

Promote their own twenty-eight

                             Promote their own twenty-eight

The following 28 is that everyone should be subject to a number of efforts to master the principles, and the former 5 is a marketing guru must have quality.

1. Courage is the success of any one person indispensable quality in a competitive market circumstances, this point was particularly prominent.

2. Imagination is essential. You must be able to imagine and the scene when they meet potential customers, and different opinions from customers must be able to use their imagination to place itself in the position of customers in order to better understand customer needs and objectives. To understand this, you almost entirely from the perspective of others to consider for the job no doubt require a very rich imagination.

3. And the way people speak and voice tone to be pleasant. The voice of cowardice or self-confidence will make people think you are weak; the other hand, firm and clear voice with a confident, lively narrative, it will make people think you are full of passion, with the initiative.

4. Healthy body is most important because without a healthy body, regardless of physical function or brain function can not work properly. You must maintain a proper diet and health training, often a breath of fresh air.

5. Hard work is the training and their ability to sell into the only way to wealth. If you do not put into action, health, courage or imagination will not give you a penny of wealth. In fact, the amount of wealth that you get what you pay and diligence, wisdom, work is directly proportional.
The basic qualities are simple, there is no compelling place, or Kit Kat, but most people can not have some of these conditions. For example, some people can work, but will also use their imagination. When refused, the courage of the people will dauntlessly door again, and timid people will choose to give up, lose the chance of success, eventually defeated by the brave. Thus, courage is indeed very important.

   Again, many people have the courage, imagination and hard work of these basic qualities, but because of laziness, drug addiction or alcoholism, but more difficult work without energy stick that they can not successfully complete the task.

   Here are a few other basic principles that we must master, they sell products or services and marketing plans and strategies are closely related.
6. Familiar with their products. Marketing guru will carefully analyze their marketing of products or services, a thorough understanding of each product or service advantages. Because the Masters know that if you do not know, do not believe their products or services, you can not succeed to sell out.

7. Trust in our products or services. Marketing masters do not trust even their own never sell anything. They know that no matter how they introduce these products to customers, their brain will unconsciously do not trust this to the customer.

8. Suitability of the product. Marketing gurus will analyze the potential customers and their needs, and later to provide the most needed products or services. They should never buy a Ford car to the customer to sell Rolls-Royce luxury cars. In a sense, a bad customer in terms of the transaction, the dealer in terms of only worse.

9. To provide customers with value and earn the corresponding profit. Master never tried to sell commodities to get more than the value of the profits. The credibility of a business's profits than any more valuable.

10. Aware of the potential customers. The real character must be a master of marketing analysts. Masters are able to identify customer buying motives of 9 basic motives in which to buy. Marketing behavior of the real salesman is carried out for these motives.

11. As a potential customer scoring. Master of potential customers to promote a reasonable rate for the former will not sell your product. They will rate the following aspects for the customer:

- The purchasing power of potential customers

- Potential customers need to sell products

- Potential customer buying motives

   No score for potential customers in the premise of the conduct of marketing, selling caused this error behavior in the causes of the failure came in the first place.

12. For the customer "brainwashing" capability. Marketing gurus know that only accept or potential customers are willing to accept their points of view in order to make business. They will introduce their products to customers, to fully understand the benefits of the product and have endorsed the product   sense until this point, they will try to get customers to buy their products.

13. Successful completion of the transaction capabilities. Art sales will be stars from the stage to closing stage to sell, they will be trained so that they can keen to capture the psychological moment. They almost never ask whether potential customers to buy their goods. But the real master start to think that customers are ready to purchase. Here, they will suggest the power on its head. Only in that he had sold star will end after the success of marketing, they will guide the entire process, making potential customers think they have made a purchase decision.

   The following is the last 15 need to know principle. Compared with the sale of products, and personal nature of these principles and our self-salesman relationship exists between the more.

14. Popular personality. Top salesmen who have mastered how to make popular art. This is because the potential customers to buy products, not only to get their products approved, the salesman must get its approval, otherwise there will not be successful marketing.

15. Excellent performance skills. Marketing guru is also an excellent actor who, through the vivid description of the product to impress potential clients and stimulate the imagination of customers.

16. Self-control. Master all the time to sell control of their own thinking and behavior. If you can not even control himself, then how can you control the impact of potential clients?

17. Proactive. Marketing masters know the importance of this, and in a consistent practice. Their plans through imagination, through the initiative put the plan into action. Almost from the top of the salesman does not need to be told how they should do, what to do.

18. Tolerance. Marketing masters open-minded, tolerant of all holders of attitude, they know an open mind is essential for growth. 19. Precise thinking. Masters need to always think about selling. If you want to be a marketing guru, you have to take the trouble to know the actual situation, and as a basis for thinking. In the case of evidence-based, not unwarranted speculation, all your thoughts and opinions should be established on the basis of the facts.

20. Insisted. Marketing guru will not be rejected from the affected, they can not find the dictionary, "impossible" word. The real masters know all the customers are easy to sell to say "no." "No" master of the word in terms of the marketing is just a signal, suggesting that they should be more customers to sell their products in good faith.

21. Conviction. This belief is not a religious sense of faith, but to believe they would be qualified for a state of mind. Marketing gurus in the following areas, with full confidence:

- Their sales of products

- Their own

- Potential customers

- Complete marketing

  Sales stars never do not have confidence in their own situation continue to sell a product. They believe that this confidence is contagious, the brain will be potential customers in the "receiving station" receiver, affect their thinking, making this belief is like the same idea of their own. Self-confidence will not be achieved without a good salesman.

22. Observing habits. Masters is a meticulous observer of marketing. Potential customers of their every word, every change in facial expression and every movement observant, carefully weighed. Master marketing to customers of these images is not only careful observation and analysis, while also observing and analyzing the customer did not say if or not to make the export action. Any detail would not escape their eyes.

23. To provide customers with more services than expected. Develop a marketing guru to provide more than customer expectations, better service habits. More efforts a little more return, the customer will be compared, and you will benefit from it.

24. Benefit from the failures and mistakes. Marketing masters never give up, they benefit from their mistakes, but also by observing the mistakes of others benefit from it, because every failure and error you can always find the seeds of success.

25. Mastermind principle (The Master Mind Principle). Marketing guru and flexible use of think tanks to fully understand the principles, in order to increase their own strength, to be successful. The mastermind principle, referring to two or more personal collection of wisdom, for the same goal of seamless work together.

26. Definite major purpose. Marketing guru is sold with a clear goal to work. They never simply sold products as their objectives. They work not only with clear objectives, but also determined to complete the clear goal to spend the time. We will suggest later in the chapter on the discussion of self-defined main objectives of the psychological impact.

27. Follow the "you want others do unto you what you have to treat people," the guidelines. Marketing guru to the guidelines as the basis for all transactions. To become a master, must be able to put ourselves in the issue from the perspective of the customer.

28. Work ethic. In all the salesman to have the qualities, the work ethic is the most necessary and most valuable. Promote the work of the master is always full of enthusiasm. More importantly, they know that this enthusiasm will be infectious potential customers and make customers enthusiastic about themselves.

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