

The essence of great management principles

                                        The essence of great management principles

With the above;

     United States has a management expert called Mitchell • Labo Fu, perhaps in the United States, in China are not so famous, but he wrote a little book, reading it a long thought than many famous masterpiece also "reference and thorough
, the solution was transparent. "

    Mitchell • Labo Fu is a grown up from the workshop manager. In the long-term management practice, he has been confused about: Many of today's enterprises, organizations do not know what wrong, no matter how managers resorted to "all the stops", enterprises, organizations can improve the efficiency or the number of employees, subordinates or listlessness, the entire enterprise, organizations like a rusty machine, running up and special effort. He also tried to learn from the voluminous writings of management gurus for advice in the destination management, and finally was confused and incomprehensible. Finally, he was told that the greatest truths are often the most simple: "When you can not understand a question, to go back to the basics, you will find some answers. The greatest truth is often so important that can not be new. "
In this way, Mitchell • La Bofu back to their own management practices and from repeatedly thinking, and finally realize a what he calls "the simplest, most understand that but also the greatest management principle."

Mitchell • La Bofu of this little book is called "the world's greatest management principle."

    Labo Fu that, today, many businesses, organizations reason for inefficiency, lethargy, in the final analysis because their staff appraisal system, reward and punishment system had a problem.
"Today, the organization of the body, its greatest barrier to success is that we want to reward the behavior and the behaviors we are a far cry."

     Labo Fu said that he worked so hard to come by this that the world's greatest management principle is: "People will be rewarded to do something."

      Great is Diana Adams made! To the Holy Sri Lanka reason! Indeed the essence of management is such a simple to understand but often forgotten truth: what you want, on what awards. The ancient Chinese have long known that: somewhat good, the next will be even. Good king slender, more than starvation in the country. As a manager, whether the ancient kings, officials, or today's president, manager, what you reward and punish what is undoubtedly demonstrates to the world your values; your subordinates, employees, or agree with your values, to do what you want him to do, be what you wanted him to be the kind of person; or do not accept your values, from your business, organization away; or just double face, opportunistic.
A fourth possible? No.

      So, as a manager, to establish their own right (that is consistent with company, the fundamental interests of the organization), clear (that is not ambiguous, wavering) values, and by means of the concrete implementation of reward and punishment unmistakably manifested
should be a management priority.

Labo Fu said he found that there are two management practices:

1, the more you reward the behavior, the more you get. You will not get what you want, ask for or desire to cry, you get what you reward.
In any case, you can judge people and animals will do for him (it) to do their best.

2, in trying to do the right thing, people can easily fall into this trap: the rewards bad behavior and ignore or penalize the correct behavior.
As a result, we want A, but inadvertently reward B, but also wondering why get B.

That is:

1, what you ask people to make behavior, rather than merely in the hope of requirements, it is better to make such behavior more clearly white incentives more effective;

2, people often make the mistake: I hope, ask for A, but often was B, because he often inadvertently reward B.

Labo Fu said that companies reward staff are the top ten most common errors committed:

1, the need for better outcomes, but to reward those who look most busy people who work the longest;

2, for the quality of work, but set a reasonable deadline;

3, I hope the answer to the root problem, but it rewards stopgap measure;

4, the light about a sense of loyalty to the company, but does not provide job security and pay the highest salaries to the latest progress and those who threatened to leave the staff;

5, the need to simplify things, but incentives to make things complicated and manufacturing trivial person;

6, requires a harmonious working environment, but will reward those who complain the most and the lip of the person;

7, the need for creative people, but punish those who dare to maverick;

8, the light said to be frugal, but with the greatest increase in the budget to reward those who consume all their resources of staff to the cleaners;

9, requires teamwork, but a reward team members at the expense of others;

10, need to innovate, but penalties for failed ideas, and reward rigid behavior.

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