

The analysis of the introduction

Recently,I have learned the general functions andstructural features of introduction. So I will analyze a thesis which isrepresentative in my field to illustrate. The title of the thesis is “Utilizinge-business technologies in supply chains:The impact of firm characteristics andteams”,which was published in the Journal of OperationManagement,one of the SSCI journals.

1the research background

From the first part, we can learn that there has beensubstantial managerial interest in opportunities to use e-business technologiesin the supply chain to create competitive advantage.Then,writers had furtherelaboration by literature analysis.They found that the potential benefits ofe-business technologies include lower prices from suppliers,improved speed andflexibility, lower transaction costs,higher customer service levels and reducedinvestments in supply chain inventories.They described these as the researchbackground.

2、the existing problems

After they described the background ,they use “however”to illustrate  the problem.From thesecond part,we can find that the problem lies upon our understanding of how andwhere firms use e-business technologies, and the direct benefits they provide,is still limited.And an improved understanding of where opportunities exist tobetter utilize e-business technologies is required.

3、the present research

After raising the problem, the authors expounds thecurrent research.They researched how firm-level strategic resources, such aspurchasing teams, influencing the exploitation of e-business technologies andthe relationship between e-business technology use and firm performance withliterature analysis in transaction cost economics, the resource based view andthe relational view.

4、the results

In the last part,writers propose that the paper offersthree primary contributions.First,an important objective is to develop abetter understanding of the relationships between different, but related formsof e-business technologies. And the data from case studies also provides thebasis for assessing the level of use of e-business technology in supply chainmanagement.Second,the successful adoption of e-business technologiesmight be expected to leverage the team-based boundary spanning capabilitiesprovided by purchasing teams.Third, a number of industries andfirm-level characteristics that affect the rate of technological change canalso influence supply chain relationships,and thus, opportunities to usee-business technologies.From the introduction,we can find this researchundertakes a broader assessment of firm financial performance related to theuse of e-business in the supply chain.

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