

【看动画学英语】老鼠记者 第一季 14 The Gem Gang珠宝盗窃团



Checkmate? Again.

I'll never beat this thing.

Uh, Geronimo, it's a computer.

It can't be beat.

I'd rather play against a real person

any day.

Hello? Yes. Uh-huh. Uh-huh!

Okey-doke. Bye-bye.


Oh, uh, an invitation

to a chess tournament. Nothing important.

Did they say anything else?

Uh, stuff about chess champion Gary Goudov

playing a computer on Squeaky Island.

Not important? That's big news.

A top chess master versus a machine!

-Hmm. Here we go.

Oh, whoa.

BC- is said to be the first computer

that can beat a chess master.

A tournament you can't miss!

Oh. I'd love to go,

but a big story might happen.

Don't worry, we can handle it.

Well, I love chess,

and Gary Goudov is my favorite player.

I'll go! Here's a list

of emergency phone numbers.

The mayor's office, my barber,

my dry-cleaner, oh, and my lottery ticket.

You'll need travel arrangements.

Leave that to me. I've got a buddy

at Squeaky Island Travel.


Hello, Squeaky Island Travel?

This is Trap.

You know, that guy. Right. Right.

Sorry about that incident.

Anyway, I need to book a trip. For two.

They're gonna give me a special deal.

Uh, you have insurance, right?

Ah. Just smell that sea air.

I usually prefer my sea air

with less dead... fish.

♪ Who's the mouse who's fun and witty

Scoops the news for New Mouse City ♪

♪ Geronimo ♪

♪ He's amazing, he's terrific

Watch out world he's cheddarific ♪

♪ He's outta site and in the know ♪

♪ Go! ♪

♪ He's the one we call Geronimo ♪

I can't take any more of this.

Come on, let's go for a ride.

Already there!

Thea! Hey! Stop!

Inspector Smugrat's car outside Pippany's!

The jewelry store?

Let's check it out.

What brings you here today?

Looks like there's been a burglary.

Ah! Oh, you noticed!

A priceless set of diamonds

was stolen last night.

Thirty-two diamonds in all.

The burglars entered the front door

by breaking the lock.

-Two donuts from the break room.

But we don't think that's connected.

I've got my best guy working on it.

Right. Any clues, inspec-- Hey!

Sally Rasmaussen, from Pippany's,

the scene of the biggest heist

of the millennium!

-Only one.

This calling card.

It's the Gem Gang's signature.

They always leave their card behind.

Which strikes me as odd.

These Gem cards are from

their unsolved crimes.

They get around a lot.

So, no Geronimo?

Pity, he's missing out on a hot scoop.

He can catch up watching

The Daily Rat TV Report.

Ladies and gentlemice, welcome

to the first chess tournament

pitting mouse against machine!

In this corner, four tons, three ounces,

the database that's in your face,

Blue Cheddar One.

And its proud inventor,

Professor VonKoff.

Boo! Get lost!

He did it.

And in this corner, weighing  pounds,

the boss of the chessboard,

the king of the game,

the grandmaster himself, Gary Goudov!

-And his rather bulky associate.

-Yahoo! You show them, Goudov boy!

You're the best! The best of the best!

Trap, please. Sit down.

Gentlemen, choose your weapon.

Mr. Goudov prefers

his own personal chess set.

He never plays with any other.

There's a pawn missing.

Goudov will not play

until the missing piece is found!

Huh. And I thought you were picky.

I am not picky.


-I am not picky!


The match is postponed

until further notice.

He's just afraid of losing.

My BC- can beat any man, any day.

Even you. Especially you.

In fact, BC- has already beaten you

without trying.

That's how good it is.

I think I'm offended!

Okay, brainiac, you're on!

Ha. No machine can beat me

at fancy checkers!

The Gem Gang cut the power to the alarm.

-They knew what they were doing.

-Get rid of them.

Oh, Mr. Inspector! Yoo-hoo!

Sally can't get away with this.

I'll give her a scoop she won't forget.

Thea, look at this.

It's a chess piece, so what?

-An expensive chess piece.

It's not every day

you find one in the street.

-Hold it right there!

Quick, let's go.

Simon, bring the car.

-Something fancy.



Try that.

I dropped the pawn.

-He's got it.

-Then let's get it back.


Hmph. Beginner's luck.


-Huh. No way! I wasn't ready!




Can't you say anything else?

-You can't win, Trap.

-That's what I said.

I'm just getting him warmed up.

He's gotta be here somewhere.



-It's useless. Give up.

-No. No, I see a pattern.

Yes. The pattern is BC- is winning.

Let's see him beat this!

I don't think that's a good idea.

Trap, you destroyed

an expensive piece of technology.

Oh, no, it's a blown fuse.

I'll have it fixed in a jiff.

Don't. You're going to make it worse.

I've got it.

-Yeah, I'm headed to Squeaky Island.

Squeaky Island?

But that's where Geronimo--

It's the end of the line, Stilton.

I know you found something.

Now, hand it over!

I don't have any--

Looks like you got me.

This is our one lead.

Thank you.

-You said you could handle it.

-I am handling it!

It just doesn't wanna be,

you know, handled.

Uncle G! Uncle G!


-A big robbery at Pippany's!

Oh, they have nice stuff.

A set of diamonds was stolen.

Thea and I found a pawn in the street,

this guy chased us and got the pawn,

and I ended up on a boat and came here.

A pawn?

Oh! I knew it!

I knew I'd miss out on a big scoop!

Someone's coming.

-Ah, some girl and a kid, but I lost them.

-That's the guy who chased me and Thea.

Someone's coming.

Quick, in here.

I thought I heard voices.

Ah, Mr. Goudov,

I see you found your missing pawn.

Yes, my set is once again complete.

-Yes, yes.

Attention! The chess match will begin

immediately. Please return to your seats.

-Oh, no, we're trapped!

-And the computer's broken!

Now it's brokener.

Let's keep this short.

I've got a plane to catch.

Yes, of course.

How's it going?

The motherboard's fried.

It can't be fixed.

Is there a fatherboard

or brotherboard to use?

Uncle G, there's no such thing.

Yeah, brotherboard. Heh. Nice one.

-I'm just trying to help.

-Uh-oh. The match is starting.

What are we gonna do? I've got it. I'll play!

Oh, no.

Why's everyone staring?

The computer makes the first move.


Sorry! I don't know what happened.

Hey! He just pushed my buttons.

I don't know how I feel about that.

You should play, Uncle G.

-Sure. You love chess.

You play it on your computer.

Can't do much worse than me.

Just watch your buttons.

You tell me the moves, unc.

I'll control the arm.

Heh. Sure. Do it the easy way.

Um... Queen's pawn to D four.


Checkmate! My BC- has done it!

My concentration was off.

This doesn't count.

Besides, it's just a machine.

-Uncle G, you did it!

Yes, I guess I did.

No, coz, you did it! You beat Gary Goudov!

Yes, the super-brain of my BC- makes it

smarter than any human chess player.

I did it! I did it! I beat Gary Goudov!


What were you doing in my computer?

Uh... Playing chess against him.

I was beaten by him? Impossible!

You mean, it was not my BC


Hey, it's that kid

I was telling you about.

He's the one who took the pawn we found.

We must leave. Go!

Why'd the assistant look

for a chess piece in New Mouse City?

And why chase you?

How many diamonds were stolen?


Thirty-two. Thirty-two!

Aha! That's it!

Benjamin, alert the police!

We have to stop Goudov!

We're too late!

Hmm. Perhaps not. Come on!

But they're in that plane,

not the fire engine!

Oh, I get it.

This is gonna be great!

-Slowing them down.

Okay. Now!

We did it!

No, we didn't.

He's getting away.


What is the meaning of this?

Don't you know who I am?

-I'm Gary Goudov.

-Leader of the Gem Gang.

Ah. Impossible. Inspector, arrest this man

for interfering with a chess match

and delaying my plane.

I don't know about the chess match,

but delaying an aircraft is an offense.

Unless you have a good reason.

I believe you'll find the stolen diamonds

with Mr. Goudov. In that case.

-Certainly. I have nothing to hide.

These are just chess pieces.

With a secret compartment.

Why, I never knew that was there!

You did, you sent your assistant

to get a lost pawn.

Thirty-two diamonds stolen,

 pieces in a chess set.

That's how the Gem Gang's

smuggled jewels.

Take him away.

Thanks for helping

putting an end to the Gem Gang.

My pleasure.

And I'll overlook

the fire-foam incident this time.

 The chess tournaments

were a cover.

Nobody suspected the Gem Gang boss

and Gary Goudov were the same.

Now Gary will have plenty of time

to brush up on his chess game in prison.

For The Rodent Gazette,

I'm Geronimo Stilton.

Uncle G, why not mention

you beat Goudov?

Yeah, that makes you

the new chess champion.

Well, no need to brag.

It's a Professor VonKoff.

Something about his computer.

He sounds angry.

-I'm not here.

-Uh, neither am I.

I think they tricked us!

This is all your fault, Simon!

My fault?

But I haven't done anything!

Exactly, that's why I blame you!


-Now, do something about these fish.

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