



Juhi Chawla: So Sadhguruji then what is it? Okay, so for all of us, how do we live our days? What is the best way to just go about it? Give us in clear simple, simple sentences do this and you will be at least to being blissful or happy or aware or...

Juhi Chawla:那么,萨古鲁,是什么......对我们所有人来说,要如何过日子呢?最好的活法是什么?用最简单的话跟我们说,这样做,你至少会在通往幸福、快乐或觉知的路上,或者以一种美好、有觉知的方式生活......

Sadhguru: If you just observe, if everybody makes an little effort, everybody take a little time for this (Referring to Oneself) piece of life, okay? Not for your family, not for your career, not for something else, something else just for this piece of life, give it little time. Because this is the most important piece of life in your life,isn’t it? Yes or no?


Juhi Chawla: Yes. 

Juhi Chawla:是。

Sadhguru: Even if you’re in love with somebody (Laughs), still this is the most important piece of life, isn’t it? So pay some attention to this,how does it happen? Why have you taken it for granted? you’re not going to be here for an… ever. I’ll bless you with a long life but you’re going to fall dead one day (Laughter). Yes or no?


Juhi Chawla: Yes. 

Juhi Chawla:是的。

Sadhguru: So do not take this for granted. If you wake up in the morning, tomorrow if you wake up in the morning (Laughter) No, this is not my wish, but I want you to know — of all the people who go to bed tonight, over a million people will not wake up tomorrow morning and tomorrow if you and me wake up tomorrow morning, is it not a fantastic thing? A million people did not wake up. You woke up, is it not a great thing? Just look at the ceiling and smile, you are still awake (Laughter & Applause), you’re still there. And for many, many millions of people somebody who is dear to them did not wake up. So just check those five, six people around you, WOW! It’s a fantastic day (Laughter)!You woke up and everybody who matters to you around you woke up. Is it not a fantastic day?  You don’t think so? 

Sadhguru(萨古鲁):所以,不要把它看成理所当然的。如果你早上醒来,明天早上,如果你醒来了。不,我不希望这个发生,但是,我想要你们知道,今晚所有睡觉的人中,会有超过一百万人明天早上不会醒来。所以明天,如果你与我都醒来了,这难道不是件棒极了的事吗?有一百万个人没有醒来,你醒来了,这难道不是很棒吗?你就应该看着天花板微笑,你还醒着,你还在。对于好几百万人来说,他们挚爱的某个人没醒过来。所以,就看一下你身边的5-6个人,他们都醒过来了,哇!真是棒极了的一天!你醒过来了,你身边重要的每个人都醒过来了,这不是很棒的一天吗? 你不这样认为吗?

Juhi Chawla: Yes, yes. 

Juhi Chawla:是的,是的。

Sadhguru: You don’t seem to think so because the problem is just this - you are living with an idea that you are immortal. you’re not actually thinking you’re immortal but you’re not conscious of your morali… mortality. If you’re not conscious of your mortality, somewhere you think you’re immortal,isn’t it? How many moments in a day are you conscious that you’re mortal? If you were conscious, would you have time to creep? Would you have time to fight with somebody? Would you have time to do some rubbish with your life? 


If you knew… if you’re conscious that you are mortal, you would do nothing other than what is absolutely needed for you and everybody around you. This one thing if you do, if you just remind yourself, you...don’think this is a negative thing death is not a negative thing; it’s the only thing which has added value to your life. If you’re here forever you would be unbearable (Laughter).


Juhi Chawla: Yeah (Laughs), yes, yes. 

Juhi Chawla:是的,是的,是的。

Sadhguru: Isn’t it? Aren’t we glad everybody dies one day (Laughs)? If you just become conscious of this one thing, you’re conscious that “I’m mortal,” you don’t have to think “I will die today.” We don’t intend, we want to live as far as possible, just you know “One day I will die.”If you’re just conscious of this one thing, you will naturally become spiritual. Every day, every moment if you remind yourself,“this is a brief life.I am mortal, one day I will end.”Just do this for two days and see, you will become something truly fantastic within yourself. Just this is all.


Juhi Chawla: That is simply beautiful.

Juhi Chawla:这简直太美妙了。

Sadhguru: That’s all that’s needed. If you want to know the value of life, just know that it's a brief happening. 




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