

In the business and the business method of dealing with all kinds of people

     In the business and the business method of dealing with all kinds of people

With the above;

     Getting along with people, can make you avoid detours and early success. In fact, every person to be successful, only a strong ability to work is not enough, you have two legs to walk, we must strive to do their job well, and properly handle the relationships.
In fact, family background, educational level, interests and ideas of the differences, we will encounter all sorts of people, all kinds. If you understand each other is what type of person, the right medicine, air to breathe, it is much easier communication. Smith, a professor of public relations at Harvard University • Tiger summed up all kinds of people to get along with the various types:

This type of selfless good people

    The most wonderful thing because they really good people, so it is often easy to overlook, they will not be bad for your business, so you may also ignore or take them for granted. If so, then you are wrong, in fact, they are the ones you can really get along with friends. No argument that the office of friendship, and only in these people will lose its meaning.

Stubborn type

     Such people are generally old ideas, ideas of aging, but firmly resist suggestions and opinions, opinionated, self-righteous. Treat such a person, alone you silver tongue is difficult to convince him. You may wish to straight to the point, his life and work of some the wrong way to expand list them one by one, combined with the problems to be solved now remind him of what would have serious consequences. In this way, he could resist you face to face, the heart began to waver, doubt of the correctness of their decision. At this time, you take the opportunity to put their point of view, and emotionally moving, convincing people with reason, then he most likely received a.

Arrogant type

     Such people are generally self-centered, conceited, and often assumed a domineering, conceited posture, lack of self-knowledge. Deal with or work with such people, you do not cringe, nor of proud anti-proud, you just long story short, the need to explain things concise account of finish on the line. If you ask him to act, it is another matter.

There is no expression of type

     Such people, even if you politely to greet him, he would not make the appropriate response. Said by psychology, called expressionless. Poker face does not mean he did not emotions. Suppress such people lived only a passion, do not reveal it out. So, for these people, you do not get angry, just want to say you went on, talking about a critical moment, he will naturally use the words on behalf of expression.

Silent type

    Such people are generally introverted, unsociable, and words. But does not mean he impress. And he live together, you need to talk slower pace, more digging topic. Once he was good at or interested in talking about something, he immediately "thaw", forever talk to you up.

Selfish type

    This general lack of care for people, relatively lonely heart. He will never put themselves and their interests first. You want him to do bad things to ourselves, you have a difficulty to communicate with him. And such a person to get along, you must be concerned about his soul, let him feel the emotional warmth and valuable.

Loose type of life

     Such people lack the vision and positive to the heart, the more lazy in life, work, lack of passion. And such a person to get along, you only fight with attempting to rally to his dug out.

Hidden type

     Such people exceptionally strong self-defensive. You peek out of fear that the secrets of his heart, in fact, this is a great inferiority complex. You want to know him personally and psychological, may wish to join him drink wine several times, so that he sorrow, joy.


Such people are generally thinking slow, unresponsive. And his friends can be, and his work, it is not the ideal partner.

Hasty decision based

     At first glance such a person quick reaction, often carried out in the negotiations to a climax when, suddenly make a decision, lack of foresight, easy to make poor judgments. The best way to get along with him is always pour cold water on throwing him and let him keep a clear head and must not make hasty emotional decisions.

Type too confused

A bit schizophrenic this tendency to do something inattention, poor memory, understanding is not enough. The slow and, like, not the ideal working partner. But friends, this one is very popular. Looks casual and magnanimous.

Family of women oriented

     These people not only refers to women, some men are also "women." This person put into the office to work for a home last night until this morning to lay it happened with the office of the people speak. If there really is to say, just as you repeat the drama last night. Units do not they do not know, short Li Zhang parents, hand job, and the lips were not idle. What points were being met, they will do well to pick there own rope. Such people make you upset, you feel bad, heard them buzzing in your ears, may make you curse or two before Jiehen wished he could. But you do not get angry, such a person, you pick them up if it wants less, he said, when what you all do not hear. Such a person, not at a critical time of the ill will that you also might say that your good word, because they are more sympathetic.


      This type of man and the former compared to people who have qualitatively different. They may mouth do not want to idle. But it is the privacy of people around ask around, and willing to create and spread rumors in an attempt to derive something. Moreover, in their hearts, let alone anyone (except your boss), and they themselves have no skills. The people you hate, but they do not fear. So, you do not have to guard, and they care about. Do not constitute libel as long as they say, what can hurt you.

New type of bullying

     The human mind, in fact, we are the number of each person who has some. They treat the new arrivals, regardless of gender, age, what should be a very long period of time to take you for granted, ordered you to do this and that, to make a more "live under." This person is not really bad guys, considered a low quality up to the "ordinary people", as long as they do, however, that I may advise you to put up, over a period of time, naturally they will accept you. But if you do not want to endure, or do not have the patience for so long, you may also wish to do a good job opportunity, they twice fought back. And such people usually bully Zhu Er, as long as you fight back, in all likelihood they will not then how you, they will soon be directed to the next new person.


Most of these people are born, there is great genetic factors in the inside, but they do not snobbish, but also are unwilling to join them. You may be baffled with their "experience" in conflict, but they do not bear grudges. They are generally things have passed no problem, you would still like before, so you do not try to change what people, of course, what people do not want to change you. For such people, be careful not done deep contacts, nor can they have aggressive behavior and language.

Qing mad arrogant type

     The people who have looked down on, including his own boss. They want to make a difference everywhere, superior to others, they Shangzhi astronomy knowledge of geography, just read in the newspaper knowledge or anecdote, it will show off in public when their own knowledge. In fact, this is the human heart has a deep inferiority complex, most of them are short-sighted people, have not seen much of the world. About these people, whom you do not need care about, he likes to brag about, it would be charged with this matter. That he belittle you, you is not going to compete with them, why should not a level one person who points the line who do not.

Insidious evil type

     This talent is the most you should pay attention to who caused it. This many people, but almost every group in the city have. And this person had not worked with him a certain length of time, is impossible to find their insidious. Most of them are in their opposite occurs. When you first contact with them, they are very enthusiastic, and will actively solve some small problems for you and for your very thoughtful, but also show it is really to help you look like, the objective is also to achieve the Hello effect. However, there is a premise, you can not violate their interests. You violated that, they can be patient, they will even sacrifice some of their own little interests, such as a certain amount of money, a certain amount of time, but the key, you absolutely can not take advantage of them, and absolutely can not go In front of them, such as promotion, pay and so on. Otherwise, they will immediately Laxialianlai, and you fight to the bitter end.

      This is very difficult to deal with, because they generally had a false impression made by their boss's trust, if you do not great strength, struggle with it is totally unacceptable. If you find such a person, preferably less provoke them, but at arm's length does not work, because they are the real "villain", "near the the rude, much of the blame." The best way is with them in their work, the more the fool, so that they look down on you, feel you are no threat to them. If you really want to fight with them some, you have to leapfrog more senior leadership to reflect their evil (due to the direct leadership has been caught in the hands of their superiors more you believe them, but also due to the level of supervisor possible to spread your words to their ears), but also a once accomplished, they prepared to leave immediately. However, the loss so that you may have to larger, but this is better than you are with them Hao Zhao Qiang, the absolute consumption, but because you are to them. What type of person, the right medicine, air to breathe, much easier to exchange up to. Smith, a professor of public relations at Harvard University • Tiger summed up all kinds of people in the workplace, along with the various types.

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