



The 15 Must-See Films of Summer 2011 | Film School Rejects

Last summer was a good (not great) movie season. Granted, there were some notorious duds withRobin HoodJonah HexAvatar: The Last Whatever-It’s-Called, the one where Jake Gyllenhaaltalked real funny and had his shirt off a lot, and many, many others. And, of course, there were some rather disappointing missed opportunities (*COUGH* Iron Man 2 *COUGH*). But overall, it was a solid time for both big event films and the smaller ones. There were two excellent high profile films (Toy Story 3Inception) and a handful of great little-seen ones (Animal KingdomCyrusSolitary Man, etc.). And who could forget about Scott Pilgrim vs. the World?

This summer will most likely be no different. There are a few films not to get too excited about, but there are plenty of other films to get tingly about. There are two Marvel films, a new frickin’ Terrence Malick epic, a great looking new X-Men…the list goes on and on.

In fact, the list goes on right now with the 15 Must See Movies of Summer 2011:

15. Crazy, Stupid, Love

The Pitch: Long time writing duo Glenn Ficarra and John Fuqua became a strong directing duo as well last year with I Love You Phillip Morris. While it took that film quite some time to actually make it to the big screen, Ficarra and Fuqua delivered a cleverly hilarious film full of heart. Crazy, Stupid, Love looks to be far more commercial than Phillip Morris, but based on the trailer, it seems to feature that same non-cheesy heart, and Steve Carrell definitely can’t hurt.

Release: July 29th

14. Thor

The Pitch: Thor is about as commercial as most summer blockbusters get. It is simpleminded, features a lot of hit and miss comic relief, has a romance that lacks spark, and it hits a second act roadblock like many action films do… and yet why is it still exciting? Because despite its flaws, Branagh and Marvel have crafted a solid way to kickoff the summer.

Chris Hemsworth proves he’s far more charismatic than the so-so trailers had been leading on, and he does make for one helluva Thor. Tom Hiddleston gets right what so many of the other Marvel villains have gotten wrong: he actually features a sense of humanity and doesn’t come off as a cartoon character. And there’s Anthony Hopkins eloquently chewing the scenery in an eye-patch. Thor is another enjoyable Marvel film with an excellent hero and villain at the center of it.

Release: May 6th

13. Hesher

The Pitch: Spencer Susser’s Hesher features one of the most beautiful and moving moments you’ll see in theaters all year, and that’s not just the hyperbole speaking. Up until the final minutes, Hesherwas good, but by the final scenes, it becomes something memorable. Susser showed great promise in his well-known short filmI Love Sarah Jane, and he capitalizes on some of that potential withHesher. It’s a funny, dark coming of age story that features Joseph Gordon-Levitt as a narcissistic, and yet humanity-filled, man child.

Release: May 13th

12. Green Lantern

The Pitch: Green Lantern looks to be one of these two things: a crappy version of Flash Gordon or a cool riff on Star Wars. The first trailer made it look like the former. But the latest Cinema Con footage and newest trailer showed some promise, even though they still contained hints at a possible disaster.

The non-skeptics of Green Lantern always make sure to bring up how Martin Campbell successfully reinvented the Bond franchise, but they also forget to mention the darker side of his filmography: Vertical Limit, The Mask of Zorro, and the “meh” Edge of Darkness. Campbell isn’t a very consistent filmmaker, so it’s hard to jump completely onto the Green Lantern bandwagon just yet. Failure or success, it’s still rather exciting seeing a superhero film of this scope getting made.

Release: June 17th

11. Another Earth

The Pitch: After seeing the greatness of Sound of My Voice, I’ll just about watching anything with Brit Marling‘s name attached to it. Sound of My Voice was a wonderfully structured film — and with Marling having a co-writer credit on Another Earth – I’m hoping for something with the same level of audacity. It looks to be a personal sci-fi film more so about drama than the risk of another planet. The film received positive reviews at Sundance and got quickly picked up by Fox Searchlight.

Release: July 20th

10. Submarine

The Pitch: I don’t know a single person who has spoken ill of Richard Ayoade‘s debut film. Ever since its premiere at Toronto, this has been on my radar. Both of the fantastic trailers have sold it as something both unique and heartfelt, and the critical buzz agrees. The concept alone is worth anticipating: a young, wiser-than-his-age man looking for an evening of lovemaking. Can’t we all relate to that?

Release: June 3rd

9. The Guard

The Pitch: The Guard comes off as one of the few no-brainers of the summer. John Michael McDonagh’s film earned rave reviews at Sundance, has an excellent ensemble cast, and almost any movie with Brendan Gleeson and Mark Strong will get my 10 dollars. Many have been comparing it to In Bruges — and that’s not much of a surprise, considering John Michael McDonagh is Martin McDonagh’s brother — but a lofty comparison like that should make any film nerd get giddy with excitement.

Release: July 29th

8. Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark

The Pitch: This one has been on the shelf for a little while. After the whole Miramax apocalypse, Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark was left without a home for awhile. But it ended up finding one and is finally coming out in August. Very little promotional materials have been put out, but the film’s long ago released teaser was a cool little glimpse at what to expect: an extremely atmospheric remake. Guillermo del Toro‘s name is attached as a producer, and he seems to put his name on nothing but good things. Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark got a unanimously positive reaction at a screening in Germany, so hopefully we’ll finally get to see what the small great buzz has been all about.

Release: August 26th

7. Bridesmaids

The Pitch: Bridesmaids has been getting praised ever since its debut at SXSW, and for good reason. Paul Feig‘s comedy is hilarious, sweet, and raunchy when it needs to be. It has the exact amount of heart in a film that I’d expect from the creator of the classic Freaks and Geeks. People will be the obvious comparisons to The Hangover, but it’s a whole different beast. These are characters you actually come to love, rather than despise.

Release: May 13th

6. Rise of the Planet of the Apes

The Pitch: Tim Burton’s Planet of the Apes film was a real buzz kill, mainly due to the fact it was a fairly bad and laughable action movie. Action isn’t what the Planet of the Apes series is about, and this upcoming origin story seems to understand that. It’ll have its fair share of action, especially with the impending climax that the film has, but from what I’ve heard, this is almost more of a drama.

They’ve taken a serious approach — a tricky tone to land when you got apes attacking people — but I have faith in director Rupert Wyatt to make it work. He made a strong debut film, The Escapist, and he’s got a reliable cast with him. Hopefully he’ll bring the Planet of the Apes series back to life.

Release: August 5th

5. Super 8

The Pitch: J.J. Abrams looks to have made an ultimate fanboy love letter to Spielberg, but will it be much more than that? The trailers have sold the spectacle well, courtesy of some excellent music, but it almost comes off more like a Spielberg film than a J.J. Abrams film. The only stamp of Abrams that seems to make him distinguishable is his love for lens flares. But, a retread or not, Abrams makes solid films. The man does have a great sense of pacing and he seemed to have evolved with Star Trek, so perhaps Super 8 will continue that rise in talent. If that’s true, expect something great.

Release: June 10th

4. X-Men: First Class

The Pitch: With its production history, it wouldn’t be a huge surprise if X-Men: First Class ends up being a half-baked mess. But the fantastic trailers have indicated nothing of the such, as one would expect. The main selling point of the film seems to be its strongest element: the relationship between Xavier and Eric. Michael Fassbender seems incapable of doing any wrong, even in a disaster like Jonah Hex, and James McAvoy is just as reliable. With Matthew Vaughn at the helm and Jane Goldman having a hand in the script, expect a film leaps and bounds better than X-3 and that failed cartoonish attempt at a Wolverine movie. This looks to get the once promising series back on track and better than ever.

Release: June 3rd

3. Captain America: The First Avenger

The Pitch: Cap, on paper, sounds like a disaster in pending. Joe Johnston is coming off The Wolfman. There were reported script issues for a while, which were apparently taken care of by Joss Whedon. And this is a film where the villain is a red faced Nazi… and yet, no film coming out this summer looks more fun than Captain America: The First Avenger. Johnston, a director better than he’s given credit for, seems to have nailed the perfect tone and feel.

It looks like a film that knows it’s got silly ideas and is a comic book movie, but isn’t handled in a cheesy or overly goofy manner. We rarely get action heroes that look to be as charming and as cool as Steve Rogers, considering most are so damn mopey now, but like the rest of the film, he looks like a blast of awesomeness.

Release: July 22nd

2. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part II

The Pitch: July 15th will be a terribly bittersweet day. This series has been going, for the most part, strong for a solid 10-years now. As someone who eagerly anticipated each new installment’s release, I’ll be quite sad about letting these characters go. Unlike, say, the Twilight franchise, you don’t want to see these kids die painful deaths. They’re all likable, and after all these years, it’s easy to understand them like actual friends. The best of the Harry Potter films feel like personal and dramatic stories told in a grand operatic way. Hopefully, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part II provides the epic climax the series deserves.

Release: July 15th

1. The Tree of Life

The Pitch: Even if Terrence Malick‘s long-awaited epic turns out to be a total failure, it’ll still be the most ambitious and interesting films of the season. There’s no real argument to be had there. The fact that a Malick film is opening in the summer is beyond exciting. The Tree of Life looks like a dramatic and more grounded version of 2001: A Space Odyssey. I’ll take Malick’s somber, poetic and monumental style any day over robots beating each other up and cracking bad jokes.

Release: May 16th








今年暑期档与(去年)相比没什么两样。有些电影不会让你太high,但还是有很多电影会让你血脉膨胀的。其中两部惊奇漫画(Marvel)公司的电影,分别是Terrence Malick最新的史诗大作和焕然一新的《X战警》....这个清单那可就长了。<><><="" span=""><>


事实上,目前的2011暑期档必看电影清单就有以下15部。<><><="" span=""><>





格伦.菲卡拉(Glenn Ficarra)和约翰.富卡(John Fuqua) 这两厮常年混迹于编剧圈,去年摇身一变执导了《我爱你菲利普.莫里斯》。虽然这两哥们为了《我爱你菲利普.莫里斯》顺利公映费尽心思,但是他们却交出了这部构思精巧,欢乐闹腾的用心之作。《疯了,傻了,爱了》比《我爱你菲利普.莫里斯》更加商业,但从预告片来看,电影的着墨点似乎是在传达高雅的情感,而且斯蒂夫·卡瑞尔(译者注:Steve Carrell扮演电影男主角)绝对不会受到伤害。<><><="" span=""><>



14. 《雷神》


《雷神》具备暑期档票房大片的所有商业元素。电影走典型的无脑型情节路线,间歇性的插科打诨,缺少火花的浪漫爱情,还有其它动作电影一样会遇到的问题,动作设计上的瓶颈,但为什么大家仍然兴奋不已呢?尽管它有缺点,导演布拉纳(Branagh)和惊奇漫画(Marvel)还是联袂奉上了这部靠谱的片子,揭幕暑期档。<><><="" span=""><>


克里斯·海姆斯沃斯(Chris Hemsworth)向世人证明自己要比耍花腔的预告片中有魅力得多,他确实就是强大的雷神化身。汤姆·希德勒斯顿(Tom Hiddleston)理解到了惊奇漫画的其它反派角色是如何做坏事的:实际上,他的文艺气质更突出,没有表现得卡通化。而另一位老戏骨安东尼.霍普京斯以独眼造型示人,演技有些用力过猛。《雷神》的中心人物依旧是超级英雄和邪恶的大反派,其会成为另一部受欢迎的惊奇漫画电影。<><><="" span=""><>


上映日期: 5月6日




毫不夸张地说,斯宾塞·萨瑟(Spencer Susser)的《海瑟》会是你一整年在影院中看过的最美,最感动的电影。直到最后一分钟,《海瑟》整部电影都很好,但是电影最后一幕,却让人终生难忘。萨瑟那部著名的短片《我爱你萨拉.简》让其前途一片大好,他在《海瑟》中正好用上之前的一些潜能。这是一部妙趣横生,色调灰暗的成人世界的故事,而约瑟夫.高登(Joseph Gordon-Levitt)在其中扮演一个孤傲,却人情味十足的大男孩,为影片增色不少。<><><="" span=""><>



12. 《绿灯侠》


对《绿灯侠》的期望值可以尝试以下二选一:拙劣版《飞侠哥顿》或者是《星球大战》中反复出现的酷帅节奏。第一款预告片看起来更像是前者。但是最近在Cinema Con(译注:一家电影院)发布连续镜头和最新预告片予人以希望,即使其暗示此片具备烂片的潜质。<><><="" span=""><>


《绿灯侠》的拥泵们一直想弄明白马丁.坎贝尔(Martin Campbell)是如何成功使用邦德系列的拍摄权,但是他们同样忘了提到了在他的《垂直极限》,《佐罗的面具》和《黑暗边缘》等电影剧本中黑暗的一面。坎贝尔不是始终如一的电影人,所以,他很难立马加入到《绿灯侠》这部电影拍摄之中(译注:坎贝尔曾有意执导《绿灯侠》)。不管(电影的)成败与否,能在此领域看到超级英雄电影拍摄成功依旧相当兴奋。<><><="" span=""><>



11. 《另一个地球》


看罢《倾听我的声音》,我几乎追看了任何与布里特.马琳(Brit Marling)名字相关的东西。这部电影结构精巧,《另一个地球》有了马琳(Marling)做联合编剧也是信赖的保证我一直期望自己也能有与它同样的胆量。比起另外星球带来的风险,《另一个地球》更像是一部有个人习惯的科幻片。本片在圣丹斯电影节反响强烈,很快就被福克斯探照灯(Fox Searchlight)相中。<><><="" span=""><>


上映日期: 7月20日


10. 《潜水艇》


我不认识那个对理查德·阿尤阿德 (RichardAyoade)的处女作胡言乱语的单身汉,自从其多伦多的首映后,它就入了我的法眼。两款精美预告片独特主打独特和真情实意,批评者对此都赞誉有加。但是光是这个概念就值得期待了:一个少年老成的年轻人寻找一夜情。难到我们能置身事外吗?<><><="" span=""><>


上映日期: 6月3日




《看守员》会是今夏少见的不用带大脑看的电影之一。约翰.迈克尔.麦克唐纳(John Michael McDonagh)的这部电影在圣丹斯电影节赢得满堂彩,本片演出阵容一流,而且只要是与布伦.丹格里森(Brendan Gleeson)与马克.斯特朗(Mark Strong)有关的电影,我都会花上10美元去观看。许多人将其与《杀手没有假期》进行比较这样的比较不会有太多惊喜,考虑到迈克尔.麦克唐纳(Michael McDonagh)与马丁.麦克唐纳(Martin McDonagh)的兄弟关系但是如此高规格的比较会让任何电影狂兴奋得目眩神迷。<><><="" span=""><>






这部电影不久就会上映。米拉麦克斯公司发生剧变之后,《不要害怕黑暗》一直就没找到下家,但是最终它还是找到了归属,定于8月上映。电影的公关宣传少之又少,但是就其曾发布的预告片来看,纵是惊鸿一瞥,也让人满心期待:是非常有艺术氛围的翻拍之作。<><><="" span=""><>


吉尔莫·德尔·托罗的名字出现在了制作人一栏,看起来他把名字放在这里倒是好事一桩。本片在德国放映时得到一致称赞,所以我们希望最终看到这部让人为之兴奋的电影。<><><="" span=""><>



7. 《伴娘》


自从《伴娘》在SXSW(译注:美国的一个音乐盛典)初次亮相,就广受赞誉。理由很充分:保罗.费格(Paul Feig)的喜剧总是在适当时机,上演热闹,甜蜜与粗口的戏码。很明显,观众会将其与《宿醉》进行比较,但是两者完全走不同的路线。你会由衷得喜欢上电影中的角色。<><><="" span=""><>



6. 《人猿星球之崛起》


蒂姆.波顿版的《人猿星球》确实是一部让人扫兴的作品,其三脚猫的动作场面要负主要责任。其实,动作场面并不是《人猿星球》的制作方向,而即将上映的最新版看似明白了这个道理,恰如其分地展现动作戏份,对一触即发的全片高潮的动作处理上尤为称道,但是据我所知,这部电影更像是一部正剧。<><><="" span=""><>


他们采取了严谨的创作态度—当你让人猿袭击人类时,会出现巧妙的音调变化—我对导演鲁伯特·瓦耶特(Rupert Wyatt)掌控电影的能力充满信心。他的处女作《逃狱》很好很强大,与其搭档的整个阵容也很靠谱。希望导演能让《人猿星球》系列重获新生。<><><="" span=""><>




5. 《超级8》





4. X战警:第一课》


纵观《X战警》系列的制作历史来看,如果本集搞个二百五的烂摊子收场,也不足为奇。果不其然,剪辑精美的预告片暗示这是没影的事儿。其主要卖点似乎围绕(年轻时的)X教授(Xavier)和万磁王(Eric)之间的关系展开。迈克尔.法宾斯德(Michael Fassbender)的演技四平八稳, 即便是出没于《西部英雄约拿·哈克斯》这样的烂片中,依旧保持一贯水准。而詹姆斯.麦卡沃伊(James McAvoy)的演技同样没话说。随着马修.沃恩(Matthew Vaughn)执掌导筒,珍妮.戈德曼(Jane Goldman)主笔剧本,期待这部电影全面超越《X战警3》,而他们的入主也意味着会放弃《金刚狼》电影中的卡通尝试。期望这个曾经大好的系列重回正轨,精彩更胜往昔。<><><="" span=""><>



3. 《美国队长:第一个复仇者》


《美国队长》还只是在纸上谈兵阶段,就给人要搞砸的感觉。而乔.约翰斯顿(Joe Johnston)正在拍摄《狼人》。而据报道,由于《美国队长》剧本暂时有点小麻烦,其交由乔斯·温登(Joss Whedon)妥善保管。电影里出现了带红色面具的纳粹恶棍,还有,《美国队长:第一个复仇者》会是暑期档最具娱乐精神的电影,约翰斯顿似乎已经牢牢抓住了电影的完美色调和氛围。<><><="" span=""><>


这部电影取材自漫画,全片充斥着无聊的馊主意,但是在处理却也并未沿用那些庸俗无脑的处理手法。考虑到如今大部分漫画英雄都他妈的一副苦瓜脸,而很少有动作英雄像和斯蒂夫.罗格(Steve Rogers)一样迷人又冷酷。但在影片其余部分,他看起来都很威武。



2. 《哈利波特与死亡圣器》


715日会是(众多哈利迷)悲喜交加的日子。《哈里波特》系列已经伴随大家走过了10个年头,大部分人都是长达10年的骨灰级粉丝。作为一个对每一集都迫切期待的粉丝,角色的离去让我很伤感。和《暮光之城》系列不同的是,你不愿意看到这些孩子们痛苦的死去。他们都很可爱,这么多年之后,我们对他们的了解就像对自己身边的朋友一样。《哈利波特》系列的最佳之处在于其演员和充满戏剧性的故事都是以宏大的歌剧形式来演绎的。《哈利波特之死亡圣器II》的史诗性终结是这一系列最好的归属。<><><="" span=""><>



1. 《生命之树》


即使泰伦斯·马利克(Terrence Malick)这部筹备已久的史诗片有可能会败北,但其依然是暑期档最具野心,最有趣的电影。我们在此没有争论的必要。即将于暑期档开画的《生命之树》已让人按耐不住内心的激动了。《生命之树》更像是一出《2001漫游太空》的地面版。某一天,我想让马利克大师的严肃,诗意以及不朽的风格将电影中充斥着机器人互掐和恶俗笑料的情节取而代之。(译注:作者很推崇马利克的电影风格,看不惯电影充斥太多低俗的内容)<><><="" span=""><>



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