wood screens and patterned glass panels, in order to dissolve the boundaries between student and teacher and to encourage discourse. By deploying these few simple elements in a variety of conditions, the design creates spaces that accommodate multiple needs: reading alcove and active library, lecture hall and informal gathering space, circulation space and artifact display, research floor and graduate studio. Natural daylight washes through program areas directly, or is filtered through wood screens that guide movement through the building, or softly illuminates private offices through translucent walls.The Institute’s open, flexible plan reflects the University’s goal to bring together faculty and students from a variety of disciplines under one roof, facilitating cross-departmental interaction. The project is both practical and symbolic, providing a contemporary home for this new research institute within a beloved architectural artifact.

▼采光良好的演讲厅,well-lit lecture hall

▼木质壁龛,wooden alcove

▼研究室区域,the research space

▼场地平面图,the site plan

▼一层平面图,1st floor plan

▼夹层平面图,Mezzanine floor plan

▼二层平面图,2nd floor plan

▼剖面图,the section

Architect: Anmahian Winton Architects

Nick Winton, AIA and Alex Anmahian, AIA

Project Team: Aaron Bruckerhoff, Joel Lamere, Makoto Abe

Structural Engineer: Richmond So Engineering

MEP/FP Engineer:RDK Engineers

Geotechnical Engineer:GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc.

Landscape Design: Hines Wasser & Associates

Lighting Design: LAM Partners, Inc.

Contractor: Shawmut Design & Construction

Photographers: Warren Jagger Peter Vanderwarker Jane Messinger

文章转载自Anmahian Winton Architects,如涉及侵权请联系删除。

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