

合辑丨《English Singsing》对话(角色扮演篇)44集全

English singsing系列

Dialogue Let’s Role-play 对话(角色扮演)

      “English Singsing”是孩子学习英语不可少的启蒙动画系列,这套资源是其系列中的Dialogue Let’s Role-play(语句 角色扮演)动画专辑,动画色彩鲜明,除了单词发音外还有一个简单的句子,非常适合初学英语发音的孩子。共有44个视频,英文字幕,适合儿童英语启蒙学习使用。

01 [Age] How old are you I'm five years old.

02 [Caution] Watch out! Are you okay

03 [Color] What color is it It's red.

04 [Counting] How many bears Three bears. (In the zoo)

05 [Day] What day is it today It's Wednesday.

06 [Exclamatory sentence] What a big tree!

07 [Exclamatory sentence] What a wonderful!

08 [Greeting] Good morning. How are you

09 [Greeting] Good afternoon. Nice to meet you

10 [Have] Do you have crayon Do you have paper

11 [Imperative sentence] Put on your coat

12 [Imperative sentence] Put on your pants

13 [In_On_Under] Where is my cap I don't see it

14 [In_On_Under] Where is my pencil It's on the chair

15 [Invitation] Help yourself.

16 [Liking] Do you like cheese Yes or No.

17 [Liking] I like soccer. Let's play soccer.

18 [Look like] What does she look like

19 [Order] May I take your order

20 [Order] May I take your order I'd like a pizza.

21 [Party & Can] Happy birthday! Can you swim

22 [Past tense] How was your summer vacation?

23 [Past tense] What did you do We went to the park

24 [Possessive] Whose bike is this It's mine

25 [Present progressive] What are you doing

26 [Present progressive] What are you doing?

27 [Present progressive] What's he doing?

28 [Price] How much is it It's five dollars

29 [Subject] What's your favorite subject I like math

30 [Suggestion] Let's go camping

31 [Suggestion] Let's put up balls. Wash your hands

32 [Suggestion] Let's put up balls. Wash your hands

33 [Telephone Conversations] Can I Speak to Sally

34 [Telephone Conversations] May I speak to Kate

35 [this & that] What's this What's that

36 [Time] What time is it Time for breakfast

37 [Time] What time is it We're late

38 [Toothache] What's wrong I have a toothache

39 [Weather] It's raining. What color is it

40 [Weather] It's snowing. Do you like snow

41 [Where] Where's the museum Go straight

42 [Where] Where's the post office It's over there

43 [Where] Where's the restroom I don't know

44 [Who] Who is he - Who is she(完结)

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