

BBC听力丨看国外新闻,学地道英语 Vol.326

新 闻 英 语 精 听(第326期)

BBC News  - July 1, 2023


Tonight at 10. Senior doctors in England vote to go on strike next month overpay. Operations will be canceled and it comes on top of junior doctors walking out just days before. But the long-running nurses strike is over. We'll bring you analysis on how disruptive the latest strike action could be.


Also on the program. President Putin thanks his security forces, telling them they stopped a civil war.


strike  n. 罢工

overpay 多给报酬

on top of 在··之上

walk out 罢工

disruptive  adj. 引起混乱的

civil war 内战

Nicola Bulley's death was an accident. A coroner says she drowned after falling into a cold river in Lancashire. I hope that His Majesty's Coroner's clear and definitive findings will put an end to ill-informed speculation and conspiracy theories. A BBC investigation uncovers the illegal trade in virtual child sexual abuse material.

Nicola Bulley的死亡是场意外。验尸官说,Nicola掉入兰开夏郡的一条冰冷河流后溺水而亡。我希望权威验尸官清晰明确的结论,结束不明就里的猜测和阴谋论。BBC的一项调查发现虚拟儿童性虐待材料的非法交易。

And Lewis Capaldi announces a break from touring after struggling to finish his set at Glastonbury.

Lewis Capaldi在艰难地完成格拉斯顿伯里演出后,宣布暂停巡回演出。

coroner  n. 验尸官

ill-informed  消息闭塞的

speculation n. 猜测

conspiracy  n. 阴谋

uncover  v. 揭露

Lewis Capaldi 刘易斯·卡帕尔迪,英国歌手,唱作人

Glastonbury  英国格拉斯顿伯里音乐节

And more news at 10:30. We'll go deeper behind the headlines and speak live to key players on today's big stories. Plus a first look at tomorrow's front pages.


The boss of Thames Water Sarah Bentley has quit weeks after being forced to give up her bonus over the company's environmental performance. Miss Bentley became chief executive in 2020 and has been at the helm as water firms faced criticism over the release of sewage in rivers and the sea.

泰晤士水务公司的老板Sarah Bentley因公司的环境表现而被迫放弃奖金,并在几周后辞职。Bentley于2020年成为首席执行官,并掌舵泰晤士水务公司,该公司因在河流和海洋中排放污水遭受批评。

The company behind Boots, the Chemist, says it will close 300 of its branches throughout the UK over the next 12 months. Stalls close in proximity to each other are at risk of closure, but the BBC understands there will be no redundancies and staff will be offered work at nearby stores.


Thames Water 泰晤士水务公司

bonus  n. 奖金

chief executive 首席执行官

at the helm 掌舵,在领导地位

sewage  n. 污水,污物

Boots 博姿, 是一个超过150年历史的英国美容及护肤品牌

branch 分支机构,分店

stall  n. 货摊

in proximity to 靠近

redundancy 裁员

The former foreign correspondent and broadcaster Damon Leslie who reported from more than 70 countries and witnessed some of the key moments of the 20th century has died. She was 82. Damon reported from Northern Ireland, Bosnia and Afghanistan, and interviewed a series of famous names, including Muhammad Ali.

曾在70多个国家报道并见证了20世纪一些关键时刻的前外国记者和广播员Damon Leslie去世,享年82岁。Damon曾在北爱尔兰、波斯尼亚和阿富汗进行报道,并采访了一系列著名人物,包括拳王阿里。

Tomorrow the chancellor will summon the UK's five economic regulators to try to force down prices for consumers. Tonight new figures seen by Newsnight show the scale of food insecurity across the country. Can government intervention help as people continue to struggle. My grandchildren used to come and stay with me during the holidays, but I've had to reduce that down because I can't afford feed them. I can barely feed myself and I .... extra miles.


Also tonight, Russia launches a fresh missile strike on the Ukrainian city of Kramer Torsk, days after the chaotic Wagner mutiny. How have the events of the last days played out on the battlefield? Lark's here with his analysis of how Ukraine's counter-offensive is progressing.

今晚的新闻还有,混乱的瓦格纳兵变几天后,俄罗斯对乌克兰城市Kramer Torsk发动了新一轮导弹袭击。过去几天的事在战场上会如何演绎?来听演播间里Lark对乌克兰反攻进展的分析。

And the Covid inquiry hears from the former health secretary Matt Hancock for the first time with some jaw-dropping revelations. The doctrine of the UK was to plan for the consequences of a disaster, can we buy enough body bags, where are we going to bury the dead and that was completely wrong.

关于新冠调查,首次对前卫生部长Matt Hancock听证,其披露的内容让人瞠目结舌。英国对新冠的处理原则是做好灾难性后果的计划,想的是是否能够买到足够的尸袋,我们在哪里埋葬死者,这是完全错误的。

We'll talk to a bereaved relative who was in the room.


correspondent  n. 记者

interview  vt. 采访

Muhammad Ali  n. 拳王阿里

chancellor  n.(英国)财政大臣

summon  vt. 召集

regulator  n. 监管者,监管机构

force down 强制降低

intervention  n. 干预,介入

launch  v. 发动,发起

chaotic  adj. 混乱无秩序的

Wagner  瓦格纳军团

mutiny  n. 叛乱

counter-offensive  n. 反攻

inquiry  n. 调查,审查

jaw-dropping  adj. 令人惊愕的

doctrine  n. 信条,原则

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