


Italy has traditionally been a source of inspiration for internationally renowned directors who opted for il "Bel Paese" as a natural setting for their movies. Today we will take you on a journey to discover the most fascinating locations of some famous movies.


We begin our journey from one of the most legendary movies: Roman Holidays (1953). A bored princess escapes her guardians and falls in love with an American journalist in Rome. Their story became the symbolic romantic comedy of the whole world. The vespa ride by Audrey Hepburn and Gregory Peck in Roman Holidays by director William Wyler is an iconic image. Curiosity: the American journalist's apartment is in Via Margutta, one of the most renowned streets in Rome, well known for art galleries and antique shops. Federico Fellini used to live in Via Margutta.

我们从最具传奇色彩的旅程开始我们的行程:罗马假日(1953年)。一个无聊的公主逃脱了她的监护人,并爱上了一位在罗马的美国记者。他们的故事成为全世界浪漫喜剧的象征。由威廉·怀勒导演、奥黛丽·赫本和格雷戈里·佩克主演的罗马假日中的摩托车是一个标志性形象。趣闻:美国记者的公寓位于Via Margutta,是罗马最着名的街道之一,以艺术画廊和古董店而闻名。著名导演费德里科·费里尼也曾经居住在Via Margutta

Rome has always been, over the years, the favorite set for many filmmakers: an open-air stage which offered and still offers unforgettable views transposed into movies.


Angels and Demons (2009) by Ron Howard is also set in Rome, in different and suggestive locations, rich in symbolism, where Gian Lorenzo Bernini's works are always present. Tom Hanks, the protagonist, wanders between Piazza San Pietro, the Church of Santa Maria del Popolo, the Church of Santa Maria della Vittoria, the Fountain of the Four Rivers and Castel Sant’Angelo.

罗恩·哈沃德导演的“天使与魔鬼”(Angels and Demons2009)就拍摄于罗马,取景于不同的经典,富有象征意义,贝里尼的作品始终出现在电影里。主角汤姆汉克斯在圣彼得广场、圣玛丽亚德尔波波洛教堂、圣玛丽亚德拉维多利亚教堂、四河喷泉、圣天使城堡之间徘徊。

Rome kept seducing directors over time with its charm. In recent years, Rome returned to be the protagonist of Liz' journey, the protagonist of Eat Pray Love (2010).


In Rome, Liz is a career woman who, tired of her routine, will learn to enjoy the pleasures of life. Her journey of rediscovery has the center of Rome, between Piazza Navona and Campo de’ Fiori, Piazza di Spagna and Villa Borghese in the background.


The setting of Eat Pray Love then moves to Naples, where the protagonist is the historic city of Naples which fascinates for its liveliness, its millenary history, its churches, its architecture and its decumans.


Below one of the most famous scenes from the movie, when Elizabeth stops off "da Michele", one of the most famous pizzerias in Naples, to savor an authentic pizza!

其中最著名的场景是伊丽莎白在那不勒斯最有名的比萨饼店之一“Da Michele”,品尝意大利美食。

To Rome with love (2012), directed by Woody Allen, continues to celebrate the beauty of Rome. The film has Roma's most famous and most beautiful places in the background: Piazza Venezia, Piazza del Popolo and Piazza Navona. The Vittoriano, one of the symbols of Rome, and Via Veneto could not be missed. 

最近的一部电影是《爱在罗马2012),由伍迪·艾伦执导,继续凸显了罗马的美丽和它的静电。这部电影的背景是首都最著名和最美丽的地方:威尼斯广场、人民广场和纳沃纳广场。 Vittoriano是罗马的象征之一,威尼托大街也不容错过。

In the province of Naples, precisely the island of Capri, it is set It Started in Naples (1960). A romantic and exotic comedy starring Clark Gable and Sofia Loren, still the undisputed star of the world scene. It Started in Naples is a great film for many, many reasons. Above all the location as it shows the beautiful island of Capri. One of the film highlights contained a tongue-in-cheek musical number by Loren called "Tu vuò fà l'americano" (You Want To Be Americano).


Moving towards Liguria, Portofino was the set of Come September (1961) with a very young and stately Gina Lollobrigida and a fascinating Rock Hudson. The romantic comedy, directed by Robert Mulligan, revolves around the lives of a wealthy and handsome businessman Robert Taylor and his Italian full of life mistress, Lisa. 

Curiosity: the film was shot at a marvelous villa known as Villa delle palme in Santa Margherita Ligure, today a very luxurious hotel.

继续往利古里亚走,波托菲诺是电影《9月情人》(1961年)的拍摄地,主演是非常年轻美丽的吉娜·罗洛布里吉达和英俊迷人的罗克·赫德森。罗伯特·穆利根执导的这部浪漫喜剧围绕着富有而英俊的商人罗伯特·泰勒和他意大利情妇丽莎的生活。趣闻:这部电影是在Santa Margherita Ligure的一个名为Villa delle palme的别墅拍摄的,如今那里成为了一家非常豪华的酒店。

Tuscany has always enchanted filmmakers from all over the world thanks to its breathtaking landscapes and rich art. The landscape of San Quirico d’Orcia in the province of Siena was the set for The Gladiator (2000), a colossal film by Ridley Scott with Russel Crowe. Maximus is a powerful Roman general, loved by the people and the aging Emperor, Marcus Aurelius, who rails against the corruption in which the empire lies.

由于其令人叹为观止的风景和丰富的艺术宝藏,托斯卡纳一直深受世界各地的电影制作人的青睐。锡耶纳省San Quirico d'Orcia的景观是《角斗士》2000)的拍摄地,这是一部由雷德利·斯科特和罗素·克劳合作拍摄的巨作。马克西姆斯是一位强大的罗马将军,深受人民和年迈的皇帝马库斯·奥里利乌斯的喜爱,他反对帝国腐败的现状。

Last but not least, Venice is also much loved by directors all over the world.


The Tourist (2010) ranges from thriller to sentimental and finds its added value in the fabulous venetian locations that are the backdrop to the events of Elisa and Frank, a story of love, passion and intrigue. Among a large number of framed places we find the Santa Lucia Station, the Grand Canal, Piazza San Marco, the historic Hotel Danieli and Fontego dei Turchi Palace, a beautiful building overlooking The Grand Canal.


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