

The principle of increasing profits

                       The principle of increasing profits



With the above;


If your business losses, and in a stable cash flow break even, still lost to the opponent, then the following ten principles that will be talked about time to change the strategy will guide you to quickly reverse the situation. Courage to implement these plans require companies to change, set realistic goals, and improve the ability to take risks and skills.


Adhere to the direction and the core concept


See the statistics, the store manager was shocked, as a Home Depot store manager, he had seen many examples of quick money, but this time the number is too amazing, in a risk-free investment in two cases, he can actually find a company with annual sales of $ 14 million increase in the method! Three months ago, the manager approved the establishment of a collection at the Hanes brand socks near the counter, the first shipment by the Hanes dealers, Home Depot paid the purchase price within 60 days, nylon socks retail price is per pair 3 U.S., Home Depot's stock price of 2.4 U.S. dollars.


The manager carefully review the sales counter, he studied the packaging of nylon stockings, and then they find the cashier asked Hanes products, sales, cashier told him: "Today has been sold three dozen socks, yesterday sold even better. "Accordingly, the manager estimates, Hanes nylon sock sales of about 75 pairs a day or so, sales of $ 235, this year is down $ 85,000, all 160 stores this year in new products The sales will last more than 14 million U.S. dollars. This stockings sell quickly, do not have to wait until the payment period has expired, all the money can be withdrawn from circulation, so completely without capital investment.


Store managers and in-depth study. Finally, he submitted a report to the regional manager's office, and intimate knowledge about the answer. But he was wrong, regional office rejected his plan, they called his plan "a good small business", and then presented their reasons: "We have increased the sales probably would be wasted, this business is not for us It may damage the image of our positioning, we are Home Depot, as there are people who provide housing and real estate aspects of garden supplies and we do not sell bicycles, candy and clothing, not to sell stockings, and we know their business direction, which does not include such things pantyhose. "


Home Depot managers know what they are doing, they are Home Depot's position is very clear, and clearly communicated to the store manager. Adhere to the business direction and core business philosophy is the cornerstone of long-term profitability.


Expect that a commodity can bring huge benefits is a major cause of business failure, there is nothing to make the business flourishes, the "cost" column next to those items of expenditure will be annoying a little bit of embezzlement your profits. You will encounter during the big expansion when this happens, it means Tandaqiuquan dispersion and waste of corporate resources.


A better understanding of the customer than the customer


State of the Art is the home production accounting software company, Franklin printing company is printing software instructions and written materials. Each State of the Art Company when receiving the emergency order, constantly urging the Franklin printing company put down other activities, specifically to catch the instructions printed on them.


Friday after work faster, State of the Art's buyer Polly Youxiang Karen Franklin printing company representatives under the words: "We will pick up on Monday." Karen pleaded: "If you can notify us one week in advance, we You will be able to save half the cost. "


The Polly replied: "You do not understand, that you point the cost of printing paper, ink costs only $ 8 each, but rather a set of software products we sell to $ 500 and now we have less stock outstanding, 8 U.S. nothing, we can not just to save a mere $ 4 more than the other day. Now we have to! "


Result, Franklin's binding workshop all weekend overtime, Monday to ensure timely delivery. Customers paid double the price also very satisfied. But Karen continue to work hard to convince the customer (she had no superfluous). Many companies will turn a deaf ear to her proposals, they would rather spend more money, would rather go wrong.


Karen on Polly said: "You really are in big money, but we deliver to you a monthly fee to print an average of $ 12,000. You see, you just spend five minutes every Monday, estimating the future a couple of weeks of demand volume, I can save $ 6,000 per month for fast-track your expenses. "


Customers finally accepted this proposal. Typically, a general sales staff will not take this thought of. But Karen did not want customers to take the initiative for the customer to consider. Customer is often only the immediate, you must also understand their customers than the customers before they can effectively meet their wishes.


On a regular basis to cut costs


SeaWard International in Clearbrook, Virginia, bought an abandoned paper mill as a plant, the waste facilities through the purchase of second-hand and saved money for factory automation. In a low-cost labor, manual processing and efficiency of the industry is characterized by fluctuations in, SeaWard has achieved the computer control and automation, thus enhancing the performance of the damping control.


SeaWard general manager Frank March, said: "We spent nearly a year of cutting machine designed to make various types of shock absorber according to the accurate cutting of materials. The cost of a year's work well worth it. Now, our scrap rate lower than in the past more than half, equal to the cost reduction of 3% 3% price advantage allows us to increase by 10% of sales. Next, a 10% increase in sales but also Let the time of the purchase price of raw materials further down. "


Companies to reduce costs through regular, as can be achieved with SeaWard International profit growth. The key is to reduce profits or production parts for each service be carefully reviewed to determine whether the costs of purchased parts is lower than the production costs. If so, they should immediately stop its own production. If you purchased the cost is really less than the cost of production, it means you have already lost control of the production process.


Determine a reasonable price


Smiley Industries won a gearbox components for the Apache helicopter manufacturing contracts, McDonnell Douglas (McDonnell Douglas) is a general contractor for the Apache helicopter, the previous contractor responsible for the production of all components, so it can be in the production line to the extent permitted flexible combination of component specifications. But now each contractor are responsible for a part, must be in strict accordance with the specifications of production.


Smiley's in dealing with a larger than normal size of the rare titanium-nickel steel alloy having difficulty on the issue, if the speed of conventional cutting parts of this piece, it will vibrate and could not meet the requirements of the contract ten thousand per inch transfer specifications.


Smiley's hard for two months, finally solved the problem. However, the time required for processing under the contract more than twice. Smiley found McDonnell Douglas Corporation, illustrates this problem. McDonnell Douglas personnel asked: "how do you want us to do?"

Smiley's people said: "You must pay us double for each unit of processing fees, and we of course have to comply with the contract, but we have solved a major problem, with our method of manufacture of the parts than the parts previously received the quality of your is much higher now that the first components to achieve a conversion, such an action would greatly reduce your maintenance costs. "McDonnell Douglas concessions, and even agreed to prepay part of the money to compensate for the cost of Smiley's advance.


Price increases are sometimes necessary, try not to make money prices of products and services increased by 10%, the effect. Some customers will be indifferent to this, so that your product will make money. Sometimes you will lose some business, but you can leave the money back to their customers. Some customers will immediately cease and you're dealing with. In any case, you have to distinguish between what the customer is to give you benefits, which can not.


Actively participate in the daily operation of the


David Packard and Bill Hewlett, founder of Hewlett-Packard in California, two entrepreneurs, their interest in not just limited to technology, they were also very understanding. To the early 1980s, they have achieved legendary success, and thus of broad interest, their business ideas and even become a management term --- MBWA, or "management by walking around."


For example, Hewlett walk around every day, sometimes to the shipping department look at the process of ordering out of the situation, where he learned many things. With satisfaction in his left, he Duodao workshop to see what production processes omissions, he often would stay there all day, study and improvement program.


In 1994, Hewlett-Packard's $ 1.6 billion profit, Packard and Hewlett gradually fade out of the business management, they created a corporate culture of excellence with their down to earth style pavilions.


If you want to earn $ 1 billion a year, then consider the above method. Regularly inspect, study, ask questions, do not fixed at the same time period and a shift, night shift workers will be raised because of different problems and suggestions. In addition, the department went to the remote is a must, do not rely on the memorandum with them.


Prudent debt


Intermark Group in the 1980s when the development of red, its more than a dozen companies, financial situation very well, so decided to implement several large expansion plans, first for a few strokes acquisition, the business being acquired range and do not the same size and some even bigger than the Intermark Group. Intermark to $ 50 million to buy the wheels of a production company, then, has acquired a huge sporting goods sales company, and then down is Pier1. For the acquisition of these companies, Intermark saddled with U.S. $ 300 million in debt.


1992, Intermark declare bankruptcy. If it had not acquired the debt, now is a good profitable business.


To prevent companies being overwhelmed by debt, must be the same as urban planning, the need for a decade of long-term plan. The worst performance of the business year to make rough estimates, and estimate the need for enterprises out of the loan amount. In the implementation of each program should put this amount into account, do not ever exceed the liabilities of the warning line. Perhaps the company will be so missed some opportunities, but it is important that you survive in the turbulent years.


You may also wish to refer to what competitors' debt levels. If the opponent more than you plan carefully, then you should focus on invested capital to the enterprise, reduce liability, do not compete with them on the market a long moment.


Encourage unconventional thinking


Lennox furnace company is a manufacturer of business, work procedures are very simple, but the sheet metal bending, welding, installation of the circuit, and put on some buttons and a fan, there is no high-tech.


However, Lennox has a unique advantage, its employees engaged in simple work, all the time looking for a better way. For example, Lennox invented a rooftop heating system Direct Multizone System, respectively, for 16 house heating. The company also created the flexibility of the classroom walls with activities, and curriculum based on the number of students of different flexible deformation. It also invented a heat exchanger, will not put pressure on the metal, it will not make any noise. Fluorocarbons in the public understanding of pesticides 25 years ago, Lennox had already started to develop a spray tank. The company's technical staff noted that cosmetics store in the radiator corrosion occurs only a few years, rather than the usual several decades. So Lennox has developed a ceramic heating jacket, the effective protection of the metal skin.


These products have been able to come out, thanks to the corporate culture of encouragement and support creative thinking. Through the use of unconventional breakthrough thinking, Lennox's products will be able to raise higher than one, accounting for a huge market share, so that customers greatly reduce heating costs, and for the customer to bring a more clean air. To foster such an atmosphere in the enterprise, it is best to allow each manager to engage in some specific physical labor, such as to answer customer service calls, so that sales staff spend time in the laboratory, so scientists and engineers to come out to play with customers to deal with, break down departmental boundaries help staff empathy.


The development of effective plans


Honeywell, a division began to develop a product plan, and accordingly the market forecast. They know that the upcoming new Pentax camera, it is estimated that sales of this product will make the spring surge. In addition, they also learned that business is about to launch two mini-flash, and will therefore be expected to increase sales, and thus, product plans to become a sales forecast.


Based on this judge, after some bargaining, the department budget out. In order to complete the project, each department in the figures, to equipment, to more time. However, the program has just submitted three days, rival Minolta (Minolta) today introduced a new camera on, the price cheaper than the 30% of Honeywell's products. Oh, great bad, but this unexpected Honeywell plans, sensible response should be quick to adjust the price of a new Pentax camera, but the original plan, and no such content, all the staff wrestling with, but do nothing . Finally, the company decided to step by step, wait and see and wait for change.


As expected, Minolta won the sales charts in the first name of the location. Honeywell reaction is less than the loss of leadership. At the same time, Vivitar flash market has steadily occupied, the Honeywell flung behind.


Many programs are often the product of behind closed doors, very rigid, lack of foundation in reality, it is simply not possible, the results become a dead letter.


Make the plan feasible, must be quick to avoid the drag and the economic situation, cost, market and competitors arbitrary guess. To as much as possible taking into account the economic situation worsening or improvement of the contingency measures, pre-lap, without prejudging the waste.


Continuously improve product quality


Fisher-Price has a principle, they believe that toys must have a long-term entertainment value. This means that available to children's toys must have a durable, even after long-term play is still able to maintain children's interest. Enterprises to adopt drop test and strength test to test the durability of toys, and spent several weeks in a time private school for children careful follow-up investigation, in order to determine the product's long-term entertainment value.


Adoption of these standards makes the Fisher-Price product reputation, which is based on the quality of the trust, they produce high-quality products not only save advertising expenses, reduced due to return, and the annual consumer aversion to re-adjust the production line and the enormous cost.


Quality is multifaceted, quality improvement, the warranty will reduce the cost, efficiency will improve and marketing cost will be reduced. However, quality management must not only be empty talk or a slogan, but must be an express provision, regarded as a model by the principle of the entire enterprise.


You'd better pick a random day of a month visits to the grassroots, specifically check the quality of a particular sector enterprises. Quality during the investigation, spent a full day to employees and customers asked to identify problems and come up with improvements. Soon, each employee will develop this habit, and further developed. At this time, "Quality First" has become part of corporate culture.


Accelerate the pace of the reaction rate


Metal stamping company Davis Industries has undergone tremendous losses, the situation is getting worse. To curb this trend, the operations of their own enterprises were examined and found engineering and plant operations disconnect between the very serious. The company a total of nine engineers, but only two regular production line, while the two men but do not participate in engineering design work. The two engineers to a person under the boss did not report to the other, leading to the situation and then report to their superiors, and his boss, men are also no other staff.


Davis Industries rapid change of the operating system, hired a new engineering manager, a number of projects assigned to the twenty-nine engineers were responsible for the organizational structure to achieve a flat, resulting in improved efficiency.


Strict hierarchy of the loss of vitality of the enterprise, managers therefore be out of touch with reality, overstaffing. To accelerate the pace of the reaction rate, the need for enterprise restructuring, cancellation intermediate links. Many people will balk, have complained that it would lose control of the business, which do not listen. Excessive levels may give the illusion of well-organized enterprises, but in fact more low management efficiency.


Number should be under the management positions in all four of the following cancellation, the workload of staff shortage, but will much ado about nothing.


To be successful, to increase profits by simply relying on these methods is not enough, just wait for you to catch up in the competition, companies have to eliminate the risk of bankruptcy, to streamline the staff and hold steady progress of the trends, in order to fully rely on these principles consolidate the results. Before reaching this goal, you must accurately grasp the opportunity, along with the effective and correct to reverse the adverse consequences of the ability to determine priorities.


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