



Knee Pain Exercise

1) Sit on a place, put your legs forward and support yourself with your arms. Put a rolled towel under your
knees.Try to push your knees down side. Wait 10 sec then rest 2 sec. you can do this exercise standing
pozition or sitting position or lieying position.姿式如图,膝下垫一卷毛巾,用力下压膝关节并坚持10秒钟,然后放松2秒钟。重复数遍。
2) Lie on your back and lift your leg 15cm from ground .Wait 10 sec. then put your leg down slowly.躺下,提起腿离开床面13厘米坚持10秒钟,然后慢慢放下腿。重复数次。
3)Sit on a place, put your legs forward and support yourself with your arms.Put a rolled towel under your
knees.Place 1Kg object to your feet.Your knees will be bend aproximatly 30 degree.Try to lift your feet and
lock your knees.坐下,腿放在前方用胳膊撑住身体,膝下放毛巾卷此时膝关节约微屈30度,脚上放1公斤重物,伸直膝关节并坚持10秒钟。
 4)Sit on a place, put your legs forward and support yourself with your arms.Put a rolled towel under your
knees.Your knees will be straight. cross your legs.Try to push your leg each other.wait 6 sec the release.坐下,腿放在前方用胳膊撑住身体,膝下放毛巾卷、膝关节伸直,交叉腿,双腿相互对抗用力并坚持6秒钟。
5)Put a pillow under your knees.Bend your knees little and cross your feet.Push your feets each other .Wait 6
sec.Do not let your legs move up side.坐下,腿放在前方用胳膊撑住身体,膝关节下放一个枕头,交叉腿,双腿相互对抗用力并坚持6秒钟。
6)Let your legs down from bed.Your leg will be bend 90 degree from your knees.Repeat the previous
exercise (5) on thisposition. You can do this exercise with 90 60 30 degree angles. 如图,分别在屈膝90、60、30度位置重复第5个(即上一个)动作
7)Your heels will be out side of the step, your feet fingers will be on the steps.Move your heels down slowly
while your knees in a straight position. wait 10 sec ten move up your heels with the help of your foot fingers.动作如图
8)Lie down on your back.Get a rolled towel or something like that like sheet. Put it under your feet shown on
picture.Pull your  feet by using that towel with your hand. Lift your leg as you can without bending your knee.
You feel that your muscles under your legs are stretched. Wait at least15 sec ten release it slowly. 如图牵拉,应该感觉到腿后面的肌肉紧张,坚持至少15秒钟然后缓慢放松。
9)Tie exercise bandage which has appropriate elasticity to the feet wrist level.Put your leg in that elastic
bandage.Pull bandage as shown on  the picture with your leg and wait 10 sec then turn in to previous position.使用弹力带,伸直膝关节向前牵拉弹力带,坚持10秒钟后复原位。
 10)Tie exercise bandage which has appropriate elasticity to the feet wrist level.Put your leg in that elastic
bandage.Pull bandage as shown on  the picture with your leg and wait 10 sec then turn in to previous position.与前一个动作方向相反。使用弹力带,伸直膝关节向后牵拉弹力带,坚持10秒钟后复原位。
 11)Tie exercise bandage which has appropriate elasticity to the feet wrist level.Put your leg in that elastic
bandage.Pull bandage as shown on  the picture with your leg and wait 10 sec then turn in to previous position.使用弹力带,伸直膝关节向内侧牵拉弹力带,坚持10秒钟后复原位。
 12)Tie exercise bandage which has appropriate elasticity to the feet wrist level.Put your leg in that elastic
bandage.Pull bandage as shown on  the picture with your leg and wait 10 sec then turn in to previous position.使用弹力带,伸直膝关节向外侧牵拉弹力带,坚持10秒钟后复原位。
 13)Tie exercise bandage which has appropriate elasticity to the feet wrist level.Put your leg in that elastic
bandage.First bend your knee little then Pull back your knee with bandage.wait 10 sec then release.弹力带位置较前面动作的高一些,微屈膝关节向后牵拉弹力带,坚持10秒钟后复原位。
 14) Tie 1kg weight to your feet, Lie on your back.Lift your leg 15 cm Wait 10 sec then release.平躺下,脚上放1公斤重物,伸直膝关节、抬离床面15厘米,坚持10秒钟。
 15)Tie 1kg weight to your feet, Lie on your side, lift your leg 15 cm wait 10 sec then release侧躺下,脚上放1公斤重物,伸直膝关节、抬离床面15厘米,坚持10秒钟。
 16)Tie 1kg weight to your feet, Lie on your side, lift your  leg on lower side 15 cm. Wait 10 sec then release侧躺下,脚上放1公斤重物,伸直膝关节、抬离床面15厘米,坚持10秒钟。
 17) on standing position, put one of your legs widely forward.move your body from hip to forward.bend your
knee and give your weight on it 10 sec. then release. Other leg must be back and stretced.如图,重心从髋关节前移到膝关节,坚持10秒钟,然后放松。
 18)On the soft ground in a standing position, give your weight  on your left leg then do the same thing on right
leg..Repeat same exercise while your eyes closed.站在松软地面,将重心移到左腿,然后交替到右腿,闭上眼睛做同一动作。
 19)On the soft gorund. try to stand balanced on your one feet. Do same exercise while your eyes closed站在松软地面,单腿站立,闭上眼睛重复同一动作。
 20)On standing position while giving same weight on your legs: try to catch the ball thrown from different
 21)Ride condition bicycle.Pedal height must be set where your knee become straigt.Hardness level must be set
to minimum to medium by the time.Train 5 minutes at minimum level for 2 days.Increse level and time
5minutes.At every increase train it for 3 days at same level.After 30 minutes dont make any increase.Turn
pedal front side and back side.此需特殊器械。
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