

Balanced approach to performance appraisal ---------

                                    Balanced approach to performance appraisal --

With the above;

      Overall performance assessment, which is the key word? Overall, performance or assessment? Many companies will focus on assessment, but often fall into the error for the assessment and evaluation, assessment too much emphasis on the neglect of their overall allocation of posts, staff fight "posts" instead of and contributions; assessment only on the results, ignoring process, employees take a moment
regardless of century-old Lee, one high-level performance appraisal and staff are misunderstanding on the other hand, a lack of practice performance assessment for the implementation of the actual situation of enterprise tools and methods.

      Overall performance assessment, the primary focus is performance, performance is the goal, the performance appraisal is an effective means to achieve and the overall approach is to achieve performance.

The first point is not the assessment, but in the performance

      What is performance? Money is performance. Is it that simple? Indeed, when the focus is on performance, your entrance to the right. However, many of our business focus is on assessment, assessment becomes a mere formality and not have value, many   companies are many, many art forms, and monthly departments spend a lot of time to do the end of such a thing, but not the purpose of assessment very clear. To do performance appraisal, we must first clear why assessment?
For money.

Money, that is financial, so the assessment must be linked with the financial results.
Must know to do performance appraisal for the purpose of financial results, otherwise we would prefer not to assessment.

The second focuses on the whole, not partial

      Means to achieve the overall performance of our approach is holistic. There is a joke, you drove a car into the wild, see a lot of people are busy, a group of people were digging, a group of people dug in the earth fill, and there are a group of people in the water, watching the scene we all In planting trees, but, finding people who plant trees. Ask them why?
They said people who plant trees do not come today.

     In fact, the company is a team to do, but we usually understand the team's common goal is to complete the established organization. But the team should be integrated according to certain procedures be called the team together. Azeri jokes are actually doing things based on duties, lack of overall, they did not follow the whole way to achieve performance.
Enterprises also occurred in many, many similar to this phenomenon.

      When we get the order, the client 20 to products, and our sales staff will say when the next one client to 16, because he was worried that current production is not out of the production department, the delay time of delivery. Production is now assumed that the 16 produced, the production department to produce products is a good thing, but this took place after a problem - inventory, production can not transport out of the products out, because the customer is 20 to produce inventory. Boss to see more stock sales will criticize it? No, inventory in the warehouse stood, the boss will scold the production department, why produce so many products, not in accordance with customer demand to production? But the stock who elected? Is generated from the sales of inventory. Production chastened now, he obviously can produce out of 15, he said that production is not out to further lie in ambush. Further on is the Purchasing Department prior to the production department, purchasing department and production department lie in ambush. Purchasing Department will say this thing is difficult to purchase, need 20 days, in fact 18 days is sufficient.
Performance achieved in the whole process, every department is not the whole way in the use of collaboration, but the pursuit of individual local performance.

      Over the past three decades, making money, because the reform and opening up provide a very good environment, will allow us to gain excess profits, but the profits gradually fade away. Now more and more intense competition, increasing costs and prices are getting low, the whole becomes important at this time, we can not rely on previously loose, irregular, the pursuit of individual localized way to do things, but to

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