









科隆大教堂 来自Dollysaid 17:29

Germany is one of my favorite countries.

But actually, when I first came into Germany, I didn’t feel good about this heavy industrial city in a short while. Because it does not have the nobleness of Britain and the romance of Paris. Instead, the first impression that it gives me is depression and indifference.

Why depression?  Because it is really industrialized, the architectural style is relatively single.

Why indifference? Perhaps because of the rigorous and serious style of German people, and few people will be enthusiastic and initiative.

However, on my second day, I fell in love with this country. I visited three cities in the west of Germany. What makes me most delighted and emotional is——Kӧln. 







When it comes to Cologne, everyone knows the famous Cologne Cathedral. It is  Cologne 's most visited landmark, and currently the tallest twin-spired church at 157m tall, second in Europe and third in the world.

Just standing in front of it that made me feel awe-inspiring. But if you look closely, you will find that the church seems to have a 'story'.

At first, you will find that the color of the wall is very uneven, and there is a wall that is even black. In addition, it can be observed that this building has many untidy and slightly rough areas. 




Indeed, it does have a story. 



The church was built in the Middle Ages and was eventually completed in 1880. However, during World War II, Cologne was almost blown up in ruins. The only survivor was the church, but it did not escape the attack of fourteen bombs and was partially destroyed. Later it was repaired constantly, so, what we see now is actually has been repaired many times.

Although escaping the war, on the other hand, due to the development of heavy industry, it has been polluted by industrial waste gas and acid rain for a long time. Over time, the wall has been smoked dark brown.

Therefore, this church carries the history of the city, it seems like you could see the development track of the whole city and It remains the same although several decades passed away.

At that time, something touched my heart, but I cannot utter a word. Finally, I left the church in a very complicated mood and went for a walk along the Rhine.





When night falls, it is my favorite moment of the day, and the walk by the river makes me feel relaxed. At this time, I began to feel the city—quiet, peaceful, and orderly. You will find that it is monotonous but full of lingering charm. Although people here are indifferent, it is because of their rationality and rigor that they created the world-class products.

At the same time, I stopped.

Faced with the Rhine, close eyes, the breeze blew, as if touching each of my restless cells, let them return to the original calm. Yes, that's how the magic feeling of nature and humanity that makes me fall in love with this city. With this calm and freedom allow me to enjoy it.

And then, I began to calm down and think about what things touched my heart in church at that time?

I thought that this church has experienced so much that it doesn't look so perfect and amazing, even a little vicissitudes. But this not only does not make me feel bad, but even makes me feel that it is so lively and true.







It is like our life. Many people want to pursue perfection, they don't like jealousy, don't want to make mistakes, don't want to accept their flaws, and even start to hate themselves and doubt themselves, which leads them lack of confidence and even deep in inferiority.

On this point, I believe that you have seen a lot of statements about this issue. I am here to share my experience with you.

It's not a bad thing to pursue perfection, but it's a bit worthless to be over strict with ourselves. After all, we don't have superpowers. Of course, we can have a wonderful vision in the future and good goals.




The chief thing is that we need to have a clear understanding of ourselves. For example, be clear about what is unchangeable and what can be changed.

Unchangeable factors include the originated family, stature, born defects, etc. For these uncontrollable things, we have to accept it all, because this is a part of us, you can't hate them, hate is useless. It is an objective existence.

For example, there are some people around you who are dislike their height. Some girls are not confident, because of their high stature. Some guys maybe are afraid to show themselves, because of their short stature. I knew a girl who is 182m tall. And she is the most highest girl that I have never met before. Instead, she is not confused by her height and really knows who she is, she’s very confident cause she knows her strengths. Of course, many guys like her. I appreciate her. 





As for the factors that can be changed, we can certainly pursue change and encourage everyone to act. For instance, if you want to have a fascinating body shape, you can get it through hard work. Or if you want to be a writer, then you need to practice basic skills every day.

When you recognize yourself, you naturally know which direction you should go, and you won't be entangled in things that cannot be changed.



Second, don't be afraid to make mistakes.

It's normal for everyone to make big or small mistakes in our life. It's not terrible to make mistakes. It is terrible to always immerse yourself in the shadows of the past, or blame yourself, and then start to hate yourself. In fact, we should learn to let them go boldly and sum up our experience to in case to make the same mistake. After that, forget about it and move on. In the end you will find that these 'mistakes' will make you precipitate, which will make you more unique.



The last but not least thing is to be confident.

Many people feel that self-confidence needs to be gained from the affirmation of others, or when you have accomplished something that makes you feel fulfilled. But what I’m trying to say is that it’s just an external channel to gain self-confidence. The most important self-confidence is that you are the one who believes in yourself, likes yourself, and knows that you have a unique advantage. You don't need to prove anything to anyone, and you won't be influenced by anyone. You can only create your own value if you are truly confident. It will attract people or things that you like.

So don't be afraid. Your flaws or your faults may be a kind of life's perfection and beauty. Learn to accept yourselves, like yourselves and create yourselves, is the most important things in your life.




Afterward, I’ve been to a lot of churches in Europe, some big some really beautiful, and found that most of them were quite similar, which would be forgotten in a long time. But Cologne Cathedral was very clearly engraved in my mind, with endless aftertaste.

Is it perfect? It's really not perfect. But I'm just hopelessly in love.



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