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论文“The future of strategic management research: Assessing the quality of theory borrowing”中的一个截图,里面有战略管理相关的100多个理论



群里有朋友想让我以下面这个问题为例讲一下如何搜索相关的理论:“为什么现在的都市大龄剩男剩女不想结婚的比例升高了?”(大家可以在Smart Innovation群里改成真名,便于交流)。虽然我不研究这一块内容,但是觉得也挺有意思。











陈国权. (2003). 人的知识来源模型以及获取和传递知识过程的管理. 中国管理科学, 11(6), 86-94.

第五届营销科学与创新国际研讨会暨Journal of Cleaner Production专辑学术会议

受新冠肺炎疫情的影响,第五届营销科学与创新国际研讨会暨Journal of Cleaner Production专辑学术会议(以下简称“MSI 2021”)定于2021年5月22-23日以“线上线下”结合的形式召开。为便于疫情防控,线下总人数控制在100人以内


◆ JCLP专辑(2021)
Special Issue of
Journal of Cleaner Production 2021


投稿截止日期:Sept. 30, 2021



The ecologicalization issue boosts much more innovative marketing approaches (e.g., ecological marketing, green marketing) for sustainable development in the last decades (Katrandjiev, 2016; Garg & Sharma, 2017). More and more firms are engaging in innovative marketing practices for sustainable development and personalized preferences of customers to establish their reputation and to generate positive impacts on natural environments (Gerstlberger et al., 2014; Wang et al., 2017, 2018; White et al., 2019). The innovative marketing practice here refers to “the continuous innovations of planning, organizing, coordinating, implementing and controlling the development, pricing, promotion, and distribution of products or services to meet the new challenges of the future ecosystem in a manner that satisfies the following three criteria: (1) customer needs are met, (2) organizational goals are attained, and (3) the innovation is compatible with the ecosystem”. Therefore, it is highly associated with “cleaner production and corporate sustainability” (Dangelico and Vocalelli 2017, p. 1264). In practice, in order to improve sustainable development for the future ecosystem, the engagements of various stakeholders from multiple levels are urgently needed in the processes mentioned above (Cronin et al., 2011), and innovative marketing practices do matter across different levels. For example, at the macro level, government regulatory policy for environmental protection is becoming increasingly important for the sustainable development (Groening et al., 2018). At the firm level, firms’ green marketing strategy is even much more significant for building business competitive advantage than ever (Papadas et al., 2017; Papadas et al., 2019). At the individual level, customers’ green product purchase and sustainable consumption behaviours are fostering sustainable lifestyle and consumerism as well (White et al. 2019). So it is obvious that marketing innovations for sustainability is the key to sustainable development for the future ecosystem (Dangelico and Vocalelli 2017; Gerstlberger et al., 2014).

However, most prior studies tend to examine either marketing innovations or sustainable development separately (Fiore et al., 2018), so it is urgently needed to link the two research streams together and further explore marketing innovations and sustainable development for the future ecosystem. For instance, more research is called for on how to utilize marketing innovations to improve the performance of sustainable production and consumption in general from the perspectives of governments, firms and customers respectively. In particular, given the current Covid-19 crisis backdrop, firms are calling for further studies on innovative marketing practices for the future ecosystem, and some new marketing practices are emerging (Hudecheck et al., 2020; Reeves et al., 2020), which boosts sustainable development renovation (Pirouz et al., 2020) and sustainable consumption transition (Cohen, 2020). As such, new challenges and opportunities for the future ecosystem might co-exist in practices of marketing innovations and sustainable development. This SI focuses on the “green” aspects of marketing innovations, which can be taken into consideration for sustainable development from the perspectives of multiple stakeholders (governments, communities, firms, customers, etc.). Furthermore, this SI also examines how to improve the sustainable development through these marketing innovation practices for the future ecosystem.

2、Topics of Interest

The topics relevant to this special issue include but are not limited to:

·New marketing innovation approaches associated with sustainable production and consumption.

·The criteria for evaluating marketing innovations regarding sustainability performance

· Regulatory policy making and adoption for sustainable development for the future ecosystem.

·Explore and compare the effectiveness of various marketing innovation strategies for the future ecosystem.

·Customer sustainable consumption and marketing innovations for the future ecosystem.

·Multilevel perspectives on how to facilitate sustainable production and consumption for the future ecosystem.

·The development process of ecological products or services in the perspective of ecosystem.

·Value co-creation and customization strategies for sustainable production and consumption.

·Country difference of marketing innovation and sustainability for the future ecosystem.

·Marketing innovations and customization for future ecosystem in sharing economy.

·Marketing innovations and sustainability in a post era of Covid-19 crisis.

3、Manuscript Submission

All authors must follow the editorial guidelines provided in the Guide for Authors of the Journal of Cleaner Production, which can be accessed via the website (https://www.elsevier.com/journals/journal-ofcleaner-production/0959-6526/guide-for-authors). Authors should submit their manuscripts via the Elsevier Editorial System (https://ees.elsevier.com/jclepro/default.asp). Authors should select “VSI: Green Marketing” as the article type for this VSI when they wish to submit their manuscript to the EES.

Full papers are invited for potential publication in this VSI of the Journal of Cleaner Production. Submissions should be between 9 000 and 13 000 words for comprehensive, integrative reviews, and between 7 000 and 8 500 words for full research/theoretical papers with broad empirical studies.

All authors must follow the 'Guide for Authors' which can be accessed via the following link: https://www.elsevier.com/journals/journal-of-cleaner-production/0959-6526/guide-for-authors, and follow the standard submission procedures of Elsevier's Editorial System (EES). All submissions will be subjected to thorough peer review, revision, and re-submission processes.

Papers must be written in good English. Authors with limitations in the command of written English are recommended to have their papers edited by a 'Professional English Scientific Editor', before the first submission because poorly written pieces can compromise the decisions during the review process. Similarly, they should have their final document edited by a 'Professional English Scientific Editor', before they submit their final document for the final review and for publication. All submissions will be checked for similarity and those manuscripts showing too high levels of similarity will be rejected.

4、Tentative Schedule

Deadline submission of full papers: Sept. 30, 2021

Submission of the revised papers: Dec. 01, 2021

Second round Peer-Review completed: Feb. 01, 2022

Notification of final decisions on the papers: May 15, 2022

Publication of the SI of all accepted papers: June 15, 2022

5、Guest Editorial Team

Managing Guest Editor:

Prof. Yonggui Wang, The MOE Changjiang Chair Professor of Marketing and Strategy, Vice President, Capital University of Economics and Business, Beijing, China

Email: ygwang@uibe.edu.cn

Guest Editors:

Dr. Michael Hejia, Assistant professor of Marketing, Faculty of Business and Economics, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China

Email: mhjia@hku.hk

Prof. David Fan, Professor of Management, Department of Management and Marketing, Swinburne Business School, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia

Email: dfan@swin.edu.au

Authors may also confer with the 'Co-Editor-in-Chief’ of the Journal of Cleaner Production Prof. Yutao Wang, who oversees this Special Volume.

Email: yutaowang@fudan.edu.cn


1. Cohen, M. J. (2020). Does the COVID-19 outbreak mark the onset of a sustainable consumption transition?. Sustainability: Science, Practice and Policy, 16(1), 1-3.

2. Cronin, J. J., Smith, J. S., Gleim, M. R., Ramirez, E., & Martinez, J. D. (2011). Green marketing strategies: An examination of stakeholders and the opportunities they present. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 39(1), 158-174.

3. Dangelico, R. M., & Vocalelli, D. (2017). “Green Marketing”: An analysis of definitions, strategy steps, and tools through a systematic review of the literature. Journal of Cleaner Production, 165, 1263-1279.

4. Fiore, M., Silvestri, R., Contò, F., & Pellegrini, G. (2017). Understanding the relationship between green approach and marketing innovations tools in the wine sector. Journal of Cleaner Production, 142, 4085-4091.

5. Garg, S., & Sharma, V. (2017). Green marketing: an emerging approach to sustainable development. International Journal of Applied Agricultural Research, 12(2), 177-184.

6. Gerstlberger W, Praest Knudsen M, Stampe I. (2014). Sustainable development strategies for product innovation and energy efficiency. Business Strategy and the Environment, 23(2), 131-144.

7. Groening, C., Sarkis, J., & Zhu, Q. (2018). Green marketing consumer-level theory review: A compendium of applied theories and further research directions. Journal of Cleaner Production, 172, 1848-1866.

8. Hudecheck, M., Sirén, C., Grichnik, D., & Wincent, J. (2020). How companies can respond to the coronavirus. MIT Sloan Management Review. Online available at: https://sloanreview.mit.edu/article/how-companies-can-respond-to-the-coronavirus/

9. Katrandjiev, H. (2016). Ecological marketing, green marketing, sustainable marketing: synonyms оr аn evolution оf ideas. Economic Alternatives, 1(7), 71-82.

10. Papadas, K. K., Avlonitis, G. J., & Carrigan, M. (2017). Green marketing orientation: Conceptualization, scale development and validation. Journal of Business Research, 80, 236-246.

11. Papadas, K. K., Avlonitis, G. J., Carrigan, M., & Piha, L. (2019). The interplay of strategic and internal green marketing orientation on competitive advantage. Journal of Business Research, 104, 632-643.

12. Pirouz, B., Shaffiee Haghshenas, S., Shaffiee Haghshenas, S., & Piro, P. (2020). Investigating a serious challenge in the sustainable development process: analysis of confirmed cases of COVID-19 (New type of coronavirus) through a binary classification using artificial intelligence and regression analysis. Sustainability, 12(6), 2427.

13. Reeves, M., Lang, N., & Carlsson-Szlezak, P. (2020). Lead your business through the coronavirus crisis. Harvard Business Review. Online available at: http://coronanepal.org/Areas/Report/Uploads/Files/c8c0a674-41f8-4774-bcb8-b90e05747499.pdf

14. Wang, Y.G., J.Lee, E. Fang, and S.Ma (2017). Project customization and the supplier revenue–cost dilemmas: the critical roles of supplier-customer coordination, Journal of Marketing, 81(1), 136-154

15. Wang, Y.G., Xiang, D.D., Yang, Z.Y., and S. Ma(2018). Unraveling customer sustainable consumption behaviors in sharing economy: A socio-economic approach based on social exchange theory, Journal of Cleaner Production, 208, 869-879

16. White, K., Habib, R., & Hardisty, D. J. (2019). How to shift consumer behaviors to be more sustainable: A literature review and guiding framework. Journal of Marketing, 83(3), 22-49.






简介| 本书识别出对当今营销中影响最大的一些主题和工具以及在未来营销中将扮演重要角色的主题和工具,其中特别是价值、体验、服务、品牌、关系、网络以及伦理与社会责任行为等。正如读者在阅读本书中将会发现的,上述相关主题在营销管理中往往呈现出多种不同的形式。在广泛调研和分析的基础上,本书在篇章设计与内容安排上真正确立了顾客价值这一主线,并始终沿着理解价值、锁定价值、创造价值、传播价值、交付价值和提升价值的逻辑轨迹加以展开。






简介| 《服务营销》以移动互联网、物联网、大数据、人工智能、虚拟现实等相关技术飞速发展为背景,立足于服务营销的相关理论与框架体系,阐述了企业价值创造和企业竞争逻辑顺应顾客角色的动态演化的转变过程,并在总结和探索企业从事服务营销与管理的核心问题及流程的基础上,结合国内外有关服务营销的理论热点和企业实践,诠释了以服务营销提高顾客满意度和忠诚度、进而提升顾客资产价值和企业绩效的内在逻辑和战略工具。




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