




  • 双解释义
    v. (动词) n. (名词)

    v. 动词 n. 名词 adj. 形容词

    Noun: Adjective: Verb:

    • v. 传播;展开;散布;铺开;伸展;涂撒

    • n. 范围;传播;差额;幅度;盛宴

    1. distribute or disperse widely;

      'The invaders spread their language all over the country'

    2. become distributed or widespread;

      'the infection spread'
      'Optimism spread among the population'

    3. spread across or over;

      'A big oil spot spread across the water'

    4. spread out or open from a closed or folded state;

      'open the map'
      'spread your arms'

    5. cause to become widely known;

      'spread information'
      'circulate a rumor'
      'broadcast the news'

    6. become widely known and passed on;

      'the rumor spread'
      'the story went around in the office'

    7. strew or distribute over an area;

      'He spread fertilizer over the lawn'
      'scatter cards across the table'

    8. move outward;

      'The soldiers fanned out'

    9. cover by spreading something over;

      'spread the bread with cheese'

    10. distribute over a surface in a layer;

      'spread cheese on a piece of bread'

    1. distributed or spread over a considerable extent;

      'has ties with many widely dispersed friends'
      'eleven million Jews are spread throughout Europe'

    2. prepared or arranged for a meal; especially having food set out;

      'a table spread with food'

    3. fully extended in width;

      'outspread wings'
      'with arms spread wide'

    1. process or result of distributing or extending over a wide expanse of space

    2. a conspicuous disparity or difference as between two figures;

      'gap between income and outgo'
      'the spread between lending and borrowing costs'

    3. farm consisting of a large tract of land along with facilities needed to raise livestock (especially cattle)

    4. a haphazard distribution in all directions

    5. a tasty mixture to be spread on bread or crackers or used in preparing other dishes

    6. a meal that is well prepared and greatly enjoyed;

      'a banquet for the graduating seniors'
      'the Thanksgiving feast'
      'they put out quite a spread'

    7. two facing pages of a book or other publication

    8. the expansion of a person's girth (especially at middle age);

      'she exercised to avoid that middle-aged spread'

    9. decorative cover for a bed

    10. act of extending over a wider scope or expanse of space or time

    1. 伸展的,展开的

    2. 扩大的,扩延的

    3. 广大的,大幅的

    4. 薄而无光泽的

    5. 分散的

    6. 叉形的

    1. 蔓延,传播

    2. 范围

    3. 伸展,扩展,扩张

    4. 普及,流行

    5. 宽度

    6. 桌布

    7. 床罩

    8. 涂食品的果酱

    9. 价格差异

    10. 一片区域

    11. 整版的大广告

    12. <口>盛宴

    13. <美口>大农场,大牧场

    14. 大房子

    15. 扩展度

    1. 传播,普及,散布

    2. 伸开,摊开,展开,打开,张开,散开,铺开,被展开

    3. 分布

    4. 延续,继续

    5. 陈列

    6. 延长,伸长

    7. 蔓延(开),传(播)开

    8. 流开,传开,流传

    9. 扩张,扩大

    10. 涂,敷

    11. (使)伸展,(使)延伸,展延,展宽

    12. 摆好(餐桌)

    13. <美>记载,把…记入

    14. 拖延

    15. 渗开,涂开

    1. [S] 传播,蔓延

      the act or action of spreading

    2. [C] 幅度,范围

      a range or area over which sth spreads

    3. [U] 涂抹食品的酱

      a soft food for spreading on bread, etc.

    4. [C] 整版的文章,整版的广告

      a newspaper or magazine article or advertisement usually covering one or more pages and with pictures

    1. vt. & vi. 伸开,展开,摊开

      become wider

    2. vt. & vi. 传播,散布

      (cause to) become widely known

  • 例句
    用作动词 (v.)
    用作名词 (n.)

    用作动词 (v.)
    S+~+ n./pron.
    S+~+ pron./n. + n./pron.
    S+~+ n./pron. +for pron./n.
    S+~+ n./pron. + adj./v -ed
    S+~+ n./pron. +to- v
    v -ed as Attrib.
    用作名词 (n.)


    • With a sardonic..spread of his hands.

      出自: M. Spark

    • To allow the spread of payment over eight years.


    • A male may..have arms with a spread of 2 1 / 2 metres.

      出自: D. Attenborough

    • A Bannerd Host Under spread Ensigns marching.

      出自: Milton

    • Four partridges..sailed down, spread-winged, into the field.

      出自: R. Adams

    • You see rice spread out to dry.

      出自: C. Mungoshi

    • She..spread out her pad, ballpoint pen, and a box of tissues.

      出自: J. Rossner

    • He spread a tartan rug gently over her.

      出自: B. W. Aldiss

    • A cop got out of the car...'OK...Spread those legs, lean over the hood.'

      出自: R. Rayner

    1. The spread of cholera alarmed the whole city.

    2. The spread of disease frightened the villagers.

    3. The new drug arrested the spread of the disease.

    4. We must try all means to block the spread of the epidemic.

    5. The spread of this bird's wings is 20 feet long.

    6. Our host has fine spread waiting for us.

    7. The sun was now breaking through a fine spread of cloud.

    8. These are biscuits coated with chocolate spread.

    9. I like those cookies that are coated with chocolate spread.

    10. Your double-page spread seems rather thin in places; can you fatten it out a little?

    11. This diagram fits well into the spread.

    1. In the room there was a long table spread with candies, biscuits and fruits.

    2. In the centre, there was a table spread with every luxury.

    3. He saw before him a meadow spread with daisies.

    1. They spread themselves to entertain the visitors.

    1. Many college students spread themselves thin by taking part in many activities during the semester.

    2. Standing up, he unbuckled his belt, and spread it laden across his waist.

    1. He spread a blanket for me on the bed.

    1. Please spread me some bread with butter.

    1. Spreading her wings, the bird headed for the island.

    2. Dinner is ready. Spread the tablecloth!

    3. We spread lime where the soil was sour.

    4. Flies spread disease.

    5. The radio spread the news as soon as it happened.

    6. The chief of the police force spread the word that he would put to death all the arrested student representatives.

    7. 1
    8. The sea, blue and still, was spread before us.

    9. Fertilizer must be spread evenly.

    1. Its branches spread far and wide.

    2. The afforestation movement rapidly spread.

    1. The current survey will have a wider geographic spread.

    2. The survey revealed a wide spread of opinion.

    3. What can we do to prevent the spread of the disease?

    4. Tv has become a more powerful vehicle for the spread of news.

    5. The wings of the bird have a 12-inch spread.

    6. The spread of the prairies was indeed a startling sight.

    7. Our host had a fine spread waiting for us.

    1. The radio spread the news as soon as the accident happened .

    2. The rumor was widely spread among the crowd.

    3. She spread her wings and flew lightly down.

    4. I spread my arms as far apart as I could.

    5. Who spread these rumours?

    6. We spread a rug on the grass for the picnic.

    7. He spread the map flat out on the floor.

    8. Its branches spread far and wide.

    9. But Langston Hughes spread his creative wings even further.

    10. I spread butter on my toast.

    11. She spread the bread with butter.

  • 常用短语
    用作动词 (v.)

    用作动词 (v.)
    ~+名词 ~+副词 ~+介词

    • spread with (v.+prep.)

    • spread to (v.+prep.)

    • spread throughout (v.+prep.)

    • spread over (v.+prep.)

    • spread out (v.+adv.)

    • spread oneself

    • spread on (v.+prep.)

    • spread in (v.+prep.)

    • spread for (v.+prep.)

    • spread abroad (v.+adv.)

    • spread about〔around〕 (v.+adv.)

    1. 用…涂满 extend sth with sth

    2. spread sth with sth

    3. Did you spread the bread with butter?

    4. 你在面包上抹黄油了吗?

    1. 蔓延 extend

    2. spread to sth

    3. The flames soon spread to the other buildings.

    4. 大火很快蔓延到其他建筑物。
      The strike soon spread to other parts of this island country.

    5. 罢工不久就蔓延到了这个岛国的所有其他地方。

    1. 传遍 propagate; pass on

    2. spread throughout sth

    3. News of their victory spread throughout the country.

    4. 他们胜利的消息传遍了全国。

    1. 分散; 传开 extend over

    2. spread over sth

    3. The disease spread over the whole country.

    4. 这种疾病在全国传播开了。 spread sth over sth
      She spread her toys all over her room.

    5. 她在她屋里到处放玩具。

    1. 付清 pay out

    2. spread out

    3. The wood spread out in all directions.

    4. 树木向四面八方延伸。
      A scene of prosperity spreads out before us.

    5. 一种欣欣向荣的景象展现在我们面前。 spread sth ⇔ out
      Spread the cloth out fully.

    6. 把布完全地展开。
      The resources are spread out too thin.

    7. 资源分布得极为贫乏。 spread out
      Spread out more. Don't bunch up on the centre.

    8. 再散开一点,不要都挤在中间。 spread sth ⇔ out over sth
      They spread the payments out over three years.

    9. 他们分三年把款付清。
      They will spread their payment of the loan out over a long period of time.

    10. 他们将用很长时间分期偿还这笔贷款。

    1. (平直地)舒展 extend; be extravagant

    1. 在…上铺上 unfold sth on sth

    2. spread sth on sth

    3. An old worker spread his padded coat on the floor and insisted that I lie down for a while.

    4. 一位老工人把大衣铺在地上,一定要我在上面躺一会儿。

    1. 在…中传开 extend in sth

    2. spread in sth

    3. The pests spread quickly in these regions.

    4. 虫害在这些地区迅速蔓延。
      The news of this accident soon spread in London.

    5. 这个事故的消息很快就在伦敦传开。

    1. 绵延; 伸展 stretch out

    2. spread for sth

    3. The deposits spread for 100 kilometres across four counties.

    4. 这些矿藏绵延一百公里,跨越四个县。
      The top branches of that oak tree spread for forty feet.

    5. 那棵橡树的顶部树枝向四周伸展40英尺。

    1. 传布,公开publicize

    2. spread sth abroad

    3. Spread it abroad!

    4. 把它公开!
      He has spread the news abroad that you are leaving.

    5. 他散布一个消息,说你要离开了。

    1. 广泛散布scatter; spread widely

    2. spread sth ⇔ about〔around〕

    3. Would you spread the news about that he is coming?

    4. 请你宣布一下他要来的消息好吗?
      The papers were spread about on the desks and even on the floor.

    5. 文件散布在桌上,甚至在地板上。

  • 词语用法
    v. (动词) n. (名词)

    v. (动词)

    v. (动词)


    • ☆ 1200年左右进入英语,直接源自古英语的sprdan,意为铺开;最初源自原始日耳曼语的spraidijanan,意为铺展开。

    • 这些动词均含“传播,散播”之意。

    • spread普通用词,使用广泛。指传播疾病、思想、文化、习惯或谣言等。

    • circulate既指某物在一物体内循环流动,又可指在一定范围内传播物品、刊物或思想、语言等。

    • distribute指把一定数量的东西分成若干等份进行分发。

    • propagate指宣传,尤其指官方为达到一定政治目的而进行的传播活动。

    • spread,circulate,distribute,propagate

    • 这些动词均含“分散、散开”之意。

    • scatter指人或物向四处散开,或把物随意撒开。

    • disperse多指把一群人或物等彻底驱散。

    • spread指一直延伸、蔓延,侧重遍及。

    • diffuse指光线、声音或气味等在空中传送或散布,强调覆盖面积与物质分布相对密度之间的关系。

    • scatter,disperse,spread,diffuse

    • We spread the butter on the bread at din- ner.

    • We spread the butter over the bread at dinner.

    • We spread the bread with butter at dinner.

    • 吃饭时我们把黄油涂在面包上。

    • Spread some newspapers on the floor to catch the dust.

    • Spread some newspapers over the floor to catch the dust.

    • Spread the floor with some newspapers to catch the dust.

    • 在地板上铺些报纸来挡尘土。

    • 下列各组中的句意相同:

    • 这两个词都有“散布”“撒开”的意思。其区别是:

    • 1.spread强调有目的地均匀涂抹、撒开。其宾语可以是具体名词,也可以是抽象名词。

    • 2.scatter强调随意性和无规律性,其宾语则只能是具体名词。例如:

    • The police scattered the disorderly crowd.警察驱散了骚乱的人群。

    • The thundershower had temporarily scattered the swimmers.雷阵雨暂时驱散了游泳的人。

    • spread, scatter

    • 这组词都有“延伸”“延长”“伸展”“展开”的意思。其区别是:

    • 1.spread指向四面八方扩大范围。

    • 2.circulate指无拘无束地或不间断地传播、散布到各处。例如:

    • She opened a window to allow the air to circulate.她打开窗户使空气流通。

    • 3.disseminate指到处传播思想、理论等。例如:

    • They use the press to disseminate right wing views.他们利用报刊来传播右翼观点。

    • 4.diffuse指光线、声音、气味等在空中传送或散布。例如:

    • Light diffused from the window.光从窗户射进来。

    • 5.extend指延展物体的长度、宽度,延伸或扩大某一事物,以及延长时间、期限等,也指伸开四肢或躯体。例如:

    • They extended the road for three more miles.他们把那条路又延长了三英里多。

    • The headmaster extended our holidays by a week.校长把我们的假期延长了一个星期。

    • 6.expand指扩大面积或体积,也指把合拢的东西放开(即三维)。例如:

    • This county has expanded its area under cultivation by more than 50,000 mu .该县扩大了50,000亩耕地。

    • Heat expands metals.热使金属膨胀。

    • He does exercises to expand his chest.他做体操扩胸。

    • 7.propagate通常指宣传某种信念、看法或传播某种言论,以使更多的人相信或参与。例如:

    • We should not only learn knowledge, but also propagate it.我们不仅应学习知识,而且应传播它。

    • The Greek civilization was propagated all over Europe.希腊文明传播至整个欧洲。

    • 8.radiate指从中心向四面八方散发,是技术用语,特指光或热的辐射。例如:

    • The sun radiates light and heat.太阳放射光和热。

    • The electric heater radiated warmth.电暖器散发出热量。

    • spread, circulate, diffuse, disseminate, expand, extend, propagate, radiate

    1. 计划生育正在广泛推行。

      Birth control is being widely spread.

      Birth control is being widely practised.

      birth control不能与spread搭配,可以改用动词 practise。也可以用 practice (名词)作主语,用“is+widespread (形容词)”作谓语,例如:

    2. The practice of birth control is widespread.另外,“计划生育”还常译作 family planning。

    1. spread用作名词时基本意思是“传播,蔓延”,引申可指“酒席”“(一片)广阔的土地或水域”“涂抹食品的酱”等,通常用单数形式。

    2. spread作“(延伸的)长度,范围”“整版的文章,整版的广告”解时,是可数名词。

    1. spread的基本意思是“伸开”,指把卷或叠着的东西展开或向四面八方扩大范围,强调有目的地均匀撒开。所涉及的空间范围可大可小; 可以计算,也可能无法计算。也可指在某物表面上敷上薄薄一层东西,引申可指某物“变得更流行”。

    2. spread既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,其宾语可以是具体名词,也可以是抽象名词。有时也可接以形容词、过去分词、动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语。

    3. spread可接双宾语,其间接宾语可以转化为介词for的宾语。

    4. spread的宾语后接介词on引起的短语,表示“把…铺在或涂在…上”; 接介词with引起的短语,表示“用…铺满或涂满”。

    1. spread与broadcast区别:spread是“散布,传播”的意思,而broadcast是指“通过电台、电视播放”。

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