


2015年,Formafatal工作室成立,并完成了布拉格市中心Voršilská街上阿根廷餐厅Gran Fierro I的室内设计。五年后,餐厅老板Juan Cruz Pacin不得不另找地点发展其成功的餐饮事业,餐厅便搬到了Myslíkova街上独特的功能主义建筑Mánes画廊旁。

The establishment of the Formafatal studio in 2015 was accompanied by the design and implementation of the interior of the Argentinian restaurant Gran Fierro I in Voršilská Street in the centre of Prague. Five years have passed, and the owner of the restaurant Juan Cruz Pacin was forced to move his successful business to a new address, in Myslíkova Street, near a unique functionalist building – the Mánes Gallery.

▼从街道透过橱窗看餐厅,view of the restaurant from the street through the window ©BoysPlayNice

新餐厅位于UNESCO的历史保护区中,Formafatal工作室的设计师们沿袭原来的设计思路,采取新的策略,再次为餐厅量身打造了设计概念。新的Gran Fierro餐厅包括花园在内共占地390平方米,可提供163个座位。餐厅主要包括三部分:配有开放厨房的主要就餐区,带有冬季花园的室外活动区和一个有VIP休息室的侧室。

The architects from the Formafatal studio again worked up the concept and in the historic building belonging to the UNESCO monument zone, where the pub was operated for years, followed the original concept of Gran Fierro and added new approaches. The newly born Gran Fierro covers an area of 390 m2 (incl. Garden) with a total capacity of 163 seats. The restaurant is divided into 3 main parts – the main area with an integrated open kitchen, an outdoor garden with a winter garden and a rear wing with VIP lounges.

▼入口吧台,bar at the entrance ©BoysPlayNice

▼进入主要就餐区,entering the main dining area ©BoysPlayNice

▼细部,酒架,detail, the shelf for wine shop ©BoysPlayNice

负责人Dagmar Štěpánová介绍道“新的混凝土砌块在餐厅入口处形成了令人眼前一亮的装饰墙。这面墙象征着新的设计思维,也代表着Gran Fierro餐厅的经营哲学。餐厅不采用传统木炭,从自己的厨余废料中生产出了生态燃料。混凝土装饰墙的每个格子中都展示着木炭,就像橱柜展示着珍宝。餐厅后方也展示出了同样的视觉概念,休息室上方的拱顶便全部由木炭装饰而成。”

Newly appeared concrete blocks create a dominant decorative skin wall right in the entrance part of the restaurant. This wall is a symbolic legacy of a new approach – not only in the architect´s concept, but above all the new mindset and philosophy of Gran Fierro and its owner, who exchanged charcoal for bio charcoal, which they started making themselves from vegetable waste from the kitchen. Therefore, inside each concrete block levitates piece of charcoal, the wall is like a show case, charcoal is like a jewel in it. With this visual concept, we continue to the back of the restaurant, where, for example, the vault of one of the lounges is created from levitating charcoal pieces.”

▼令人瞩目的混凝土装饰墙,eye-catching concrete wall ©BoysPlayNice


“The effort to use in maximum the original equipment and furniture somehow set the direction, used materials and colours of interior. We have incorporated new elements into the design, again referring to raw construction materials, which, however, get a completely new function. Exposed steel HEB beams serve as base for benches, iron bars optically divide the space or serve as shelf for a generous wine shop, designed from across the entire wall. Welded wire meshes serve as trellises for green plants and garden fencing.

▼吧台另一侧,the other side of the bar ©BoysPlayNice

▼延续原餐厅的设计,continuation of the original design ©BoysPlayNice

▼细部,吧台酒柜,wine cabinet of the bar ©BoysPlayNice

Gran Fierro餐厅老板Juan Cruz Pacin讲述道“当我知道餐厅需要搬迁时,就对新餐厅充满期待,相信设计一定会比之前的更加精彩。餐厅需要延续原来的氛围,因此与Formafatal的再度合作是最佳选择,他们真正了解设计的内涵。新餐厅的设计中,将旧元素运用在新空间中是一项挑战。随着餐厅概念的更新,设计也需要采取新的策略以实现空间的转变。设计师Dagmar提出的“木炭墙”是最大的创新。以木炭为装饰物,意味着需要对木炭的起源和使用进行深入的思考。木炭制品会加剧森林砍伐,这促使我们生产出自己的绿色生态燃料。现在,这面墙成为了餐厅哲学的最好展示。”

“Once I knew I had to relocate Gran Fierro to a different space, I felt that the new design should surpass the existent one. But at the same time it had to keep the feeling of the old one. So, I could only trust the architects of Formafatal for the job because they truly understand the meaning behind Gran Fierro’s design. It was a challenge to take the elements of an original design and make them work in a new space with new elements. And specially with new concepts, the restaurant has gone through a powerful transformation that needed to be addressed by the design. Dagmar’s original proposal for a charcoal wall triggered one of the biggest transformations of the restaurant. Because we were going to display pieces of charcoal as decorative objects, we had to think deeply about charcoal and its origins. That’s when we discovered that many charcoal productions contribute to deforestation and we decided to spread awareness about it and start producing our own green BIO coal. Now we can say that the wall is our strongest visual statement.”

▼进入侧室,entering the rear wing ©BoysPlayNice

▼VIP休息室,the VIP lounge ©BoysPlayNice

▼室外用餐空间,outdoor dining space ©BoysPlayNice

▼卫生间,toilet ©BoysPlayNice

▼细部,木炭装饰,details, charcoal as decorative objects ©BoysPlayNice

▼平面图,plan ©BoysPlayNice

▼剖面图,long section, first entrance room with the concrete blocks wall © FORMAFATAL

▼剖面图,long section, counter and open kitchen elevation © FORMAFATAL

▼剖面图,long section, wine shop, restroom, entrance and winter garden elevations © FORMAFATAL

Studio: Formafatal
Author: Dagmar Štěpánová, principal architect; Iveta Tesařová, principal architect
Contact: E-mail dagmar@formafatal.cz
Website: www.formafatal.cz
Studio address: Jaromírova 431/29, 128 00 Prague 2, Czech Republic
Project location: Myslíkova 8, Prague 2
Project country: Czech Republic
Project year: 2019
Completion year: 2020
Built-up Area: 445 m2
Gross Floor Area: 390 m2
Usable Floor Area: 314 m2
Client: Juan Cruz Pacin
Client’s e-mail: juan@granfierro.cz
Client’s website: www.granfierro.cz
Photographer BoysPlayNice, info@boysplaynice.com, www.boysplaynice.com

charcoal / decoration and suspended ceiling in one of lounges
acid stain concrete / floor
concrete block / skin wall
steel hot-rolled sheet/ furniture according to the author’s design – tiling of the bar counter, outdoor tables, washbasin tables and cows-lighting
steel HEB beams / furniture according to the author’s design – bench
steel beams / furniture according to the author’s design – table base, shelfs
steel bars / furniture according to the author’s design – lattice, shelfs
welded wire meshes/ furniture according to the author’s design – winery, part of garden fencing
plywood / furniture according to the author’s design – bench, serving table – cow torso
MDF fibreboard + patinated painting / cabinet wall with perforation in the back lounge
solid oak / furniture according to the author’s design – table tops, shelfs, wardrobe
cement-wood-chip board / part of garden fencing
burnt wood: Shou-sugi-ban / wall cladding and door
ceramic tiles / behind the bar
patinated-grunge texture mirrors / wall cladding
patinated painting / wall surface
technistone/ bar counter
leather / pillows, place setting
marble / sinks
terracottaterracotta / flower pots
elhar cord / gradient luminaires according to the author’s design

Products and Brands
dining chairs (metal + leather), bar stools — Manufactori
outdoor armchair – Snooze Director chair — Emu
pendant and wall glass luminaires, wall luminaires “targets” — Zangra
pendant metal circular luminaires – Chiswick Hoop — Tudo & Co
linear lamp in the back of the bar – Aqua — Vyrtych
handles and handpulls — Buster + Punch
round mirrors on the toilet — Notre Monde
industrial mirror — Industrial Antik
ceramic tiles – wall cladding behind the bar — Cevica

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布拉格两种风貌的Gran Fierro 餐厅
布拉格Gran Fierro餐厅
素描知识 | 炭笔 Charcoal
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