




由于水凝胶支架中产生活性氧自由基(ROS)以及脊髓损伤造成的炎症反应,会导致载细胞水凝胶中的干细胞发生凋亡及功能紊乱,最终导致脊髓损伤疗效较差。为此,作者向HA-peptide水凝胶中引入二氧化锰纳米粒子(MnO2 NPs),利用MnO2可分解双氧水(H2O2)产生氧气(O2)的特性,改善氧化应激环境,从而有效提高干细胞的生存率(Scheme 1)。

Scheme 1. Concept illustration. The MnO2 NP-dotted hydrogel is fabricated and duly with MSCs for implantation after a serious long-span spinal cord transection with a lesion gap of 4 ± 0.5 mm. The MnO2 NP improves the survival, integration and neural differentiation of the transplanted MSCs and promotes nerve tissue regeneration via mitigating the oxidant microenvironment.

通过傅立叶转换红外谱图(FTIR)及1H NMR可看出,作者成功将PPFLMLLKGSTR多肽键接到HA链上,MnONPs的加入使得HA水凝胶具有较强的磁共振显影性能。此外,HA水凝胶展现出3D多孔结构。

Figure 1. Characterization of materials and hydrogels. a) FTIR detection of aldehyde-modified HA chains (HA-CHO). b, c) 1H NMR detection of HA-adipic dihydrazide (HA-ADH) (b) and peptide modified aldehyde-HA chains (HA-peptide) (c). Red arrows indicated characteristic peaks in the products. d) Schematic illustration of HA hydrogels in the presence or absence of MnO2 nanoparticles (NPs). e) The blank and MnO2 NP-dotted hydrogels were imaged by MRI, which detected signals of MnO2 NPs. f, g) Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) micrographs of blank (f) and MnO2 NP-dotted (g) hydrogel scaffolds showing highly porous 3D structures. h) XPS examination of the MnO2 NP-dotted hydrogel confirmed successful encapsulation of MnO2 NPs in the hydrogel. Scale bar, 100 μm.

为了检测水凝胶的生物相容性,作者将人胎盘羊膜间充质干细胞在水凝胶中进行3D培养,结果发现,含有MnO2 NPs的水凝胶对细胞的粘附形态没有影响,表明MnO2 NPs的加入没有影响水凝胶的生物相容性。作者将水凝胶浸入含有H2O2的氧化介质中检测水凝胶的抗氧化能力,结果发现,含有MnO2 NPs的水凝胶可有效降低介质中的H2O2水平。接着将载有细胞的水凝胶浸入氧化介质中,对细胞内的ROS水平进行检测,含有MnO2 NPs的水凝胶中的细胞ROS水平明显低于水凝胶组,表明水凝胶加载MnO2 NPs后具有非常优异的抗氧化功能。进一步通过活死染色检测水凝胶中的细胞生存情况,结果发现,含有MnONPs的水凝胶中只有少数的死细胞,表明MnO2 NPs的加入可有效改善氧化应激环境,减少细胞死亡。体内实验同样表明含有MnO2 NPs的水凝胶具有良好的抗氧化性能,可用于神经损伤修复。

Figure 2. In vitro evaluation of antioxidant effects of the MnO2 nanoparticle (NP) dotted hydrogel. a) Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) micrographs showing similar adhesive morphologies of MSCs in the blank (a1) and MnONP-dotted (a2) hydrogels. False-color images showed more detailed views of the boxed areas. b) Evaluation of in vitro antioxidant effects of the blank and MnONP-dotted hydrogels through simulating pathological ROS microenvironment in the absence of cells. An initial concentration of H2Oat 0.1 mM wasused in the culture medium without the presence of cells (b1) and the H2Olevels were detected after incubation with the hydrogels for 1 h and 2 h (b2). Data in graph is presented as average ± SD (n=5). The significance between Blank and MnO2 groups at each time point is assessed by unpairedt-test (two-tailed value), and the double asterisk symbol (**) denotes to p< 0.001. c-e) Protective effects of the hydrogels to 3D cultured MSCs were investigated in a simulated in vitro ROS microenvironment. c) MSCs were encapsulated in the hydrogels and allowed to adhere overnight before being exposed to the ROS microenvironment simulating medium containing 0.1 mM H2O2. d) After 24 h, the intracellular ROS levels of MSCs were quantified (d1) in the blank (d2, d3) and MnO2 NP-dotted (d4, d5) hydrogels after Dichloro-dihydro-fluorescein diacetate (DCFH-DA) labelling (n=3), demonstrating effective antioxidant impact of the MnO2 NP-dotted hydrogel for theMSCs. Green, DCFH-DA; blue, DAPI. Fluorescence of DCFH-DA in (d2, d4) were analyzed using pseudocolor (d3, d5) according to mean intensities to further show more detailed differences. e) Cytoviability of the MSCs after 24 h of in cubation was analyzed by Live/Dead assay. Numbers of live cells (green) anddead cells (red) were quantified in terms of stained areas (e1). Data in graphis presented as average ± SD (n= 9 views). Representative images of the cellsin the blank (e2, e3) and MnO2 NP-dotted (e4, e5) hydrogels were presented, with n= 3 hydrogels for each group. Scale bar, 4 μm (a), 100 μm (d and e).

Figure 3. MSC-encapsulated hydrogels were implanted into rat spinal cord tissue after a longspan transection and antioxidant effects were detected after 7 days of implantation. a) dihydroethidium (DHE) staining was applied to directly reflect the ROS levels in the tissues. The corresponding representative micrographs (a1, a2) and histogram of the fluorescence intensity (a3) showed an obvious decrease of DHE distribution in the MnO2 group. b, c) Products of lipid peroxidation 4-hydroxynonenal (4-HNE) (b) and oxidative DNA damage 8-hydroxy-2'- deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG) (c) in the spinal cord tissues were detected, which confirmed the effective antioxidant and protective functions of the MnO2 nanoparticle (NP)-dotted hydrogel in vivo. Extent of oxidative damage was analyzed in terms of the percentage of the stained area with n = 6 micrographs (20 × objective magnification) of 3 animals for each group (b3, c3). Data represents mean ± SD. Statistical analysis among groups was preformed using two-tailed unpaired t-test. The double asterisk symbol (**) denotes to p< 0.001. Details were shown in boxes with dashed borders in representative images. Scale bar, 100 μm.

为了检测含有MnO2 NPs的水凝胶的神经修复功能,作者向大鼠脊髓半切损伤部位植入加载干细胞的水凝胶,结果发现,4周后,含MnONPs的水凝胶组可使大鼠的神经功能得到恢复,BBB评分较高。不仅如此,经MnONPs的水凝胶治疗后,大鼠的运动功能快速恢复,2周后,75%的大鼠BBB评分超过8。

Figure 4. Motor functional recovery of rats after treatment of the hydrogels encapsulated with MSCs. a) Schematic illustration of the therapeutic experiment. b) Surgical procedure of longspan spinal cord transection and implantation of the MSCs-encapsulated hydrogels. The span of spinal cord transection was larger than the width of spinal cord tissue, with a length of 4 ± 0.5 mm compared to the width of 3 mm. c) Function recovery of animals on Day 28 post-surgery was evaluated through BBB scores. d) Analysis of % animal of BBB scores > 8 further indicated the function restoration in the presence of the MnO2 nanoparticle (NP)-dotted hydrogel containing MSCs. e, f) Typical records of animal walking gaits on Day 28 post-surgery showed direct evidence of the hindlimb walking patterns of the Blank group e) and the MnO2 group f). Significance assessment between two groups (Blank and MnO2 group, SCI and MnO2 group) was conducted using Mann–Whitney U test for data with normal distribution as well as variance homogeneity and two-tailed unpaired t-test for data with non-normal distribution. *p< 0.05, ** p< 0.001.

对脊髓切片并进行免疫荧光染色,进一步检测其运动功能恢复情况。结果发现,含有MnO2 NPs的水凝胶可通过抑制胶质瘢痕的形成进而促进神经功能恢复,此外,该水凝胶也可促进神经纤维穿过损伤部位,表明含有MnO2 NPs的水凝胶具有优异的脊髓损伤修复性能。

Figure 5. Investigation of nerve fiber regeneration across the lesion cavity on Day 28 postsurgery by labelling of neurofilament (NF, stained to red) and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP, stained to green). a, b) Analysis of NF redistribution and GFAP+ astrocyte gathering in the areas adjacent to the lesion site. a) Glial scar formation was indicated by the gathered GFAP+ astrocytes in the spinal cord implanted with the blank hydrogel (a1), whereas implantation with the MnO2 nanoparticle (NP)-dotted hydrogel (a2) restrained the excessive gathering of the activated astrocytes and significantly induced NF regeneration across the lesion border. b) Redistribution of NF across the GFAP bordering was quantified in terms of % area of positive staining. c, d) Nerve fiber regeneration was analyzed by quantification of NF in sagittal sections.Redistribution of NF was analyzed in the lesion site, adjacent tissue and distant areas respectively of n = 10 micrographs for each group (c) and in representative sections for continuous distribution in the whole area as presented by continuous curves (d). e, f) Representative micrographs of the Blank (e) and MnO2 (f) groups showed the full-field situations of NF and GFAP expression (e1, f1) and the separated channel of NF distribution (e2, f2) in the spinal cord tissues, with detailed images magnified from the boxed adjacent (e3, f3) and distant (e4, f4) regions. Dashed lines denote to the lesion edges of interest. More and longer nerve fibers were observed in not only the lesion site and the adjacent tissue, but also the distant segments of the injured tissue in the MnO2 group than that in Blank group. Significance in (c) was assessed by Mann–Whitney U test, and the asterisk symbols (**) denotes to p< 0.001. Scale bar, 1 mm (e1, f1), 200 μm (e3, f3), 100 μm (e4, f4).

本研究由浙江大学高建青教授和唐建斌教授团队合作完成,于2019年11月26日在线发表于ACS Nano。


Liming Li, Bing Xiao, Jiafu Mu, Yu Zhang, Chenyang Zhang, Hongcui Cao, Rongjun Chen, Hirak Kumar Patra, Bo Yang, Shiqing Feng, Yasuhiko Tabata, Nigel K.H. Slater, Jianbin Tang,* Youqing Shen, and Jianqing Gao.* A MnO2 Nanoparticle-Dotted Hydrogel Promotes Spinal Cord Repair via Regulating Reactive Oxygen Species Microenvironment and Synergizing with Mesenchymal Stem Cells. ACS Nano 2019, DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.9b07598.

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