


Stanton & Co是一间精致的餐厅+酒吧,它位于一栋历史悠久的建筑之中,包括开放的厨房和室内外用餐空间,大概能够容纳250位顾客。餐厅所在的Cannery区还包括许多其他的餐饮和商业空间。

Stanton & Co is a restaurant interior fit out of an existing heritage shell. The venue holds 250 patrons and is a fine bar/bistro offering internal and external dining with an open show kitchen. The restaurant is housed within the greater Cannery precinct in Rosebery which is a heritage development including other food, beverage and commercial tenants.

▼空间概览,interior overview


The project explored various timber panelling, joinery and metal structures including the oversized zinc kitchen “hood” which shields the view of the dropped kitchen ceiling required to achieve food compliance. A study of traditional details and heritage panelling, the tone is warm, expressive and refined within a robust and exposed structural shell.

▼用餐空间,dining area

▼厨房顶部设有超大型的锌制“排风罩”,kitchen featuring oversized zinc ‘hood’

建筑的历史性外壳得到了完整的保留,内部的空间则是完全崭新的,它们不仅与既有的肌理形成了和谐呼应,同时也为Stanton & Co餐厅赋予了全新的品牌形象。整体设计充分考虑了建筑的历史属性,并在此基础上实现了可持续性和文化的更新。

The project is an adaptive reuse within a heritage shell. The shell architecture is retained fully with all new works being constructed to be wholly reversible. The new works are at once a sympathy to the existing fabric and a rebirth of the Stanton & Co banner as a new food and beverage identity. With the genesis of the project concept revolving around a heritage vision, the project succeeds in creating a historic ambience, architecture sustainability and cultural renewal of this heritage precinct.

▼长椅座位区,bench seating

▼沙发用餐区,banquette seating

▼细部,detailed view

▼从用餐空间望向庭院,view to courtyard

“我们希望通过尽可能简单的材料和视觉效果来降低建筑对场地的影响。因此我们要为酒吧和餐厅赋予一些非传统意义上的特征。” 基于这一点,设计师为餐厅设计了一个带有橱柜和置物架的服务吧台,并将其置于木质主吧台和开放式厨房的后方,从而在不干扰建筑既有特征的同时为其赋予现代化的功能,使场地的过去与现在和谐共存。

We intended to reduce the architectural footprint by reducing the visual and material impact of the bar and kitchen so that the volume could be least affected. Hence our objective revolved around making the bar “not a bar” and the kitchen “not a kitchen”. This results in a service bar with cabinets/shelves behind the timber panelled front bar and an open kitchen which with the need to achieve food compliance is obscured by zinc-clad fascia, both innovative and lead to the long-term reversibility of the heritage project whilst having sympathetic impacts on the use of the space.

▼吧台区,bar area

▼室内空间的色调温暖、精致且富有表现力,the warm, expressive and refined tone of interior

▼吧台细部,bar detail

▼用餐空间和餐具细部,dining area and design detail

Project Information

Project Name: Stanton&Co

Location: Rosebery, Sydney, Australia

Head Architectural Consultant: Jeremy Bull

Interior Design Team: Sophie Harris, Madison Fay

Photographer: Felix Forest

Editorial Styling: Claire Delmar

Project end date: November 2017 

Area: 500sqm

Client: Parlour Group

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