

Inception 盗梦空间的几个名词解释

Before you watch Inception, make sure you read this to get familiar with the terms that will be constantly coined during the film. Also, it is a high concept movie that requires a lot of attention and understanding prior to watching it.

01) Incept means birth or born. In the movie, inception is a process of inducing a new idea which is planted into someone's mind through a shared-dream and subconscious state. Inception is not impossible but it is difficult. Inception requires a lot of imagination. Inception is contrary to the norm by using shared dream state to steal information!

02) During shared-dream state, a group of people is hooked up to a machine inside a briefcase that injects a special chemical formulation that induces high sedatives to allow sedation and shared-dream. The team usually comprised of an extractor, an architect or anyone else who may be related to the mission. So, the name of that machine is PASIV Device and the related information about the machine can be found here.

03) The Extractor is the person who responsible in pulling out information (or in this particular mission; introduce a new idea). Leonardo DiCaprio plays Dom Cobb, a highly skilled extractor who failed his mission while trying to pull out secrets from Saito. However he redeem his reputation later by agreeing on a job which is thought impossible.

04) The Architect is the person who is responsible in recreating the dream world inside the mind of the Dreamer(s). An architect provides the basic layouts in general like a town, roads, cars or light streets - a background of the dream that will be later filled by the Dreamers with his or her subconscious. An architect also can create a setting based on his/her imagination or past experience (although it is discouraged to use the latter to recreate as one may find it hard to define between dream and reality). Ellen Page plays Ariadne and she prepares the design which will be very much the same as a maze puzzle. However, each architecture level should only be known by the specific dreamer so that no one else can bring their own projections (aside the Dreamer's) into the dream state.

05) The Dreamer is the person whose dream provides the the setting of the crime. In the movie, dreams within a dream is possible. For example, (SPOILER): Yusuf is the dreamer for the first dream where he dream about raining in the bustling city. When few levels of dream involved, each level will usually have a different dreamer. I noticed that the term 'dreamer' also includes anyone who shares the dream-state too.

06) The Chemist is the person who provides the perfect compound of chemical to induce sedation. There are different type of chemical to induce such depending on the level of dreams. Dileep Rao plays Yusuf, the chemist from Mombasa whom provides the team a special formula that induce deep dream-state.

07) The Subject is the person whose subconsciously brought into the dream usually for the purpose of extracting information. In the movie, Cillian Murphy plays Fischer Jr, the subject in which a new idea will be planted into him.

08) A Kick is a mechanism where the equilibrium of the dream state is disrupted by bringing any one in the dream state into awake and return them to the reality. A kick can be in any form as long as one awake from their dream. In most cases, a kick is synchronize to allow everyone wakes up. A kick is different then shooting yourself in the head, while a good kick will allow you to feel like falling off the bed during the dream to awake you up in the previous level. For example, (SPOILER): in the second level dream, Arthur blew up the elevator to wake everyone up into the first level, simply by creating a falling sensation. Timing of a kick is crucial if multiple level of dreams is employed. One must be 'kicked' from the deeper stage one by one before one can back into the reality.

09) Totem is any object that is light but contains mass and composition that only the owner knew, usually specific and constructed by someone who plans to invade a dream. The object is useful to determine whether one is in the real world or still in a dream stage. In the movie, (SPOILER): Cobb uses a top as his totem which when spun inside a dream never stops spinning.

10) Projection is anyone created by the subconscious mind of the Subject. Projections are not real and are described to function like white blood cells that will function if the subject realizes that the dream he's in isn't his. Projections respond violently and attempt to seek out the Dreamer and destroy hum, while also acts to protect the Subject's dream from been invaded.

11) Paradox is a term in which one Dreamer can manipulate the exact setting. Even the architect designs the specific layout, there are some circumstances where the Dreamer can alter it. For example, (SPOILER): Arthur creates a paradox by changing the revolving staircase scene in second level of dream although Ariadne architects the whole setting of that dream.

12) Limbo is a place where dreamers may end up if they go too deeply. It’s a place where time runs quickly and people seem to forget reality. it is believed that one that flung in this level will burn out of their mind and became entrapped in. A limbo does not have a dreamer and it is a place of shared consciousness.
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