


译读原著01-02:Tom Swift And His Motor-Boat


(Or The Rivals of Lake Carlopa)






第二章 竞标

"Attention, people!" cried the auctioneer. "Give me your attention for a few minutes, and we will proceed with the business in hand. As you all know, I am about to dispose of a fine motor- boat, the property of Mr. Bently Hastings. The reason for disposing of it at auction is known to most of you, but for the benefit of those who do not, I will briefly state them. The boat was stolen by a gang of thieves and recovered recently through the efforts of a young man, Thomas Swift, son of Barton Swift,our fellow-townsman, of Shopton." At that moment the auctioneer, Jacob Wood, caught sight of Tom in the press, and, looking directly at the lad,continued:

“注意,各位!” 拍卖师大声说。 “请您花几分钟的时间关注我,我们将开始本场竞拍。众所周知,今天的拍品是一艘优质摩托艇,这是本特利·黑斯廷斯的财产。 你们大多数人都知道这件拍卖品,但是为了那些尚不知情者的利益,我再简要说明一下。这艘船被一伙小偷偷走了,最近在年轻的托马斯·斯威夫特努力下,船回来了, 是这位年轻人是我们邵普屯的乡亲,巴顿·斯威夫特的儿子。” 那时,拍卖师雅各布·伍德在拍卖台上看到了汤姆,直视着小伙子,接着说:

"I understand that young Mr. Swift is here to-day, and I hope he intends to bid on this boat. If he does, the bidding will be lively, for Tom Swift is a lively young man. I wish I could say that some of the men who stole the boat were here to-day."

“我看到,年轻的斯威夫特先生今天也在现场,我希望他竞标这艘船。如果这样的话,竞标将会很有趣,因为汤姆是个活力四射的帅哥。但是,我也提醒大家, 今天有几个偷船贼也混在人群中。”

The auctioneer paused and there were some murmurs from those in the throng as to why such a wish should be uttered. Tom felt some one moving near him, and, looking around, he saw the same man with whom he had come in contact before. The person seemed desirous of getting out on the edge of the crowd, and Tom felt a return of his vague suspicions.He looked closely at the fellow, but could trace no resemblance to any of the men who had so daringly stolen his father's model.

拍卖师停顿了一下,人群中有人低声抱怨,为什么要表达这样的愿望呢。 汤姆感觉到有人在他附近移动,环顾四周,他看到了与他接触过的那个人。 这个人似乎渴望走向人群的边缘,汤姆疑惑重重。他严密地关注着那个家伙,但他与任何偷走父亲模型的贼都没有相似之处。

"The reason I wish they were here to-day," went on Mr. Wood, "is that the men did some slight damage to the boat, and if they were here to-day we would make them pay for it. However, the damage is slight and can easily be repaired. I mention that, as Mr. Hastings desired me to. Now we will proceed with the bidding, and I will say that an opportunity will first be given all to examine the boat. Perhaps Tom Swift will give us his opinion on the state it is in as we know he is well qualified to talk about

machinery." All eyes were turned on Tom, for many knew him.

伍德说:“我希望他们今天在这里的原因是,这些人对船造成了些许损坏,如果他们今天在这里,我们会让他们赔偿。说明一下啊, 损坏很轻微,很容易修复。我提到这一点,也是哈斯廷斯先生所希望的。现在,我们将开拍,我想说的是,我们首先让所有人有机会查看一下这艘船。 也许可以听听汤姆的意见,我们知道他有资格谈论机械。” 大家的目光集中到汤姆身上,因为许多人都认识他。

"Humph! I guess I know as much about boats and motors as he does,"sneered Andy Foger. 'He isn't the only one in this crowd! Why didn't the auctioneer ask me?"

"Keep quiet," begged Sam Snedecker. "People are laughing at you,Andy."

"I don't care if they are," muttered the sandy haired youth. "Tom Swift needn't think he's everything."

“哼!我对游艇和摩托艇的了解和他一样好,”安迪·佛格冷笑着。 ``他不是这个人群中,唯一的专家! 拍卖师为什么不问我?”

“保持安静,”山姆·斯内德克恳求大家。 “人们在嘲笑你,安迪。”

“我不在乎他们怎样。”脏头发的青年喃喃地说。 “汤姆·斯威夫特傻逼,认为自己能的不行。”

"If you will come down to the dock," went on the auctioneer, "you can all see the boat, and I would be glad to have young Mr. Swift give us the benefit of his advice."

The throng trooped down to the lake, and, blushing somewhat, Tom told what was the matter with the motor and how it could be fixed. It was noticed that there was less enthusiasm over the matter than there had been,for certainly the engine, rusty and out of order as it was, did not present an attractive sight. Tom noted that the man, who had acted so strangely, did not come down to the dock.

拍卖师对大家说:“如果你下到码头那里,大家都可以看到船,我很高兴有年轻的斯威夫特给我们说说他的建议。”人群涌向湖边,汤姆脸有点红,他告诉大家发动机机出了什么问题以及如何解决。明眼人会注意到,人们对此事的热情不如稍前,因为他们看到发动机锈得厉害,散架了,这艘船并没有那么吸引人。 汤姆注意到,那个举止奇怪的人,并没有来码头。

"Guess he can't be much interested in the motor," decided Tom."Now then, if it's all the same to you folks, I'll proceed with the auction here," went on Mr. Wood. "You can all see the boat from here.


It is, as you see, a regular family launch and will carry twelve persons comfortably. With a canopy fitted to it a person could cruise all about the lake and stay out over night, for you could sleep on the seat cushions. It is twenty-one feet in length and has a five-and-a-half-foot beam, the design being what is known as a compromise stern. The motor is a double- cylinder two-cycle one, of ten horsepower. It has a float-feed

carburetor, mechanical oiler, and the ignition system is the jump- spark--the best for this style of motor. The boat will make ten miles an hour,with twelve in, and, of course, more than that with a lighter load. A good deal will depend on the way the motor is managed.

如您所见,这艘船适合家庭使用,将舒适地运载12个人没问题。 如果加上合适的顶篷,可以在湖上巡游并过夜,夜里睡在座垫上。 船的长度为21英尺,横梁为五英尺半,这种设计被称为折衷船尾。 电动机为双缸二冲程发动机,功率为十马力。 它有浮进式化油器,机械注油器和跳火花点火系统,是这类电机的最佳选择。 这艘船每小时可以行驶10英里,轻载时还要多,可达到12英里。不过 保持良好状态,很大程度上取决于电机使用。

"Now, as you know, Mr. Hastings wishes to dispose of the boat partly because he does not wish to repair it and partly because he has a newer and larger one. The craft, which is named CARLOPA by the way, cost originally nine hundred dollars. It could not be purchased new to day, in many places, for a thousand. Now what am I offered in its present condition? Will any one make an offer? Will you give me five hundred



The auctioneer paused and looked critically at the throng. Several persons smiled. Tom looked worried. He had no idea that the price would start so high.

"Well, perhaps that is a bit stiff," went on Mr. Wood. "Shall we say four hundred dollars? Come now, I'm sure it's worth four hundred.Who'll start it at four hundred?"

拍卖师停了一下,仔细看了看人群。 好多人笑了。 汤姆有点担心。 他没想到,起拍价会这么高。

伍德说:“好吧,也许有点不好接受。” “我要说四百美元呢?现在,我确定它值四百美元。有人想从400美元开始吗?”

No one would, and the auctioneer descended to three hundred, then to two and finally, as if impatient, he called out:

"Well, will any one start at fifty dollars?"

Instantly there were several cries of "I will!" "I thought you would,"went on the auctioneer. "Now we will get down to work. I'm offered fifty dollars for this twenty-one foot, ten horsepower family launch. Will any one make it sixty?"


立刻有几声“我愿意!”的欢呼。 拍卖师说:“我想你会的。” “现在我们要开始拍卖。我为这艘21英尺、10马力的摩托艇,确定起拍价50美元。有人出60美元吗?”

"Sixty!" called out Andy Foger in a shrill voice. Several turned to look at him.

"I didn't know he was going to bid," thought Tom. "He may go above me. He's got plenty of money, and, while I have too, I'm not going to pay too much for a damaged boat."

"Sixty I'm bid, sixty---sixty!" cried Mr. Wood in a sing-song tone,"who'll make it seventy?"


“我不知道他要出价。”汤姆想。 “他可能会超越我。他有很多钱,而且,即便我也有钱,我也不会为一艘损坏的船付出太多。”

“现在六十,60-60!” 伍德有节奏的喊道:“谁可以出到70刀?”

"Sixty-five!" spoke a quiet voice at Tom's elbow, and he turned to see the mysterious man who had joined the crowd at the edge of the lake.

"Sixty-five from the gentleman in the white straw hat!" called Mr.Wood with a smile at his wit, for there were many men wearing white straw hats, the day being a warm one in June.

"Here, who's bidding above me?" exclaimed Andy, as if it was against the law.

“六十五!” 有人轻触汤姆的肘部,低声说。他转身,看到那个神秘的男人,他不知何时已经混入了湖边的人群。

“戴白草帽的绅士有65人!” 叫伍德先生笑着说,因为有很多男人戴着白色草帽,6月天已经有点热了。

“谁出价高于我了?” 安迪惊呼道,好像有人违法似得。

"I guess you'll find a number going ahead of you, my young friend,"remarked the auctioneer. "Will you have the goodness not to interrupt me, except when you want to bid?"

"Well, I offered sixty," said the squint-eyed bully, while his crony, Sam Snedecker, was vainly, pulling at his sleeve.

"I know you did, and this gentleman went above you. If you want to bid more you can do so. I'm offered sixty-five, sixty-five I'm offered for this boat. Will any one make it seventy-five?"




Mr. Wood looked at Tom, and our hero, thinking it was time for him to make a bid, offered seventy. "Seventy from Tom Swift!" cried the auctioneer. "There is a lad who knows a motor-boat from stem to stern,if those are the right words. I don't know much about boats except what I'm told, but Tom Swift does. Now, if he bids, you people ought to know that it's all right. I'm bid seventy--- seventy I'm bid. Will any one make

it eighty?"

伍德注视着我们的英雄汤姆,觉得确实应该是他竞标的时候了,出价70刀。 “70刀,汤姆·斯威夫特!” 拍卖师大喊。 “这个小伙子,可以毫不夸张的说,他对摩托艇知道的一清二楚。除了我刚才瞎扯的那些,其实我对船的了解不多,但是汤姆·斯威夫特就不同了。现在汤姆出价,大家应该知道这船没问题了。现在是70刀 ---70刀第二次,有没有人出80?

"Eighty!" exclaimed Andy Foger after a whispered conference with Sam. "I know as much about boats as Tom Swift. I'll make it eighty."

"No side remarks. I'll do most of the talking. You just bid, young man," remarked Mr. Wood. "I have eighty bid for this boat-- -eighty dollars. Why, my friends, I can't understand this. I ought to have it up to three hundred dollars, at least. But I thank you all the same. We are coming on. I'm bid eighty---"

“80!” 在与萨姆悄悄商量后,安迪出价了。 “我和汤姆·斯威夫特一样了解船。我出价80刀。”

伍德打断他:“年轻人,不需要解释,你只是出价就好,话让我来说。” “这条船现在的出价是80刀,80刀第二次。我的朋友们,为什么啊,我真是搞不懂。我至少应该把拍卖价涨到300刀。但是,我还是要谢谢你们。我们是继续吧,现在是80刀---“

"Ninety!" exclaimed the quiet man at Tom's elbow. He was continually fingering his upper lip, as though he had a mustache there, but his face was clean-shaven. He looked around nervously as he spoke.

"Ninety!" called out the auctioneer.

“90刀!” 紧挨汤姆肘部的那位安静的人喊价了。他不断地摸着他的上唇,好像在那儿留着胡须,但是他的脸剃的很干净。 他说话时紧张地环顾四周。

“90刀!” 拍卖师大声说。

"Ninety-five!" returned Tom. Andy Foger scowled at him, but the young inventor only smiled. It was evident that the bully did not relish being bid against. He and his crony whispered together again.

"One hundred!" called Andy, as if no one would dare go above that.

“95!” 汤姆出价。看到 安迪·佛格在怒视他,年轻的发明家只是笑了笑。 显然,恶霸并不喜欢被不断抬价。 他和他的同伙再次耳语。


"I'm offered an even hundred," resumed Mr. Wood. "We are certainly coming on. A hundred I am bid, a hundred---a hundred--- a hundred---"

"And five," said the strange man hastily, and he seemed to choke as he uttered the words.

伍德继续说:“我得到的价格是100!” “我们再继续拍。现在价格100刀,100刀两次-100刀三次-”


"Oh, come now; we ought to have at least ten-dollar bids from now on," suggested Mr. Wood. "Won't you make it a hundred and ten?" The auctioneer looked directly at the man, who seemed to shrink back into the crowd. He shook his head, cast a sort of despairing look at the boat and hurried away.

伍德建议说:“哦,继续,但是从现在开始,我们每次出价至少要加10刀。你能不能出到110刀?” 拍卖师直接看着那个男人,他似乎缩回了人群中。 他摇了摇头,有些失望的看了几眼那条船,匆匆走了。

"That's queer," murmured Tom. "I guess that was his limit, yet if he wanted the boat badly that wasn't a high price."

"Who's going ahead of me?" demanded Andy in loud tones.

"Keep quiet!" urged Sam. "We may get it yet."

“很奇怪。”汤姆喃喃道。 “我想那是他的极限,但是,如果他非常想买那条船,那不是一个高价。”

“谁出了更高的价?” 安迪大声问道。

“保持安静!” 打断萨姆的话。 “我们可能会得到它。”

"Yes, don't make so many remarks," counseled the auctioneer. "I'm bid a hundred and five. Will any one make it a hundred and twentyfive?"

Tom wondered why the man bad not remained to see if his bid was accepted, for no one raised it at once, but he hurried off and did not look back. Tom took a sudden resolve.

"A hundred and twenty-five!" he called out.

“是的,不要这么说。”拍卖师建议。 “现在出价105刀。有人出价125刀吗?”

汤姆想知道,为什么那个奇怪的男人不愿意看看他的出价是否被接受,因为没有人立刻提出加价,但是他着急走了,没有回头。 汤姆突然下定决心。

“125刀!” 他喊了出来。

"That's what I like to hear," exclaimed Mr. Wood. "Now we are doing business. A hundred and twenty-five from Tom Swift. Will any one offer me fifty?"

Andy and Sam seemed to be having some dispute.

"Let's make him quit right now," suggested Andy in a hoarse whisper.

"You can't," declared Sam'

"Yes, I can. I'll go up to my limit right now."

伍德喊道:“这就是我想听到的。” “现在才像做生意的样子。汤姆·斯威夫特出价125刀。会有人多出50刀吗?”





"And some one will go above you---maybe Tom will," was Sam's retort.

"I don't believe he can afford to," Andy came back with. "I'm going to call his bluffs. I believe he's only bidding to make others think he wants it. I don't believe he'll buy it."

Tom heard what was said, but did not reply. The auctioneer was calling monotonously: "I'm bid a hundred and twenty-five---twenty- five.Will any one make it fifty?"


“我不相信他负担不起。”安迪怼了回去。 “我认为他是虚张声势。我相信,他只是想让别人认为他想要那条船。我不相信他会真的买。”

汤姆听到了回话,但没有回答。 拍卖师单调地喊着:“现在出价125刀,125。刀。请问有人再加50刀吗?”

"A hundred and fifty!" sang out Andy, and all eyes were directed toward him.

"Sixty!" said Tom quietly.

"Here, you---" began the red-haired lad. You---"

"That will do!" exclaimed the auctioneer sternly. "I am offered a hundred and sixty. Now who will give me an advance? I want to get the boat up to two hundred, and then the real bidding will begin."

“150刀!” 安迪高声说,所有的目光都转向了他。

“160刀!” 汤姆静静地说。

红头发的安迪开始不知所措:“你,你- 你 - -”

“做得好!” 拍卖师严厉地叫喊。 “现在是160刀。现在谁愿意给我预付款吗?我想把价格涨到200刀,然后才是开始真正的投标。”

Tom's heart sank. He hoped it would be some time before a two hundred dollar offer would be heard. As for Andy Foger, he was almost speechless with rage. He shook off the restraining arm of Sam, and,worming his way to the front of the throng, xclaimed:

"I'll give a hundred and seventy-five dollars for that boat!"

"Good!" cried the auctioneer. "That's the way to talk. I'm offered a hundred and seventy-five."

汤姆的心沉了下去。 他希望能在一段时间后,听到200刀的报价。 至于安迪·佛格,他几乎发疯了。 他甩开萨姆的胳膊,蠕动着挤到人群的前面,喊道:


“好!” 拍卖师大声惊呼。 “就该这么出价。现在的价格是175刀!。”

"Eighty," said Tom quietly, though his heart was beating fast.

"Well, of all---" began Andy, but Sam Snedecker dragged him back.

"You haven't got any more money, " said the bully's crony. "Better stop now."

"I will not! I'm going home for more," declared Andy. "I must have that boat."

"It will be sold when you get back," said Sam.



“你没有钱了,”恶霸的同伙提醒他。 “现在停下来。”

“我不会!我要回家取钱,”安迪宣称。 “我必须买那条船。”


"Haven't you got any money you can lend me?" inquired the squinteyed one, scowling in Tom's direction.

"No, not a bit. There, some one raised Tom's bid."

At that moment a man in the crowd offered a hundred and eighty-one dollars.

"Small amounts thankfully received," said Mr. Wood with a laugh.

“你没有钱,可以借我点吗?” 斜眼的那个问,朝汤姆的方向皱了皱眉头。




Then the bidding became lively, a number making one-dollar advances.The price got up to one hundred and ninety-five dollars and there it hung for several minutes, despite the eloquence of Mr. Wood, who tried by all his persuasive powers to get a substantial advance. But every one seemed afraid to bid. As for the young inventor, he was in a quandary.

随后,出价变得活跃起来,连续几轮出价1美元。很快价格上涨到195刀,挂了几分钟,尽管伍德先生口才很高,他用尽全力尝试鼓动大家继续出价,想 取得点新突破。 但是每个人似乎都不敢出价了。 至于我们年轻的发明家,他也陷入了困境。

He could only offer five dollars more, and, if he bid it in a lump, some one might go to two hundred and five, and he would not get the boat. He wished he had secured permission from his father to go higher, yet he knew that as a fair proposition two hundred dollars was about all the motor- boat in its present condition was worth, at least to him. Then he made a sudden resolve. He thought he might as well have the suspense over.

他口袋里仅有五美元价码了,如果一口价报出,有人可能会涨到205刀,他就会与这艘船失之交臂。他希望得到父亲的许可,可以继续加价,但是他知道,作为一个合理价格,摩托艇在目前状态下,也就值200刀。 然后,他突然下定决心, 他认为自己也应该孤注一掷了。

"Two hundred dollars!" he called boldly.

"I'm offered two hundred!" repeated Mr. Wood. "That is something like it. Now who will raise that?"There was a moment of silence. Then the auctioneer swung into an enthusiastic description of the boat. He begged for an advance, but none was made, though Tom's heart seemed in his throat, so afraid was he that he would not get the CARLOPA.

“200刀!” 他大胆地喊出来。

“现在报价200刀!” 伍德重复着。 “就是这样。现在还有谁报价?”有片刻的沉默。 然后,拍卖师对小船再次进行热情描述。他恳求继续出价,但没有人那样做。汤姆的心悬在喉咙里,他如此害怕,他怕得不到卡洛帕。

"Two hundred---two hundred!" droned on Mr. Wood. "I am offered two hundred. Will any of you go any higher?" He paused a moment, and Tom's heart beat harder than ever. "If not," resumed the speaker, "I will declare the bidding closed. Are you all done? Once---twice---three times.

“200,200!” 有人开车驶向伍德。 “我出200刀。你们中的任何一个比这更高吗?” 他停了一会儿,汤姆的心跳比以往任何时候都更剧烈。那人说:“如果没有,我将宣布竞标结束。你们都准备好了吗?一次-两次-三次。”

"Two hundred dollars. Going---going-- -gone!" He clapped his hands.

"The boat is sold to Thomas Swift for two hundred dollars. If he'll step up I'll take his money."There was a laugh as Tom, blushingly, advanced. He passed Andy Foger, who had worked his way over near him.

“200刀, 去-去-成了!”他拍着手。

“这条船以两百美元的价格卖给了托马斯·斯威夫特。如果他加紧,我会与他成交。”汤姆脸有些发烫,他笑着向前走。 经过安迪·佛格的时候,后者正在不远处努力着。

"You got the boat," sneered the bully, "and I s'pose you think you got ahead of me."

"Keep quiet!" begged Sam.

"I won't!" exclaimed Andy. "He outbid me just out of spite, and I'll get even with him. You see if I don't!"


“保持安静!” 萨姆恳求。

“我不会!” 安迪咋咋呼呼, “他出于恶意而击败了我,我会和他相处得很好。 走着瞧吧!””

Tom looked Andy Foger straight in the eyes, but did not answer, and the red-haired youth turned aside, followed by his crony, and started toward his automobile.

"I congratulate you on your bargain," said Mr. Wood as Tom proceeded to make out a check. He gave little thought to the threat Andy Foger had made, but the time was coming when he was to remember it well.


当汤姆递过来一张支票,伍德对他说:“祝贺成交!”。 他几乎没有考虑过安迪·佛格所做的威胁,但是到了那个节点,他就会牢记了。

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