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One injection of life-saving medicine worth of 700,000¥:

 let you know the rare disease SMA


英文名:spinal muscular atrophy(简称SMA)





English name: spinal muscular atrophy (SMA for short)

Aliases: Werdnig-Hoffman disease; Dubowitz disease; Kugelberg-Welander disease

Mutant gene: SMN1

Disease Department: Neurology



1891年,奥地利神经病学家Guido Werdnig观察到一对婴儿兄弟,他们在10个月大时开始变得虚弱,这是SMA首次被发现和报道。


[SMA: The number one killer of genetic diseases of infants and young children]

August 7th is 'International Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) Awareness Day'.

In 1891, the Austrian neurologist Guido Werdnig observed two infant brothers who began to become weak when they were 10 months old. This was the first time that SMA was discovered and reported.

Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a rare hereditary neuromuscular disease, whose symptoms are muscle atrophy and weakness. Some severe patients even lose the ability to breathe and swallow and die tragically.



According to the age and severity of onset, it is divided into 4 types from degree. Infant patients are mainly divided into type I, II and III. 60% patients are type 1 patients who belong to the most serious group with the highest incidence, who usually develop within 6 months, and they are often less than two years old. In fact, SMA is the number one genetic killer of infants and children under 2 years old.

Type II and Type III have a later onset and will not cause death early, but these patients will also gradually become weaker, suffer from pneumonia, scoliosis and other diseases, and will be accompanied by wheelchairs for life




[SMN1: The error of one gene]

SMA is a kind of genetic disease.

On human chromosome 5, there are two almost identical genes, called SMN1 and SMN2. SMN can produce a protein called SMN. Normally, SMN1 is the main gene, and SMN2 is the secondary gene. SMN1 takes the main responsibility of directing the synthesis of SMN protein in the body. The full name of SMN protein is 'survival motor neuron protein.' As the name suggests, SMN protein determines the survival of human motor neurons. Motor nerves originate from the spinal cord and exist throughout the body. They control muscles of the human body for breathing, crawling, walking, head and neck, and swallowing.

如果一旦SMN1基因发生突变,人体内的SMN蛋白就会缺失或显著减少,导致一种叫做脊髓性肌萎缩症(spinal muscular atrophy,SMA)的遗传性疾病,导致运动神经元死亡和肌肉萎缩。

If SMN1 is mutated, SMN protein in the human body will be missing or significantly reduced, leading to a genetic disease called spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), which leads to the death of motor neurons and muscle atrophy.



As SMA children grow older, their weak muscles can hardly meet the needs of daily activities, and their body functions will gradually lose. It is difficult for patients to perform even ordinary turning, kicking, and crawling. Such muscle weakness can also cause deformation of the bones and spine. As the course of the disease progresses, swallowing and respiratory functions (such as breathing, coughing, and clearing of airway secretions) will also be affected, increasing the risk of pneumonia, respiratory infections, and dyspnea, and seriously threatening the lives of patients. At the same time, the cognitive function and sensory system of SMA patients are not affected.


SMA是一种相对常见的「罕见病」—— 大约每6000-10000名新生儿中,就有一名SMA患者。


SMA is a relatively common 'rare disease'-approximately one in 6000-10000 newborns has SMA mutation. According to genetic probability, one in 50 people has a fatal SMN gene mutation hidden in the body. The most common type of mutation is the homozygous deletion of exon 7, and some are point mutations.



SMA is an autosomal recessive genetic disease. Both parents of the child usually have only one SMN1 gene abnormality, so they do not have SMA. They are called carriers Aa. Only when both parents are carriers of Aa, and they pass on the defective gene a to the child, will the child's gene happen to be aa and have disease; if it is Aa or AA, neither will get sick. Therefore, if two carriers of Aa get married, the probability of them to have a child with SMA is 25%. Calculating according to the population of China, there are currently about 30,000 to 50,000 SMA patients in China, of which 80% are severe SMA-I or SMA-II, not including potential patients who have not been detected.

As a rare disease, SMA has low awareness and high cost, and it is not included in routine premarital examinations or pregnancy examinations. In other words, most people only know all this after the child is born.



[Prenatal diagnosis as the first line of defense]

Early genetic diagnosis, genetic counseling and prenatal diagnosis are of great significance for reducing the incidence of children with SMA.










1. Pre-marital screening

Before getting married, you can first determine if there are any SMA patients in both families, and perform genetic screening at the same time. Because SMA is inherited recessively, genetic screening can find out whether the other party carries the SMA defective gene. As long as one of the two does not carry the SMA gene, no SMA baby will be born.

2. What if both are carriers?

If both are carriers, the probability of giving birth to an SMA baby will be 25%. If you want to give birth to a healthy baby, you can use the third-generation IVF technology to use preimplantation single-gene genetic testing to block the genetic disease of the defective gene from the source and prevent the next generation of SMA.

3. Prenatal diagnosis

If you are pregnant, you can make a prenatal diagnosis. Through amniotic fluid puncture in the second trimester, the abnormal condition of fetal chromosomes is learned after testing, and it is judged whether it is necessary to terminate the pregnancy.



直到2016年的圣诞节前夕, SMA都没有针对性的治疗药物。除了支持性治疗和辅助通气等为数不多的治疗方式外,患儿只能在全身肌肉逐渐萎缩的过程中,等待死亡的到来。


It took more than 120 years for SMA to be discovered from the beginning to the end of the cure.

Until Christmas Eve in 2016, there were no targeted treatments for SMA. Except for few treatments such as supportive treatment and assisted ventilation, children can only wait for death with the atrophy of muscles.

The drugs used by patients with rare diseases are called 'orphan drugs.' With the development of innovative drugs, the US FDA has successively approved three 'orphan drugs' for the treatment of SMA:




1. Antisense oligonucleotide therapy: nusinersen

Nusinersen (US and EU registered trade name Spinraza) is the world's first drug for the treatment of spinal muscular atrophy (SMA). In February 2019, nusinersen entered China under the trade name of nusinersen sodium injection, becoming the first domestic drug approved for the treatment of SMA. As an antisense oligonucleotide drug, it promotes the production of SMN protein, thereby improving nerve function and controlling muscle efficacy. It is suitable for all ages of type I, II and III SMA patients.




2. Gene therapy: Zolgensma

Zolgensma is a gene replacement therapy for the treatment of type I SMA. It uses recombinant adenovirus vector AAV9 to deliver exogenous SMN1 into patients, so that patients can produce SMN protein normally, thereby improving motor neuron function and survival. Drug treatment can alleviate or even cure this disease for a long time. This drug is the only one-time treatment for SMA approved for marketing in the world. It is priced at US$2.125 million and is currently the most expensive drug in the world.




3. Oral small molecule therapy: Evrysdi

The first oral therapy Evrysdi was approved by the US FDA in August 2020 for the treatment of infants and adults with SMA patients over 2 months old. The oral therapy is a small molecule mRNA splicing regulator of the SMN2 gene, which can increase the normal SMA protein mRNA level and relieve the symptoms of patients.

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