

INFO: WinInet 错误代码 (12001 到 12156)


Microsoft Win 32 Internet (WinInet) API 提供了独立的应用程序标准的 Internet 协议 (如 Gopher、 FTP 和 HTTP 方便地访问。 WinInet API 抽象化到一个高级别接口即 Win 32 开发人员熟悉的协议。



以下是由 WinInet 函数返回错误代码的列表:
   Code        Error Message and Description-----       -----------------------------12001       ERROR_INTERNET_OUT_OF_HANDLESNo more handles could be generated at this time.12002       ERROR_INTERNET_TIMEOUTThe request has timed out.12003       ERROR_INTERNET_EXTENDED_ERRORAn extended error was returned from the server. This istypically a string or buffer containing a verbose errormessage. Call InternetGetLastResponseInfo to retrieve theerror text.12004       ERROR_INTERNET_INTERNAL_ERRORAn internal error has occurred.12005       ERROR_INTERNET_INVALID_URLThe URL is invalid.12006       ERROR_INTERNET_UNRECOGNIZED_SCHEMEThe URL scheme could not be recognized or is not supported.12007       ERROR_INTERNET_NAME_NOT_RESOLVEDThe server name could not be resolved.12008       ERROR_INTERNET_PROTOCOL_NOT_FOUNDThe requested protocol could not be located.12009       ERROR_INTERNET_INVALID_OPTIONA request to InternetQueryOption or InternetSetOptionspecified an invalid option value.12010       ERROR_INTERNET_BAD_OPTION_LENGTHThe length of an option supplied to InternetQueryOption orInternetSetOption is incorrect for the type of optionspecified.12011       ERROR_INTERNET_OPTION_NOT_SETTABLEThe request option cannot be set, only queried.12012       ERROR_INTERNET_SHUTDOWNThe Win32 Internet function support is being shut down orunloaded.12013       ERROR_INTERNET_INCORRECT_USER_NAMEThe request to connect and log on to an FTP server couldnot be completed because the supplied user name isincorrect.12014       ERROR_INTERNET_INCORRECT_PASSWORDThe request to connect and log on to an FTP server couldnot be completed because the supplied password isincorrect.12015       ERROR_INTERNET_LOGIN_FAILUREThe request to connect to and log on to an FTP serverfailed.12016       ERROR_INTERNET_INVALID_OPERATIONThe requested operation is invalid.12017       ERROR_INTERNET_OPERATION_CANCELLEDThe operation was canceled, usually because the handle onwhich the request was operating was closed before theoperation completed.12018       ERROR_INTERNET_INCORRECT_HANDLE_TYPEThe type of handle supplied is incorrect for thisoperation.12019       ERROR_INTERNET_INCORRECT_HANDLE_STATEThe requested operation cannot be carried out because thehandle supplied is not in the correct state.12020       ERROR_INTERNET_NOT_PROXY_REQUESTThe request cannot be made via a proxy.12021       ERROR_INTERNET_REGISTRY_VALUE_NOT_FOUNDA required registry value could not be located.12022       ERROR_INTERNET_BAD_REGISTRY_PARAMETERA required registry value was located but is an incorrecttype or has an invalid value.12023       ERROR_INTERNET_NO_DIRECT_ACCESSDirect network access cannot be made at this time.12024       ERROR_INTERNET_NO_CONTEXTAn asynchronous request could not be made because a zerocontext value was supplied.12025       ERROR_INTERNET_NO_CALLBACKAn asynchronous request could not be made because acallback function has not been set.12026       ERROR_INTERNET_REQUEST_PENDINGThe required operation could not be completed because oneor more requests are pending.12027       ERROR_INTERNET_INCORRECT_FORMATThe format of the request is invalid.12028       ERROR_INTERNET_ITEM_NOT_FOUNDThe requested item could not be located.12029       ERROR_INTERNET_CANNOT_CONNECTThe attempt to connect to the server failed.12030       ERROR_INTERNET_CONNECTION_ABORTEDThe connection with the server has been terminated.12031       ERROR_INTERNET_CONNECTION_RESETThe connection with the server has been reset.12032       ERROR_INTERNET_FORCE_RETRYCalls for the Win32 Internet function to redo the request.12033       ERROR_INTERNET_INVALID_PROXY_REQUESTThe request to the proxy was invalid.12036       ERROR_INTERNET_HANDLE_EXISTSThe request failed because the handle already exists.12037       ERROR_INTERNET_SEC_CERT_DATE_INVALIDSSL certificate date that was received from the server isbad. The certificate is expired.12038       ERROR_INTERNET_SEC_CERT_CN_INVALIDSSL certificate common name (host name field) is incorrect.For example, if you entered www.server.com and the commonname on the certificate says www.different.com.12039       ERROR_INTERNET_HTTP_TO_HTTPS_ON_REDIRThe application is moving from a non-SSL to an SSLconnection because of a redirect.12040       ERROR_INTERNET_HTTPS_TO_HTTP_ON_REDIRThe application is moving from an SSL to an non-SSLconnection because of a redirect.12041       ERROR_INTERNET_MIXED_SECURITYIndicates that the content is not entirely secure. Some ofthe content being viewed may have come from unsecuredservers.12042       ERROR_INTERNET_CHG_POST_IS_NON_SECUREThe application is posting and attempting to changemultiple lines of text on a server that is not secure.12043       ERROR_INTERNET_POST_IS_NON_SECUREThe application is posting data to a server that is notsecure.12110       ERROR_FTP_TRANSFER_IN_PROGRESSThe requested operation cannot be made on the FTP sessionhandle because an operation is already in progress.12111       ERROR_FTP_DROPPEDThe FTP operation was not completed because the session wasaborted.12130       ERROR_GOPHER_PROTOCOL_ERRORAn error was detected while parsing data returned from thegopher server.12131       ERROR_GOPHER_NOT_FILEThe request must be made for a file locator.12132       ERROR_GOPHER_DATA_ERRORAn error was detected while receiving data from the gopherserver.12133       ERROR_GOPHER_END_OF_DATAThe end of the data has been reached.12134       ERROR_GOPHER_INVALID_LOCATORThe supplied locator is not valid.12135       ERROR_GOPHER_INCORRECT_LOCATOR_TYPEThe type of the locator is not correct for this operation.12136       ERROR_GOPHER_NOT_GOPHER_PLUSThe requested operation can only be made against a Gopher+server or with a locator that specifies a Gopher+operation.12137       ERROR_GOPHER_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_FOUNDThe requested attribute could not be located.12138       ERROR_GOPHER_UNKNOWN_LOCATORThe locator type is unknown.12150       ERROR_HTTP_HEADER_NOT_FOUNDThe requested header could not be located.12151       ERROR_HTTP_DOWNLEVEL_SERVERThe server did not return any headers.12152       ERROR_HTTP_INVALID_SERVER_RESPONSEThe server response could not be parsed.12153       ERROR_HTTP_INVALID_HEADERThe supplied header is invalid.12154       ERROR_HTTP_INVALID_QUERY_REQUESTThe request made to HttpQueryInfo is invalid.12155       ERROR_HTTP_HEADER_ALREADY_EXISTSThe header could not be added because it already exists.12156       ERROR_HTTP_REDIRECT_FAILEDThe redirection failed because either the scheme changed(for example, HTTP to FTP) or all attempts made to redirectfailed (default is five attempts).



有关详细信息,请访问下面的 Microsoft Web 站点:
http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa385483.aspx (http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa385483.aspx)


Microsoft Proxy Server 1.0 标准版
Microsoft Proxy Server 2.0 标准版
Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0 Standard Edition
Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server
Microsoft Windows 2000 Datacenter Server
Microsoft Windows 2000 Server
Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server


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