



2,2013年9月,我因为《苍蝇帝国》这个作品被朝阳分局刑事拘留,有多位知名评论家和媒体在网上发文呼吁当局理性对待一个艺术家行为,其中媒体包括:雅昌艺术网,新浪,艺术国际,东方早报,99艺术网,文化中国,今日艺术网 等等,评论家和媒体人包括:赵子龙,廖廖,刘化童,吴味,吴涛,薛亚军, 练春海,苏典娜,王琳雁 , 段少锋,梁克刚,朱其,闻松,史金淞等等,苏坚更是发表《提请批评家年会做个认定》为我声援。整个事件过程中崔没有为此事写任何只言片语。






                                                   华韡华                                            2019年3月22日 于纽约

A Letter of Statement

By HUA Wei-Hua on His Artwork The Empire of Flies 

1.  I myself, HUA Wei-Hua, is the only and sole curator, owner and author for my artwork The Empire of Flies.  I conceived and planned three site-specific art events titled The Empire of Flies” solely by myself, and completed it live on site with assistance from some of my school mates from Hu Bei Academy of Fine Arts and a few of my personal friends.  My artwork The Empire of Flies has had nothing to do with CUI Can-Can.   None of any other curator has been involved in this work except my own self.  

2. In September 2013, I was arrested by Chao Yang Branch Office of the Bei Jing Public Security Bureau because of the artwork The Empire of Flies. A number of well-established art critics and well-known media had launched an online petition campaign for me, including media such as Ya Chang Art Media, Sina.com, The Art International, The East Morning Newspaper, 99 Art Media,  Culture China,  Art Today, etc, and critics such ZHAO Zi-long, LIAO Liao, LIU Hua-tong, WU Wei, WU Tao, XUE Ya-jun, LIAN Chun-hai, SU Dian-na, WANG Lin-yan, DUAN Shao-feng, LIANG Ke-gang, ZHU Qi, WEN-Song, SHI Jin-song, and so on.  Particularly, SU Jian has published a letter titled “Propose to the Annual Conference of Art Critics for Justification expressing his support for me.  During the entire event, CUI Can-can had NOT expressed any word or opinion about it publicly.   

3. After I got released from 25-day-lock-up in Detention House, CUI Can-can came to do an interview on me.  During the interview, he told me he was going to publish this interview two day later.  Many days passed, yet I never heard back from him or about any news about this interview.  He asked a friend to speak to me, and I was only told that, unless money paid to him there wouldn’t be any publication of his interview on me.  Since I did not pay him a dime, I have never seen or heard about anything about that interview.  

4. From year 2014 till present, without me knowing it, CUI Can-can has been listing my work The Empire of Flies” as his curatorial works of year 2013 into his interviews and resume.  He even fabricated fake images of my work The Empire of Flies” on his WeChat moments and propagated the forged stories around on internet.  As the fake information got circulated for a period, he then deleted them.    

5. From year 2014 till present, without me knowing it, when CUI Can-can applied for any art award, he had included” The Empire of Flies” as his curatorial achievements and successfully received 10 awards, some amount of money reward, and one intern curator position on which he got fired very shortly.  

6. CUI Can-can used to call someone intimately like brothers in his face, while at the same time he would slander the same person with articles and essays in pseudo-name behind his back.  At least 6 critics and artists, have been beat up by CUI Can-can and his mob.  Many more have been threatened by him, not to mention in 2017 he broke into an artist’s house at Cao Chang Di and threatened to cut his throat.   

7. As the ONLY and SOLE author and curator of “The Empire of Flies”,  in view of CUI Can-can’s sickening conducts and his infringement on the right of signature regarding the curatorship of my artwork “The Empire of Flies”, I demand that CAI Can-can immediately stop all forms of infringements,  and that he make an official apology about it, so as to offset all the bad effects because of his infringement.  I,HUA Wei-hua,  reserve all the rights for further legal claims and actions.  

Huawei Hua

March 22, 2019   NY

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