

专辑英文名: Rampal's Greatest Hit
专辑中文名: 朗帕尔的长笛艺术精选
艺术家Jean-Pierre Rampal
资源格式: FLAC
版本: Vol. 2
发行时间: 1990年10月25日


朗帕尔(Rampal)是史上第一位拍摄影片的长笛家,这与他的地位、迷人的演奏丰采和声望息息相关,也因此朗帕尔的录影特别受到观眾的喜爱,因此他的影数量非常多,而且曲目广得吓人,在这张《朗帕尔的产长笛艺术精选,第2集》(Rampal's Greatest Hits Volume 2 )中,曲目涵盖从现代长笛乐曲到巴洛克长笛曲目,他以精湛的技艺使这些曲目艺术价值和欣赏价值得到了最大的体现

Jean-Pierre Rampal is a very special person. His energy and exuberance for living and music is contagious, and his generosity towards strangers, students, young artists and fellow musicians is rarely in a highly competitive business. He has introduced many young artists in his concerts and rejoices in others' successes. "There is no 'best' player; you cannot measure talent in music like that. It is a question of taste and rapport with the audience. You must not only be good, but bring something for them. You must have confidence in yourself, no matter what profession you have, and trust yourself."

In his numerous master classes, student bombard Rampal with 'technical' question about flute playing - what does he think of the copper scale; what is the proper hand position, lip position; how much should they practice? And some students probably become frustrated by Rampal avoidance of rigid answer and across-the-board solution to learning. "You cannot insist on one way to play the flute or hold it or to put it to your mouth. Because there are many kinds of chins, hands, lops, and different configurations of the moth; then it is stupid to insist on one way. In the beginning you try to give a kid who is starting to play the best position; it must be soft, very comfortable, very natural. The flute must not be able to move or fall from the lips, but then the student musb find his own embouchure. If it works, it works") The concept of being "natural" is almost an idee fixe to Rampal.)

"When you tongue, it is not syllable; in fact, it's a gesture, a movement. The gesture consists of spiiting; anything you have on your tongue except tobacco, becauase I hope that you do not smoke. But imagine, by chance, on someday that you are completely insane, you have a small amount of tobacco on your tongue. Then you spit; it's all. Some say ta, ta; pe, pe; ti, ti, - but it doesn't work. We say sometimes tu, tu [with a French accent]; this is the most natural syllable . But it's really a gesture. It must be terrifying if you play the flute in a way that you are completely out of yourself and not making nature gesture.

"And when you want to know too much, finally you don't know how to do it. I don't always know what I do or how I play the flute; I was not interested enough to study what I am doing. When you think too much, you panic. I play the best when I forget my flute is there. I remember a story that many times singers, when they begin to understand too much how they are producing a sound, start to be nervous and it is no longer natural.....I know some people who become too nervous when they start to play; they shake; the only thing to do then is to change; go home, take a shower and forget about it; maybe try again later."

When Rampal speaks English; he frequently uses the present tense - very apropos for a man so attuned to the present, a man who relishes living each moment to the fullest. "I don't have any memories about my childhood, except for a few moments. It's very strange, and I would be unable to write a book about my souvenirs d'enforance unless I invented everything. The past is not very interesting for me because I am always excited about the things I don't know yet. I would not like to go back. I prefer to be older; maybe it will go on like that for ten or more years, maybe I will regret it after that. For the moment I am still looking to the future. I have more the feeling of an explorer than the feeling of somebody who is a collector . Of course, I have souvenirs like everyone else, but I don't stop myself on them or concentrate on the past."


01. Vivace - Jean-Pierre Rampal, Handel, George Frid
02. Siciliano - Jean-Pierre Rampal, Bach, Johann Sebast
03. Concerto for harpsichord, strings & continuo No. 5 in F minor, BWV 1056 - Jean-Pierre Rampal, Bach, Johann Sebast
04. Adagi - Jean-Pierre Rampal, Mozart, Wolfgang Am Listen
05. Overture, suite for recorder (or flute), strings & continuo in A minor, - Jean-Pierre Rampal, Telemann, Georg Phi
06. Flute Concerto, for flute, strings & continuo in D major ("Il gardellin - Jean-Pierre Rampal, Vivaldi, Antonio
07. Sonata for cello & piano in A major (arr. from "Sonata for violin & pia - Jean-Pierre Rampal, Franck, Cesar
08. Greensleeves, folk song - Jean-Pierre Rampal, Traditional, Englis
09. Scherzo - Jean-Pierre Rampal, Prokofiev, Sergey
10. Entr'acte, for flute (or violin) & harp (or guitar) (from "Le médecin d - Jean-Pierre Rampal, Ibert, Jacques
11. Cantabile - Jean-Pierre Rampal, Poulenc, Francis Listen
12. Hungarian Peasant Songs (Suite paysanne hongroise), for flute & string - Jean-Pierre Rampal, Bartok, Bela

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