

美国科罗拉多这20处景色 美到让人窒息!

科罗拉多州(Colorado)是美国西部的一州,拥有著名洛矶山脉的最高峰埃尔伯特峰,地形从东侧的平原陡然升高为西侧峻岭,科罗拉多河由此州向西南流,两岸的赭红色景观十分壮丽。无论在冬季还是夏季都适合游客前往欣赏美景游玩。冬季的科罗拉多洲是拥有极具挑战性斜坡与丰富雪量的白色雪世界,是一个滑雪者、溜冰者和雪地摩托车爱好者的理想度假区; 夏季积雪融化时,健行者及登山客又会挺进这些大山,宿营、徒步、登高、摄远,在森林中奔跑,在山峰欣赏日出日落时美轮美奂的美景。


  1. Crystal Lake


  What will take your breath away: Looking at a crystal-clear reflection of ALL THIS.

  What will literally take your breath away: Hiking 8.5 miles up an old wagon road to see it.

  2. Red Rocks Amphitheatre


  What will take your breath away: The rocks, the rock ‘n’ roll, the glory.

  What will literally take your breath away: Those stairs.

  3. Royal Gorge Bridge


  What will take your breath away: Views atop the highest suspension bridge in the country!

  What will literally take your breath away: Watching people dare to bungee off of it.

  4. Bridal Veil Falls


  What will take your breath away: The eye-popping colors of Telluride.

  What will literally take your breath away: Biking up an elevation gain of 1,650 feet to view a 365-foot waterfall.

  5. Mesa Verde


  What will take your breath away: The innovation of mankind!

  What will literally take your breath away: The ladders (amirite?!).

  6. Dinosaur National Monument


  What will take your breath away: Dinosaur bones!

  What will literally take your breath away: Water splashed in your mouth as you raft the Yampa River.

  7. Horsetooth Reservoir


  What will take your breath away: The massive waterway underneath a glowing sunset.

  What will literally take your breath away: Canoeing all 6.5 miles of it.

  8. Chautauqua Park


  What will take your breath away: 80 acres of untouched land.

  What will literally take your breath away: 80 seconds in Boulder.

  9. Glenwood Hot Springs


  What will take your breath away: Indulging in the serene power of The World’s Largest Hot Springs.

  What will literally take your breath away: Holding your breath so you don’t smell it.

  10. Hanging Lake


  What will take your breath away: Watching a majestic lake fill up and empty out with such balance that the whole thing is considered a geological phenomenon.

  What will literally take your breath away: Hiking to the top the day after your legs became Jell-O at Glenwood.

  11. Garden of the Gods


  What will take your breath away: Looking at some of the most bizarre rock formations in the world.

  What will literally take your breath away: Watching other people climb the most bizarre rock formations in the world. [Hands sweat]

  12. Devil’s Head Fire Lookout


  What will take your breath away: A panoramic view that spans from the Western Mountains to the Eastern Plains (all within an hour of Denver).

  What will literally take your breath away: A narrow 143-step climb.

  13. Rabbit Ears Pass


  What will take your breath away: Tracking up the heart of the Continental Divide.

  What will literally take your breath away: Flying down the other side at a 7% steep incline.

  14. Lookout Mountain


  What will take your breath away: Overlooking most all of Metropolitan Denver.

  What will literally take your breath away: Driving to the top as a requirement for your Denver-area driver’s ed class.

  15. Great Sand Dunes


  What will take your breath away: Mountains + Desert + Grassland

  What will literally take your breath away: Climbing back up the hill after just sandboarding your way down.

  16. The purple seats at Coors Field


  Justin Edmonds

  What will take your breath away: Watching a game at America’s Most Beautiful Ballpark.

  What will literally take your breath away: Sitting LITERALLY one mile above sea level.

  17. The Sawtooth


  What will take your breath away: Leaning over some of the sharpest cliffs in the state.

  What will literally take your breath away: Knocking out two 14ers in one jagged journey.

  18. Maroon Bells



  What will take your breath away: Witnessing what is, quite possibly, the most iconic view of the Rocky Mountains.

  What will literally take your breath away: Other people trying to do the same thing.

  19. The waterfall inside of Casa Bonita


  What will take your breath away: Tableside diving shows, the incredible “flag-raising” service system, and of course, sopaipillas.

  What will literally take your breath away: Finding air within Black Bart’s Hideout as a grown adult.

  20. Trail Ridge Road


  What will take your breath away: Standing atop the highest continuous road in the country.

  What will literally take your breath away: Same.

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