



Title: Using Planit! for planning accurate sun and moon shots 

By: Seemanta Dutta


I recently went on a photography trip to The Dalles, OR. The trip originated because of my desire to get out of my apartment during the long memorial day weekend (May 26/27/28) to engage in some serious photography.

我最近去了俄勒冈Dalles一带转了一圈。 这次旅行的起因其实就是我想在美国国殇日的长周末(5月26/27/28日)出去走走,认真拍些摄影作品。

At first, I was not planning on any kind of Moon or night photography and was content with landscapes and waterfalls within the Columbia river gorge area. But it soon dawned upon me that Tuesday, May 29th would be a full moon. So theoretically, I could, if I planned in advance enough, try a composition with the moon either on the 28th or 29th. It was at this point that my priority for this trip shifted to getting a shot of the full or near full moon from regular landscapes. I have always been fascinated by the majestic Mt. Hood in Oregon and this was my chance to shoot the moon over Mt. Hood.

起初,我没有打算拍月亮或夜景。俄勒冈的哥伦比亚河峡谷地区有太多的景致和瀑布,其实足够我拍了。 但是很快我就意识到5月29日星期二将是个满月, 所以从理论上讲,如果我提前做好了计划,我可能在28日或29日拍一个不错的满月和前景的构图。 正因为想到这点,我把此行的重点转移到了拍摄满月和某个前景一起的照片。 我一直对雄伟的胡德山(Mt. Hood)着迷。既然来到了俄勒冈州,我决定拍摄胡德山和月亮。

This article covers how I went from an accidental idea that arose in my mind’s eye, to the full planning and finally to a successful execution of my plan, using the Planit! App. The culmination of all of the above led to this photo, which won the Planit! Photo of the month for May 2018. After the photo won the photo of the month, Wenjie (Planit! author) invited me write this short article describing how I used Planit! to achieve my goal. I express my thanks to Wenjie on creating such a wonderful app to help us photographers and also for inviting me to write this short article.

这篇文章讲述了我是如何从一个在我的脑海中浮现的想法,到使用PlanIt做出完整的计划,并最终成功执行我的计划。 上述所有的这些交织到一起的高潮,就是我获得了PlanIt五月月赛的第一名。乔文杰(PlanIt作者)邀请我写这篇描述我如何使用PlanIt实现我的目标的短文。 感谢文杰发明了这样一个精彩的手机应用,帮助我们这些的摄影师,并感谢他邀请我写这篇短文。

Fig. 1: Picture titled “Moon set over Mt. Hood”, planned using the Planit! App. The image is a blend of two images, one exposed for the moon and one exposed for the mountain.

图1:题为“月落胡德山“,使用PlanIt计划。 最终作品是连续的两张照片的合成,一张按照月亮曝光,另外一张按照山体曝光。

This article will explain how I approached this shot, some planning tips and how I went on to execute this shot. This is not however an article on how to use Planit!. There are fantastic tutorials by Wenjie on the topic on Youtube and I strongly suggest anyone wishing to tap the full potential of the app to go through those.

本文将解释我如何构思这张照片、一些计划的窍门、以及我如何执行这个计划。但这并不是关于如何使用PlanIt的文章。 文杰制作了很多精彩的视频教程,放在YouTube上(编者注:优酷也有,从planitphoto.cn过去就可以看到),我强烈建议任何希望挖掘该应用全部潜力的人去看完这些视频教程。

The plan(计划)

Planit! is the most comprehensive app that exists today which allows you to previsualize and even virtually ‘compose’ your shot even before you decide on a location. Sure, there are other apps like ‘Photopills’ or ‘The Photographer’s Ephemeris’ and I have nothing against them. However, they generally lack in one killer feature that really sets apart Planit! from the rest. And this feature is the able to pull in elevation data and compose your shot, even before you set foot there. This lets you not only check the composition that you are planning to achieve but also decide which lens to use based on its focal length.

PlanIt是当今存在的最全面的应用,它允许您甚至在决定去某个位置之前就预览,甚至虚拟地“创作”您的构图。 当然,还有其他应用程序,我对它们并不排斥, 但是,它们都缺乏让PlanIt脱颖而出一个杀手锏的功能!这个功能就是虚拟现实VR取景框。它可以在您去某个位置之前,引入海拔数据,模拟出可能的画面。 这不仅可以检查您计划的构图,还可以根据焦距决定使用哪个镜头。

To clearly explain this point, here is a screenshot from the viewfinder of the Planit! app which was taken from the app itself, several days in advance. Compare it with Fig. 1 to note how accurate the app is in predicting my composition.

为了清楚地说明这一点,这里是PlanIt的虚拟现实VR取景器截图! 我是在拍摄的前几天截屏的。如果和图1进行比较,您会发现构图和我实际看到的一模一样。可见这个功能的准确程度有多高。

Fig. 2: The composition of my shot, as seen in the Planit! app viewfinder. Planit! lets you visualize your composition with whatever focal length you choose from any arbitrary GPS location.


As you can see, the screenshot gives the time, the focal length I need to get that composition along with an accurate side elevation of the mountain. This helps me plan better because now I know what lens I will be using for my shot. And I have to add, this is quite accurate to what I actually saw.

正如你所看到的,截图给出了时间,我需要的焦距以及准确的山峰轮廓。 因为既然我知道我将什么镜头拍摄,有助于提前制定更完善的计划。 我必须补充一点,这就是我实际看到的画面。

Some tips during planning phase that helped me were:

  1. I planned my shot about 2 weeks before my actual trip. This gave me enough time to mentally prepare myself for the shot.

  2. I went through multiple candidate locations to take my shot. Eventually, it was the backup location, not my original intended location from where I took this shot. The original location was not ideal because it was close to a street and I was not comfortable taking photos from the side of the street due to safety issues, especially at 5AM in the morning. The location from where I took this shot was actually a public viewpoint close to the freeway in The Dalles, OR.

  3. Ideally, it is good to shoot such shots during twilight, when the sun is close to the horizon, either just about to dip below or rise above it. This gives plenty of light to light up the foreground. If I had taken this shot in the middle of the night, I would not have the beautiful warm glow that you see falling on the gorgeous mountain snow.

  4. Google maps is your friend. I made extensive use of Google maps to ‘virtually’ scout for locations and then used the GPS coordinates to feed into the Planit! app to visualize the composition in the viewfinder.

  5. If I had a more precise alignment a day before or after the full moon, I would have preferred that than the full moon. There is not much difference between a full moon at 99.8% visibility and the moon a day before or after full moon at 99.4% visibility, honestly. At this point, I would rather aim for a nicer composition rather than insisting on seeing the biggest brightest moon.

  6. Finally, while I prepared for everything that I could think of, I also prepared for the eventuality that the weather won’t cooperate. In such a case I might get a dull and fuzzy outline in the clouds or worse, no moon at all. The idea was to do all that was in my power and hope for the best.


  1. 我在实际旅行前约两周开始计划,这让我有足够的时间为拍摄做好准备。

  2. 我选了多个机位做了计划。最终用的这个机位是备用机位,而不是我最想去的机位。最想去的机位实地考察后发现并不理想,因为它太靠近街道。出于安全的考虑,我觉得不适合在路边拍照,尤其是凌晨五点。我拍这张照片的机位实际上是一个公共的观景点,靠近Dalles的高速公路。

  3. 理想情况下,在太阳接近地平线的时候,在黄昏时分拍摄这样的照片是最佳,不管是太阳稍微低于还是高于地平线时都可以。这样有充足的阳光照亮前景。如果我在半夜拍摄了这张照片,就不会有这样照在美丽雪山上面的暖光。

  4. 谷歌地图不可缺。我一直使用谷歌地图“虚拟”侦察地点,然后使用GPS坐标输入PlanIt,用虚拟现实取景框看构图。

  5. 如果我在满月之前或之后的一天会有更精确的对齐,我觉得对齐比满月更重要。实话实说,99.8%的满月和满月之前或之后的月亮之间肉眼看上去并没有太大的区别。从这一点上看,我宁愿完成一个更好的构图,而不是坚持最大最圆的月亮。

  6. 最后,当我准备好所有我能想到的事情时,我也准备好了天气不合作的可能性。在这种情况下,月亮可能会在云层中,只能拍到一个模糊的轮廓,或更糟的情况下根本看不到月亮。我的想法就是谋事在人,成事在天。

The execution(执行)

When the time came for executing the plan I did not want to leave anything to chance (except the weather, on which I have no control). I knew the time of precise alignment would be extremely short and I would have seconds to take my shot. If I was too slow or spent too much time thinking I would lose the moment. Sure, I could pop the moon back in using Photoshop later on, but that invalidates the whole reason of why I was on this quest.

当到了执行计划的时候,我不想有任何意外(除了我无法控制的天气)。 我知道准确对齐的时间会非常短暂,我会有几秒钟的时间拍摄。 如果我太慢或花太多时间去想设置,我会失去这一瞬间。 当然,我可以在后期使用Photoshop做个月亮,但这样做会使得我这次的提前计划完全失去了意义,我肯定不会去那样做。

During the execution stage, I went through the following steps to increase my chances of success:

  1. Even before I went to the location on the day and time of the shot, I visited it to check it out and took some test shots there. Sure enough, I realized that there were some power transmission lines that were right in front of the mountain. This problem was however resolved by moving ahead a few paces. I would always recommend to visit the primary shooting location beforehand if possible to become aware of such deviations. These are hard to anticipate no matter what app you are using.

  2. I spent a lot of time in my hotel room going through a pre-shoot checklist that I had made. I made sure that I charged my batteries, put in some fresh batteries and fresh SD cards in my camera.

  3. I also spent a lot of time setting up my camera settings. I used the 3 custom settings to store 3 different settings in my camera each with a different ISO setting. The plan was to use the looney 11 rule (the looney 11 rule says that to capture the moon, set the F stop to F/11 then the correct shutter speed is equal to the ISO). By changing the ISO setting for each setting, I was able to gain some leeway in controlling the noise. The idea was to use the best shots in post to create the final image.

  4. I made sure I bracketed my shots because there is a huge dynamic range between the bright moon and the darker background and mountain.

  5. I spent more than an hour practicing with these pre-programmed settings in my hotel room. By the end of it, I was just going through mechanical motions of switching to custom setting C1 taking a bunch of bracketed shots, before going to custom setting C2, taking another bunch and finally custom setting C3 to take another bunch. The goal here was to make sure to practice enough times so that I did not have to think much about my settings in the field. Sure, a little over/under compensation would be needed, but the setting with the looney 11 rule would still apply as my ‘base’.

  6. Finally, I gave myself enough time to get to the location with plenty of time in hand. It also helped that the location was just 10 mins away by car.


  1. 在拍摄之前,我前往拍摄地点踩点,并在那里拍摄了一些测试照片。果然,那里有一些电线会出现在取景框里面。不过好在向前走几步就可以避开。如果可能的话,我总是建议先踩点,以便发现一些意外的情况。无论您使用什么应用程序,这些现场的意外都很难预测。

  2. 我花了很多时间在我的旅馆房间里过一遍拍摄前清单。我确信我已经为电池充电,在相机中放入了一些新电池和新的SD卡。

  3. 我也花了很多时间调整我的相机设置。我使用了3种自定义设置在相机中存储3种不同的设置,每种设置都有不同的ISO设置,根据月亮11规则(月亮11规则说要月亮曝光正确,将光圈设置为f/11,然后正确的快门速度等于ISO的倒数)。通过改变每个设置的ISO设置,我可以在控制噪音方面获得一些回旋余地。这个想法是基于在后期使用最好的一张曝光来制作最终的作品。

  4. 我确定我将使用包围曝光,因为明亮的月亮和较暗的背景以及山脉之间存在巨大的亮度差。

  5. 我在酒店房间里花了一个多小时的时间练习这些预设置。到最后,我只是在进行自定义设置C2之前切换到自定义设置C1的机械动作,然后再进行自定义设置C2,最后再切换到自定义设置C3拍摄一组照片。这样做的目的是确保练习以后,我不必在现场再去调整设置。当然,实际还是需要一些调整,但依靠月亮11规则的设置基本上满足了曝光的要求。

  6. 最后,我给了自己足够的时间到达预定机位。这个机位实际上离我住的地方只有10分钟的车程。

As I set out from my hotel room in the wee hours of Tuesday May 29th, I could see plenty of clouds forming above me. Still I hoped that there won’t be clouds where it mattered. And when I got to my spot, I could see clouds everywhere except a tiny area above the peak of Mt. Hood - this single cloudless spot is where the moon came into full view and this is when I pressed my shutter and took the shot. I was overjoyed at my success!

当我在5月29日星期二凌晨从酒店房间出发时,我可以看到头顶有大量的云。 尽管如此,我仍希望这些云不会影响到我的拍摄。 当我到达现场时,除了山顶上方的一个小区域,其他地方都是云。而我想拍摄的胡德山就刚好在这个无云的区域。当我按下快门拍到的时候,我感到欣喜若狂!

Here is a back of the camera photo that I took in my excitement.


Fig. 3: Back of the camera taken in field, some time after I had successfully captured my shot. The two red dots are from the reflection of my head lamp. The moon is blown out because this is part of a the bracketed series which was exposed for the mountain.


Hope you enjoyed reading my article and feel free to comment or follow me at my Instagram profile at: https://instagram.com/seemantad

My email, should you have any other questions is seemanta@gmail.com 



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