

萨古鲁:三个瑜伽饮食小贴士 | 视频


What, when and how you eat can have a significant impact on your health and overall well-being. Watch as Sadhguru explains the science of eating and fasting for a healthy and vibrant life.


Sadhguru: If you watch the natural cycles of the body, based on this natural cycle, once in one mandala, that is, one mandala is forty to forty-eight days. In these forty-eight days three days will happen where your body does not need food. If that awareness is not there as to which day that is, for that, in India, they fixed what is called as ekadashi. That means, four days before the full moon, four days before the new moon day people don’t eat. They wake up in the morning, no breakfast, no lunch. Only after the sun sets they eat one meal. This is just to allow the system to realign itself. If you give this break it’s very, very good for your health and your body, the way it functions, because the system needs that time to adjust itself. 


Everyday food, everyday food – it’s lot of hard work for the body. Give it a little break. So, what is its spiritual significance? Because it’s a cleansing. If your system is not vibrant, you won’t feel like doing anything spiritual. You’re feeling lethargic… For a meditator the biggest enemy is sleep. To sit here with eyes closed, and fully alert – takes something else. For most people, if they close their eyes – it’s sleep. So, to sit here, and to be very alert with eyes closed takes a certain level of vibrance in the body. So, to create this vibrance we observe wh… how to eat, what to do, how much to eat – all these things. It is not spiritual, but it is providing the right kind of body.


So, in that context, fasting here and there, giving the body a break to recover itself, recover its vibrance, not become lethargic with food is important. The ideal break between one meal and the next meal is eight hours always. If eight hours is not possible for you, minimum five hours break is needed. You must feel a certain sense of hunger before you eat. Before you feel hungry, if you put food into the system, the system will become lethargic, it’ll not know vibrance. So, human vibrance can be in various levels, many different dimensions. It can carry you into a completely different dimensions of experience and living. So, keeping the body well is a fundamental requirement.


Speaker: Somehow, on this day, I feel that the need for food is not as much as it is on other days. So, reducing the food intake definitely helps to clean the system, and it also gives rest to the digestive system.


Speaker: So, we fast for twenty-four hours and break the fast in the night to the particular kind of meal which is more gentle on the system. We have kanji, papaya, chutney and cooked vegetables.


Speaker: Every morning, before we do our morning practices, we have neem and turmeric with tepid light honey water. Now, Sadhguru says this has lot medicinal benefits, and it’s very supportive for yogic sadhana.


Sadhguru: Anything that you borrow from the planet, it will cause a certain level of inertia in the system. Now, the important thing is that you’re conscious of this and to keep the inertia levels at the minimum. Why always, whether your sadhana is working or not is always gauged by how much you sleep and how alert you are is because we’re checking the inertia – how much inertia are you generating? If you’re generating too much inertia, obviously you need to do something about it. So, the inertia levels will increase if the body does not allow a certain amount of energy to enter the cellular level. For it to enter the cellular level, neem and turmeric as a combination is a tremendous… it’s like a dilator. You know what’s a dilator? Now, if you’re… if your ophthalmologist want to look into your eye, he looks into your eye, you don’t show much, he puts a dilator. Your eye becomes like this (Gestures). Now he looks into your eye. 

Sadhguru(萨古鲁):任何你从这个星球上借来的东西,都会在系统中产生一定程度的惰性。现在,重要的是你对此有意识,并将惰性程度降到最低。为何一直是,你的灵性练习是否起了作用,一直是由你睡了多少和你有多警醒来判断。因此我们正在检查惰性- 你产生了多少惰性?如果你产生了太多惰性,显然你需要对此做些什么。所以,如果你的身体没有允许一定数量的能量进入细胞层次,惰性的程度将会上升。为使它进入细胞层次,苦楝与姜黄的结合是极好的......它就像一个扩张器。你知道什么是扩张器吗?现在,如果你......如果你的眼科医生想检查你的眼睛,他检查你的眼睛,看不到什么,他就放了一个扩张器。你的眼睛就变成了这样。现在他能检查你的眼睛了。

So, this is kind of a dilator, for the energy it… it dilates the body in such a way that it allows the energy to enter and fill up every crevice in the body. This is important, otherwise, if you do lot of sadhana… not just… neem and turmeric is not the only things, this are physical supports, other sadhana itself is doing it. Neem and turmeric is a good support because it dilates the cellular structure in such a way that it is able to absorb. As you do your asanas, the body will simply crackle with the different kind of energy. So, consumption of neem and turmeric with a mildly laced honey water acts as wonderful way of cleansing the system, dilating the system, that when you do sadhana, one thing, it brings flexibility to the muscles. Another thing is because the dilation brings flexibility to the muscle, and that flexibility as a consequence becomes a way that you slowly build the system into a more powerful possibility. So, taking care of the food and a few things is important. As important as sadhana. 


Being disciplined with your food, what you take into the system is as important as doing the sadhana. The idea is, if you take this neem and turmeric combination early in the morning and drink something warm, it cleanses the stomach in a big way. If they’re any minor infections in your stomach it’ll go away, and it also kills the cancerous cells in the body. When I say cancerous cells, it is not that you must be pr… diagnosed as having cancer. All our bodies have cancerous cells. Only when this percentage of cancerous cells goes beyond a certain percentage, only then it becomes a disease, otherwise, everyone of our body has cancerous cells. How many of them are there decides your health status in many ways.


Speaker: We just got done with our morning practice sessions, and headed for the brunch.


Speaker: The way that we sit in the hall is we sit cross-legged and we eat with our hands. By eating with the hands we really create that connection with your food before it even goes into your mouth. Another aspect of how we eat in the hall is we eat in silence. It really helps you be more conscious and aware. And why this is important is because I become more aware of how my body is while eating. In situations back at home, when I (am?) watching TV while eating, you put your hand into the bag of chips and all of a sudden there’s no (Laughs)… there’s no more chips left. But when you eat this way consciously, you can better feel the sensations in your body and to know when to stop.


Speaker: Here at the ashram we have two meals a day. After introducing this diet I’ve seen some changes in the way I do my practices. My sleep quota has gone down quite significantly. As Sadhguru says, there should be at least 8 hours gap between the first and second meal, and I definitely see that it does worked.


Sadhguru: So, if you space out the food between one meal and the next meal  if there is six to eight hours gap without eating anything else in between, most of your cancerous cells will die. Still if some of them are tough, and they don’t go, that is why twice a month there is ekadashi for you. Now huge studies are being made and they’re saying the same thing, that if you just fast for a period of time… Fasting does not mean eight days, fifteen days, and killing yourself. No. Just you eat your evening meal today and the next meal is only tomorrow evening. If you give this much space, most of the cancerous gells… cells get neutralized. Will all of them be gone? No. Some of them will know how to lie low, but they will never be able to increase their numbers and gang up in one place to become an ailment.


Speaker: It’s not just about the type of food and how many times you have food, but it’s also about the healing and cooling properties of the food. It changes accordingly to the weather. Everything is put together to create the right kind of balance.


Speaker: During the training in the afternoon we’re also taking a soup.


Sadhguru: In the afternoon they will give you what is here locally called as kollu, and the English came here and named it as the horse gram. So, horse gram soup they will give you in the afternoon.  You drink horse gram soup. You… And horse gram is one… among the lentils, it is the most protein rich lentil found on the planet. It’s very high powered, so that’s why race horse are fed with this gram which is called as horse gram today. Now, this will increase heat in the body.

Sadhguru(萨古鲁):在下午他们会给你当地人称之为kollu的东西,英国人来了这里就将它命名为horse gram(直译马豆,即硬皮豆)。所以,下午他们会给你horse gram(硬皮豆)汤。你要喝horse gram(硬皮豆)汤......horse gram(硬皮豆)是......小扁豆的一种。它是地球上找到的蛋白质最丰富的小扁豆,能量十足。所以这就是为什么赛马是用这样的豆子喂的,这也是如今它被称为horse gram(直译马豆,即硬皮豆)的原因。现在,这也会增加体内的热。

Speaker: My experience of taking this drink...I would say that I never get sick, like fever, cold.


Speaker: I can better tell what my body needs. Sometimes I feel like eating more raw food depending on how much energy I’ve exerted, I’m able to tell better because of eating in this conscious manner.


Speaker: I’ve definitely never enjoyed eating food this much. It’s definitely a different way of eating.


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