

A variety of business leaders, corporate managers will destroy bad habits

  A variety of business leaders, corporate managers will destroy bad habits 

With the above;

Managers of an enterprise has a decisive role, at present, most domestic companies are good at business managers, emphasizing management, emphasis on performance, and management oversight, resulting in slow development of some enterprises or stagnant, or even business Life is not long. Although they also know the importance of system management and the establishment of various systems, but often can not be sustained implementation, system makers and sometimes even into the system the first destroyer. Traced some of the body corporate managers or bad management practices at work.

1. Deletions system, arbitrary

Some companies in the development system, not based on the actual situation and needs, but blindly follow the system used by successful companies, or copy the East to move West, or simply copy. This worked out a system, scientific, systematic, accuracy is problematic, if implemented, birth defects that is exposed. So the system managers will be issued to add or delete command.
In fact, 500 successful companies, each with its own characteristics, each have their own corporate culture and management mechanism, therefore, should not be applied mechanically.

2. Flouting the system, poor implementation

Some enterprise management system, often appear contradictory, about the embarrassing situation of conflict. Most business managers are not then consider how to systematically improve the system, and often told the Executive: The system is dead, people are living, the system can not be clinging tightly, principled and flexibility should be combined. This implies that the system do not have everything, and always perform.
So the system is compromised.

3. Implementation of the system, lenient

Some backbone, love the violation occurred, the business managers are often reluctant to implement the system, or spared, or dealt with leniently, and was justified: special matter, case processing.
Managers are also aware of the institutionalization of this practice on the management of adverse business, so will add exhort a "never again."

4. Each doing its own thing, often changing the system

With the replacement of old managers, corporate management system is also constantly changing, the name reflects the personal management style and business philosophy, but they ignore a genuine and to promote enterprise development to adapt to the system.

Some habits, the manager may seem trivial, but the staff is concerned, the seriousness of the system, authenticity is compromised. Managers of enterprises arbitrary management practices and sometimes fatal harm.
Only to overcome these bad habits in order to make the enterprise bigger.

5. The meeting decided to bypass the system

Not sure or inconvenience encountered some personal attitude of the "difficult" problem, managers often called ** meeting discussion, respect the collective decision is, in fact, the system is above the top of the group of people. This is right above the law in the enterprise as a form of expression. China, the state existing relevant laws and regulations, the system involves the vital interests of employees, employee representatives have the General Assembly or by the trade union organization by a certain legal proceedings to change or repeal, but some companies are not so operating, obviously, this has not
is a question of compliance with corporate rules and regulations.

6. Commitments lightly, freely go back

Some managers tend to make rash promises in a good mood when the reward subordinates, or agreed to a number of things that normally would not relent, but will go back to calm down, or dumb.
As a result, the natural can only count to speak to the staff left a bad impression.

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