



what you see forms what you'll be





本期导读:欧洲知名智库“欧洲对外关系委员会”(The European Council on Foreign Relations, ECFR),从某种意义上来讲,算是首个真正泛欧性的智库。




第三,与众不同的研究和政策开发进程。欧洲对外关系委员会从全欧洲招揽优秀的研究人员和实习生,以此来实现其泛欧洲的发展目标 。

The European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR) is an award-winning international think-tank that aims to conduct cutting-edge independent research on European foreign and security policy and to provide a safe meeting space for decision-makers, activists and influencers to share ideas. 

We build coalitions for change at the European level and promote informed debate about Europe’s role in the world. In 2007, ECFR’s founders set about creating a pan-European institution that could combine establishment credibility with intellectual insurgency. 

Today, ECFR remains uniquely placed to continue providing a pan-European perspective on some of the biggest strategic challenges and choices Europeans need to confront, with a network of offices in seven European capitals, over 60 staff from more than 25 different countries and a team of associated researchers in the EU 27 member states.


Contagious ideas: Developing ideas that people talk about

ECFR has brought together a team of distinguished policy entrepreneurs to link cutting edge research to practical pan-European policy. Our research is presented through four programmes – Asia and China, Middle East and North Africa, Wider Europe and the European Power programme. 

Pan-European presence: Engaging with the national conversation

ECFR is the only think-tank that has a truly pan-European footprint, with offices in Berlin, London, Madrid, Paris, Rome, Sofia and Warsaw, and a presence in Brussels. Our unique structure allows us to understand national agendas and be part of the national conversation.

Community of leaders: Bringing Europe together

ECFR’s Council is the strongest and most visible expression of our pan-European identity and consists of serving foreign ministers, former prime ministers, members of national parliaments and the European Parliament, EU Commissioners, former NATO secretary generals, thinkers, journalists and business leaders. Council Members help us to Europeanise the national conversations on the EU’s foreign policy priorities and challenges.


ASIA: The Asia programme seeks to help Europe recalibrate its relationship with China and its Asian partners. The programme analyses China’s domestic situation, its role in the region and its increasing influence around the world and put a renewed emphasis on fostering Europe’s relationships with India and Japan.

EUROPEAN POWER: The European Power programme was created in 2015 to help Europeans develop policy responses to the issues affecting the EU’s capacity to act on the global scene. The programme explores the obstacles to sustainable unity on current and future foreign policy challenges and seeks to develop solutions for overcoming them. 

MIDDLE EAST & NORTH AFRICA: The Middle East and North Africa programme follows political upheaval and sectarian conflict in the region, aiming to identify political solutions and help Europe develop coherent responses to North Africa’s transitions and the Middle East peace process.

WIDER EUROPE: To remain relevant in the region, the European Union needs a coherent and consistent strategy to promote its interests and values together with the political will to follow this through. The Wider Europe programme was launched in 2007 with the aim of fostering this process.

ECFR’s pan-European reach is enhanced by our Council of prominent Europeans, who through their individual networks and collective engagement, help to Europeanise the national conversations on the EU’s foreign policy priorities and dilemmas. 

Currently chaired by Carl Bildt, Lykke Friis and Norbert Röttgen, the Council as a unique European strategic community includes serving foreign ministers, prime ministers, national ministers, members of national parliaments and the European Parliament, EU Commissioners, former NATO secretaries generals, renowned thinkers, journalists, business and civil society leaders.

The meaning of systemic rivalry: Europe and China beyond the pandemic


小编注:译文部分仅供参考;下面共享的信息,摘自“欧洲对外关系委员会”(The European Council on Foreign Relations, ECFR)官网;本公众号更多“欧洲观察”、“国际智库”、“国际时事”等相关优质文章,见文末往期精彩;本期共享资料下载方式,见文末注释部分。





  • Beijing’s handling of the pandemic has changed long-standing European assumptions about its reliability as a crisis actor and its approach to the European project.

  • Europe’s immediate medical-supply needs and dire economic situation will limit the scope of shifts in its China policy – for now.

  • But, on issues ranging from supply chains to ideological competition, European governments have rebalanced their view of what dynamics with China should look like in the aftermath.

  • The crisis is also intensifying demands from European parliaments, media outlets, and citizens for Europe to puts its China policy on a more open, accountable, and values-based footing.

  • Governments’ pursuit of a “business as usual” approach to Beijing is growing harder to sustain.  

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