

V1: Witter Bynner 译;V2,V4,V9:译者未知;V3:Ezra Pound 译;V5:Stephen Carlson 译;V6:见P1-3;V7:许渊冲 译;V8:Burton Watson 译;V10:howard2005 译

V1: A Farewell To A Friend
V2: Seeing Off A Friend
V3-V4: Taking Leave of a Friend
V5: Seeing a Friend Off
V7: Farewell To A Friend
V8: Seeing a Friend Off
V9: Bidding adieu to a Friend

青山横北郭 白水绕东城
此地一为别 孤蓬万里征
浮云游子意 落日故人情
挥手自兹去 萧萧班马鸣

V1: With a blue line of mountains north of the wall,
And east of the city a white curve of water,
Here you must leave me and drift away
Like a loosened water-plant hundreds of miles....
I shall think of you in a floating cloud;
So in the sunset think of me.
...We wave our hands to say good-bye,
And my horse is neighing again and again.

V2: Green hills above the northern wall,
White water winding east of the city.
On this spot our single act of parting,
The lonely tumbleweed journeys ten thousand li.
Drifting clouds echo the traveller's thoughts,
The setting sun reflects my old friend's feelings.
You wave your hand and set off from this place,
Your horse whinnies as it leaves.

V3: Blue mountains to the north of the walls,
White river winding about them;
Here we must make separation
And go out through a thousand miles of dead grass.
Mind like a floating white cloud,
Sunset like the parting of old aquaintances
Who bow over their clasped hands at a distance.
Our horses neigh to each other
as we are departing.

V4: Blue mountains lie beyond the north wall;
Round the city's eastern side flows the white water.
Here we part, friend, once forever.
You go ten thousand miles, drifting away
Like an unrooted water-grass.
Oh, the floating clouds and the thoughts of a wanderer!
Oh, the sunset and the longing of an old friend!
We ride away from each other, waving our hands,
While our horses neigh softly, softly . . . .

V5: Green mountains range beyond the northen wall.
White water rushes round the eastern town.
Right here is where, alone and restless, he
Begins a journey of a thousand miles.
While travelers' intents are fleeting clouds,
A friend's affection is a setting sun.
He waves good-bye, and as he goes from here,
His dappled horse lets out a lonely neigh.

V7: Green mountains bar the northern sky;
White water girds the eastern town.
Here is the place to say good-bye;
You'll drift like lonely thisledown.
With floating cloud you'll float away;
Like parting day I'll part from you.
We wave as you start on your way;
Our steeds still neigh, "Adieu, adieu!"

V8: Green hills sloping from the northern wall,
White water rounding the eastern city:
Once parted from this place
The lone weed tumbles ten thousand miles
Drifting clouds—a traveler’s thoughts;
Setting sun—an old friend’s ehart.
Wave hands and lets us take leave now,
Xiao-xiao our hesitant hoses neighing.

V9: Across the north suburbs the mounts lie blue,
Around the town’s east the stream windeth white.
We are to bid each other here our adieus,
And ye would wander far away ere this night.
Like floating clouds appear the wayfarer’s thoughts,
Our friendly fleelings seem the sunset glow.
With waves of hands we bid our farewell now.
“whinny!” doth neigh the departing colt to go.
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