

Often prone to error in the absence of experienced people to manage the team ------------
     Often prone to error in the absence of experienced people to manage the team ------------

With the above;

Smart managers to listen to the voice of experience. They may choose to ignore the opinion, but they will still listen.

      I have talked with hundreds of startups, entrepreneurs, and the relative lack of experience of the management team have worked together and provide them with advice. I am also a lack of experience at that time in charge.
Experienced a lot of things, so I slowly come.

      Now I tell everyone generously from his own mistakes and learn the unique growth experience, especially that only failed to pass the wisdom and humility of self management.

      Even so, the astute manager to listen to the voice of experience. They may choose to ignore the opinion, but they will still listen.
Information is power, forewarned is forearmed, and so on.

     In a CNBC interview, when asked what made her stick in the evening, the rapid growth of the ambitious sports apparel maker Lululemon Athletica's CEO Christina • Germany said, "and gradually increase. Our growth
has been very significant, and this gave the young management team brings a lot of pressure. "

     Starbucks has 20 years experience in Germany has recently become president of Asia Pacific Group. Expand the scale of operations is the lack of experienced management team, one of the ten defects.
You would be wise to avoid them.

1, that all you have to want to clear this.

     Or, the answer is you use the four walls of their own closed. Mature executives and one of the biggest differences between novice is aware of the management team and board of directors are not omniscient.
Gather information, debate, and then make a decision.

2, no ability to say no chance.

    The first pitfall is too ambitious to start too many projects, so that resources too thin and does not focus on the most important things: the implementation and growth in core business.

3, in a project on the fight in too long.

     That is, when there are signs that they are heading in the wrong direction, for example, customers want alternative B A, customer traction is not there as planned, or the market is not formed.

4, in charge of hiring others with no experience.

    If you scratched his head, do not know how stupid, then you are not alone. I could never understand why entrepreneurs do, but they do so, and their board of directors, venture capital and all of them to do so. Such things happen.
The result: the blind lead the way in to the blind.

5, because of their experience to the charge of recruitment.

     Very often, entrepreneurs know they need an experienced management staff to make up for its relative lack of experience, so they hire a large company background, but ignores, such as their fast-paced, collaborative, entrepreneurial environment how well
and other key qualities.

6, underestimated the challenge of expanding the business.

      It is essential that the rapid development of the company, their human capital, IT infrastructure, processes, facilities, equipment - are absolutely essential, while maintaining growth, quality and profits, which is a real high-wire act.

7, can not reduce the risk.

    In an effort to allow them to achieve their goals to maintain the entrepreneurial spirit, inexperienced executives often evade the organization needed to promote growth processes and systems.
This often led to the mentality of doing things for Blind, or even worse, changing the popular strategy.

8, suddenly become too risk-averse.

      This means that, based on rational analysis of risk and return calculation of the risk of repression, just as volatile as this is a bad idea. In today's highly competitive global market, blindly wanted stability and will not help you to maintain market share.
The opposite side is correct.

9, the lack of marketing skills.

     In many cases, particularly in the technology industry, marketing ability is secondary. The implementation of the product or service and customer traction is the key to the success of start-ups, no doubt, but the market will increase the possibility of marketing information.
Find a competent marketing seem to be the key.

10, early market.

     Initial public offering (IPO) has many advantages - mainly as a source of mergers and capital and currency.
Disadvantage - the Securities and Exchange Commission and the public scrutiny, Sarbanes-Oxley Act, more importantly, the management team distracted - will need to go all the time, the implementation capacity of the company have a negative impact.

     Kam on the above, you almost want to avoid the lack of experience of entrepreneurs and managers. However, my friend, it would be a mistake. According to rumors, is not necessarily experienced people do better than their novice counterparts.
I would like to experience itself for its shortcomings.

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