

【乐事赏心】如花美眷 似水流年---潔心戲曲人物畫展

【如花美眷 似水流年】






【如花美眷 似水流年】

《幽闺记》 59×46cm

《水泊记》 59×46cm

《琵琶记》 59×46cm

《西厢记》 59×46cm

《梦回莺啭》 138×34cm

《游园惊梦》 138×34cm

《寻梦》 138×34cm

《雷峰塔》游湖  59×46cm

《雷峰塔》断桥  59×46cm

《当德彪西遇上杜丽娘》  59×46cm

《当德彪西遇上杜丽娘》  59×46cm









除绘画之外,还善昆曲、越剧,诗词。诗词创作受教于浙江传媒学院刘志宏博士,作品曾多次获奖。原创诗词【临江仙 妙玉烹茶】入选2016曹雪芹文化节北京黄叶村曹雪芹故居诗词墙。2016和2018年分别由“一起读诗”电台推送两辑《洁心原创诗词》,收听率过万。所填曲牌【皂罗袍·相思】入选2018昆曲王子张军上海梅赛德斯奔驰文化中心《水磨新调》万人昆曲演唱会曲牌征集作品并受邀参加演唱会现场。



Yang Xiaojie,with the pen name Jiexin,known as an Artist, Poet and English teacher,is from ChaoZhou,GuangDong,China. She’s interested in Chinese Painting and showed her talent since her childhood. She is good at Figure painting especially in Ancient Chinese Beauties and  Chinese opera figures. Her works have been invited to attend many large Chinese painting exhibitions. She has been devoting herself in Chinese Opera figures these lately years. Her painting follows the painting style of Gao Made,the most famous Chinese Opera Figure Painting artist,showing a painting style of being exaggerated ,simple  but fluent and beautiful,and she has been learning painting skills from the son of Gao Made,Gao Duo,also a famous Chinese Opera Figure Painting artist. In the year of 2017,Jiexin was accepted as a student by Mr. Xuehong,a Chinese famous artist for Chan painting and now is learning Chinese Painting skills from Mr. Xuehong in Academy of Fine Arts of Qinghua University for Chinese Painting of High Research Studies.

In the year of 2017,she was invinted by Wang Qingshan,a  Kunqu Opera scripwriter,to paint a series of inbetweening for his new script  The story of the Bridal Clothes. The script has been  registered by the National Ministry of Culture.

In the year of 2017,she was  invited to paint  a series of inbetweening and Chinese Folding Fan for The Story of Jade Hairpin played by Jiangsu Kunqu Opera Theatre;

On October of 2017,she was invited as one of the artists by the City of Albuquerque to attend the ICEA US-CHINA BUSINESS MATCHMAKING SUMMIT. For the first time, Jiexin showed people in New Mexico Kunqu culture and Chinese Opera Figure Painting of Ma Style. On the exhibition, visiters were amazed by the Chinese Opera Figure Painting of Jiexin and the local News  gave a special interview of Jie Xin's painting;

On March of 2018,a series of foldable fans,   Dream in the Deserted Garden ,were invited to show in the GuangZhou Tower, the first tallest tower in China and the second tallest tower in Asia during the GuangZhou Tower Culture Season. It brought Chinese Opera Figure Painting to people in GuangZhou for the first time;

In the year of 2018,she was invited to paint  for the Kunqu Wine,Tea and Water of KunQiang Wine Company of Jiangsu Province.

Except  painting,Jiexin is also good at writting Chinese Poems,singing Kunqu Opera and Yue Opera. She learned poems writting from Dr. Liu Zhihong of Suzhou University. Some of her poems won prizes. One of the poems,Miaoyu Making Tea,was seleted to written on the Poem Wall in the Former Residence of Cao Xueqin,the greatest litterateur in Qing Dynasty in Cao Xueqin Cultural Festival in Beijing in 2016.  Qupai 'Zao Luo Pao' written by her was chosen by Zhang Jun, a very famous Kunqu Opera actor and was invited to attend his Ten Thousand People Kunqu Opera Concert in Mercedes-Benz Cultural Center in Shanghai.

She also studies at Kunqu for several years and learned Kunqu Opera from Wang Jiannong,famous Piper,and Gong Yinlei,famous Kunqu Opera actress and is quite good at singing Kunqu Opera.

Her works are popular among litteratures in the USA, Cananda, England, France, Australia, Taiwan and HK ,also actors of Chinese Opera and collected by them. Now she is the member of Chaozhou Musicians’ Association、Chaozhou Artists’ Association、Chaozhou Calligraphers’ Association. She is also a poem and edit of Chaozhou and Daguan Poets’ Association,and also director of Shenzhen Heya Kunqu Opera Association and member of Yangzhou Youth Kunqu Opera Association.

【戊戌三月 成都原点阅读读书会作画现场】

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