

No.32 弗朗西斯科·瓜尔迪 | 印象主义的先导

油画世界  ArtYouhua


Francesco Guardi


意大利画家, (1712-1793)

弗朗西斯科·瓜尔迪(Francesco Guardi,1712-1793年),意大利画家,被认为是印象主义的先导。其风景画具有明亮的冷色调及柔和的氛围效果。《威尼斯康那雷佐的风景》(View on the Cannaregio, Venice)和《安康圣母教堂》(Santa Maria Della Salute)是其亮丽的威尼斯风景画代表作。瓜尔迪出生于威尼斯,生前作品并不受重视,大部分都是作为旅行纪念品出售。直到20世纪,他的作品才得到认同。

—— By ArtYouhua


The Giudecca Canal with the Zattere,1759

与卡纳莱托(canaletto)同时驰名于威尼斯画坛上的场景画家是弗朗西斯科·瓜尔迪(francesco guardi)。这两位画家虽然同样倾心于场景画的创作并取得了一定成就,但二者之间却存在着比较明显的区别。

The Parlour of the San Zaccaria Convent,1745-1750


Masked Meeting,1755


The Lagoon with Boats, Gondolas, and Rafts,1758


Town with a Bridge,1750

Nighttime Procession in Piazza San Marco,1758

The Piazzetta, Looking toward San Giorgio Maggiore,1758

The Lagoon from the Fondamenta Nuove,1759

Capriccio with Venetian Motifs,1760

Piazza San Marco,1760

San Cristoforo, San Michele and Murano, Seen from the Fondamenta Nuove,1755-1760

The Molo and the Riva degli Schiavoni from the Bacino di San Marco,1760

The Molo and the Riva degli Schiavoni from the Bacino di San Marco,1760

Campo Santi Giovanni e Paolo,1762-1763

The Rialto Bridge with the Palazzo dei Camerlenghi,1763

The Grand Canal at the Fish Market (Pescheria),1765

The Grand Canal, Looking toward the Rialto Bridge,1765

The Piazza San Marco towards the Basilica,1760-1765

Audience Granted by the Doge,1766-1770

Carnival Thursday on the Piazzetta,1766-1770

Departure of the Bucentaur Towards the Venice Lido on Ascension Day,1766-1770

Piazza San Marco, Venice,1770

The Coronation of the Doge,1766-1770

The Doge at the Basilica of La Salute,1766-1770

The Doge on the Bucentaur at San Niccol del Lido,1766-1770

The Doge on the Bucintoro near the Riva di Sant'Elena,1766-1770

The Gondola on the Lagoon,1765-1770

The Lagoon Looking toward Murano from the Fondamenta Nuove,1765-1770

The Three Arched Bridge at Cannaregio,1765-1770

The Torre del Orologio,1765-1770

The Torre del Orologio,1765-1770

View of Piazzetta San Marco towards the San Giorgio Maggiore,1770

The Basin of Saint Mark's Square, with San Giorgio and the Giudecca, c.1774 (oil on canvas),1770-1774

Landscape with a Fisherman's,1770-1775

The Feast of the Ascension,1775

Venice: San Giorgio Maggiore,1775

Venice: The Dogana with the Giudecca,1775

View of the Island of San Giorgio Maggiore,1765-1775

An Architectural Caprice,1777

Doge Alvise IV Mocenigo Appears to the People in St. Mark's Basilica,1775-1777

Piazza San Marco,1777

City View,1775-1780


San Giorgio Maggiore,1775-1780

The Grand Canal with San Simeone Piccolo and Santa Lucia,1780

The Grand Canal with Santa Lucia and the Scalzi,1780

The Molo from the Bacino,1775-1780

Venetian Capriccio,1775-1780

Venice, Il Rio dei Mendicanti,1780

View of the Molo towards the Santa Maria della Salute,1775-1780

Ladies Concert at the Philharmonic Hall,1782

Pope Pius VI Blessing the People on Campo Santi Giovanni e Paolo,1782

The Punta di Dogana,1782

View of the Campo San Zanipolo in Venice,1782

Hot Air Balloon Rising,1784

Outward Voyage of the Bucintoro to San Nicol del Lido,1785-1788

Fire in the Oil Depot at San Marcuola,1789

The Fire at San Marcuola,1789

Bridge at Dolo

Church of Santa-Maria Zobenigo

San Giorgio Maggiore

Venice, a View of the Piazzetta Looking South with the Palazzo Ducale

Venice: A View of the Church of San Giorgio Maggiore Seen from the Giudecca

Venice: A View of the Entrance to the Grand Canal

View of the Island of San Giorgio in Alga, Venice

View of the Island of San Michele near Murano, Venice

Deer hunting



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18世纪意大利画家卡纳莱托(Canaletto,1697-1768年)和弗朗西斯科·瓜尔迪(Francesco Guardi,1712-1793年)威尼斯风景画
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