

Leaders call for sincere

                                      Leaders call for sincere 


      Many leaders are struggling with the outside world that they should be presented to the individual image. They asked themselves, to become successful leaders, should do and should not do? How should I express yourself? Should I show true self, or that this would not be conducive to good management?

     Have a strong leader in self-consciousness - they are definitely a minority - would not hesitate to true to themselves, but the lack of self-consciousness leader will send confusing signals.
Worse, these leaders may not realize (or just subconsciously know), they show themselves in public is disingenuous. As Shakespeare said, "Life is a drama, we are merely the actors." May be used as criteria, some leaders always show the false self, but felt very uncomfortable - like reading and writing to the someone else's script. They have been on stage, but the lines have been wrong, play the wrong role.
True self vs false self

     Many leaders have used role playing, put on a mask, so forgotten their own authentic way. They do not according to their beliefs, but rather on the views of others to act. As time goes by, more and more familiar role, the more wear masks too easily, so it becomes the iron mask, can not take off. At this point, they can not become a complete individual. In addition to creating a genuine contact with others becomes difficult.

      The mental health experts believe that experience and shows the real show of our own self-awareness as individuals in terms of efficient and healthy is critical. Only representatives of efforts to showcase the things we really allow inner intersection of theater and external theater production, we can of what you do really feel energetic, really into passion. In business, the only way we can truly lead the people on our real impact force. If you can not clearly understand the self, a person can not sincerely and effectively with others.

     On the other hand, those who were more sincere ability to act according to their true selves, they focus more and more able to balance, compassionate, tolerant, sensitive, peace and a sense of security, and more confident. Them in a more optimistic attitude towards life, have a stronger self-esteem, greater life satisfaction. But because they feel more alive, they are more likely to work with enthusiasm and joy, and true to their own careers. In addition, they hold the possibility of life in a realistic manner, and therefore less likely to self-destruction. In interpersonal relationships, sincere people more social skills, because they can be more sincere expression of emotion. This quality for others to accept them, and vice versa.

     Communicate with others, the bad faith of the people will express emotion, but seem to have lost something. Others soon find that their emotional experience is actually very superficial. Therefore, the bad faith of the people can not put really close relationship. Although they may look normal, demonstrating a feeling of ordinary people, but the normal is false; they like a chameleon, the choice is emotion or quality of the environment needs. Despite their feelings shown a lot of concern for others, but deep down, their experience and care very little. Although they pretend to be interested in others, but this is almost scene. Because there is no ability to make any emotional investment, so they will feel alienated: insincere people feel out of touch with the environment, and their hearts are actually empty.

     Unfortunately, the business environment is a stage, and the false self seems to flourish. Show the false self even to be a professional on the edge, because it can make the rules consistent with your organization and do expect things organized. A chameleon who is very conducive to business people realize their ambition. Given the many organizations in superficial relationships, they can not show the true self, but the ability to make himself look like a duck. They are very willing to anything in the organization's representative on the show "real" commitment - it was just a game.

    However, the game mind is a price to pay. And phase out their inner world - is under the control of the false self - will produce frustration and alienation. In general, the more successful the individual bad faith, he / she felt the inner world of the more strange, disjointed feeling more and more intense. With the increase of their anxiety, they are not truth gradually as the "audience" perceived "audience" will realize that what is missing, began to feel manipulated, and they found themselves the victims of the real impression management .
The new leadership in the workplace

     21st century leaders must realize, command, control, and compartmentalization of the organization is already the past. In the post-industrial society, the majority of knowledge workers, so make sure people excellence, you need leaders to lead the interaction, information and innovation. To be successful, organizations need leaders to show true self, the combination of confidence and humility, in the eyes of others, to be honest and trustworthy. In order to become such a leader, one must realize (and believe) their motivation, emotion and desire; identify their strengths and weaknesses; understand their personality traits and emotional state; know how their emotions affect their behavior . Their interactions with others must be sincere and sensitive response to others, because they really care about others. They must be responsible for their actions, adhere to the principles they support. And they must be willing to face the reality, not imaginary reality, to refuse to selective perception.

      The 21st century, effective leadership to a large extent depends on the personal network. This is why in the next century and sincere leadership for success is critical. Sincere leadership has provided a competitive advantage, because the leadership is conducive to an honest assessment of how and why a business exists and what the priorities of organizations. True leaders have a higher emotional intelligence. Because the true leader and more consistent inner theater (and therefore more concerned about other people's inner theater), so they can interpret and express more employees do not speak out the words of my heart. This understanding of the staff a sense of belonging and commitment. True leader and true self exposed more of their employees through the collective imagination and dialogue to form a group identity.

     True leaders are very concerned about the working environment. They found that employee needs consistent with organizational needs is critical for organizational effectiveness. They found that, if the organization can produce such a consistent leader, employees will feel their decision-making power in their hands; they feel in control of your destiny. They know that only through licensed to others, can have their own power, so they want the content and direction in the operation, the employees can make recommendations. By helping employees believe themselves to identify and meet the needs and aspirations, in good faith leaders to be able to inspire the employees hard work and creativity.

     Although the true leaders know very important competitive advantage, but they also know that not just concerned about the economic benefits of employees, because their expectations are the same. Despite a substantial income, but they do not become victims of greedy (as many big-name CEO recently who did). They really want people to believe that they are creating something, not only for the organization, but also from a small sense, but also for the world to create something. Therefore, the true leader of the organization created by, all employees are subject to pay attention and recognition. This is the meaning of authority.

     In addition, the true leader also has done much to cultivate the ability of employees to help them see their own growth and progress. Because they know people will suffer because the incentive to learn new things, so they assume responsibility for staff development. They found that if employees have to pay a huge ever-changing world of work, they need to acquire new knowledge, develop new skills. They also share knowledge with others. Therefore, a leader in good faith under the leadership of the organization, the sharing of learning is a key model.

     True leaders are culture builders, they will build a values framework, enabling organizations to become a good place to work. They created a series element for the organization of the value of (meta-value) - the element value beyond the traditional and most organizations in the value of general regulations.

    In these values, the first is the sense of community. When employees sense of belonging in the workplace, trust and mutual respect will develop it, people will be happy to help others, and work groups are becoming more closely, a stronger sense of purpose. Organization's sense of community can be strengthened in many ways. This includes building an organizational structure began in small units, decentralization of decision-making to ensure a fair process to seek transparency, distributed practice, sharing style of leadership. The leadership in the participation of all organizations, faith leaders will be very pleasant to counseling the young executives, to see their achievements. This re-creation of the experience - the experience of caring for others - is a source of creativity, but also to tutors see themselves in the successor to the continuity.

     Find true leaders to help people along the journey to meet the exciting adventure of exploring human nature and self-confidence needs. Exploration, pleasure, entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation are closely linked. Therefore, the value of the second element is a kind of pleasure. In the truly efficient company, employees will enjoy their work. Indeed, they are "very happy" - the word is not often associated with the workplace. However, the entertainment will promote mental health. In addition, sincere leaders also found that happy employees make happy customers receive. When employees are happy when they do not, they are hard against the customer smile. Also, they know the general organization in the labor camps, imagination is stifled innovation is also banned.

     Finally, the true leader is also concerned about the value of a third element: a sense of meaning. They know that people work for money, but will sacrifice for the cause. True leaders know, the best use of life is to spend time in a number of things can make it lasting. This argument also applies to organizational life. They realize that when organizations are doing reflects the needs of individuals to go beyond - for example reflected in improving people's quality of life, or help people, or some contribution to society - the impact on employees is huge.

     With this understanding, the true leader, you can create a sense of meaning, inspire people to maximum potential, imagination and creativity. In such organizations, people may experience a "Chung dynamic", threw himself into what they are doing anything. When people fully invested in their own established business, pleasure, towards the goal, they are the best and most happy.
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